#653125 (376)
<Royall> Hey everyone, did you know it's illegal to destroy coins or bills?
<Royall> Those are the govenment's, they are just lending it to you.
<Monstro> Which means they can take it back at any moment!
<Royall> Yea
<Royall> It's called tax.
#653227 (419)
Kristopolous: I don't think we should have thermometers, speedometers, or odometers.
Kristopolous: This is America damn it!
Kristopolous: Thermofeet, speedofeet, and odofeet for me, thank you very much!
#653295 (809)
<lostmx89> ok i like this torrent thing but when you turn off your computer how do you make sure it is still downlowding
#653631 (546)
<vintendo> yesterday we had to pull the plug on my grandma, i needed the outlet for my laptop.
#653759 (637)
<Ian-W> lesbian porn
<Ian-W> actually lesbian/gay porn
<Ian-W> because its like two girls that are guys
<CK-[away]> what would you call 2 hermaphrodites
<Ian-W> tetris
#653828 (2018)
<reva> so I was babysitting my cousin's kid the other day.  who's like, 15 months old.
<reva> he was trying to get up on the computer chair, so i put him up there.
<reva> he just starts randomly banging on the keyboard randomly
<reva> and the first thing that pops up says "Are you sure you want to delete Internet Explorer?"
<reva> I hit "no" (because it's my parents computer).
<reva> so he starts hitting more keys...
<reva> the next thing that comes up: "Are you sure you want to delete Outlook Express?"
<reva> ...I've never had more hope for humanity than that moment.
#653976 (1375)
<Leonn> Apparently the military has been experimenting with lasers that are supposed to fire at the speed of light.
<Glaive> No shit.
#654066 (304)
<Dann> this is so sad...
<Dann> i want to find the "super mario bros movie" on limewire, just for old times' sake... but guess what my first search result is?
<Dann> the 40 year old virgin
#654091 (376)
<Zahava> <3<3happy valentines everybody!!<3<3
<@Silva> Roses are Red
<@Silva> Violets are Blue
<@Silva> i could never love you
<@Silva> because you're 1/16 jew
* Zahava has quit IRC (quit: )
#654170 (2087)
D1v1d3 8y Z3r0: i got owned by my bio TA earlier in the year
D1v1d3 8y Z3r0: she was like "So, what are some possible effects from mutated genes?"
D1v1d3 8y Z3r0: i said "Well, it could cause different coding of proteins, or it could cause you to develop special powers, like retractable claws from your hands"
D1v1d3 8y Z3r0: the TA was like, "Wrong.  Those claws are government implants.  Wolverine's mutant power is his healing ability."
#654194 (433)
<Mr_Owen> I really think I should have been born Asian. Being white sucks, anyway, and I don’t like country music or tailgating or alcohol or owning engineless trucks or never mowing my lawn or not wearing a shirt or screwing fat chicks at all. So I’ve been trying to come up with a word for someone who’s white on the outside, but yellow in the inside.
<mirasaki> Like the opposite of Twinkie?
<Mr_Owen> Yeah. Exactly.
<mirasaki> Well, what’d you come up with?
<Mr_Owen> I don’t know. The only thing I could think of was a toilet… And once I thought about that, damned if I could get it out of my head.
<mirasaki> You’re storing information endlessly! You really are Asian!
#654551 (51)
<Seraph> wow, on gamefaqs, they have this "top 10 games that work on mac"
<Seraph> I didn't even know there were games that would run on macs
<Zack> Well now that macs can boot windows they're not quite as useless
<Seraph> true, but it's just creepy, like a polo player going to nascar
#654603 (1004)
<blazemore> my brother is in a quake3 clan
<blazemore> and he had a ctf game tonight
<blazemore> we were walking out of tilt
<blazemore> his friend goes "dude hurry up, you're gonna be late for you clan meeting"
<blazemore> and these black guys were walking by
<blazemore> and looked like they were about to kick our asses
#654608 (757)
Charmaine----: I'm a 26 year old single mom ;-)
Kolobos Psychi: Holy crap! a black women IMed me! @_@
Charmaine----: How did you know I was black?
#654674 (1137)
<sh4ve> hehe, i wrote a assembly proggy to convert normal numbers to roman ^^
<GodOfGoats> You are so MCCCXXXVII
#654677 (125)
Begging to Limp: heh
Begging to Limp: so, apparently al gore's last speech on global warming flopped badly
Begging to Limp: he gave a speech last winter in new york city on global warming
Begging to Limp: the result? -1 degree fahrenheit average temperature for the day, the coldest day in new york's history
Begging to Limp: when mother nature disagrees, she proves it
#654788 (288)
<Sid> I'm running a joke so far into the ground it'll become the next major oil supply.
#654797 (552)
<Greenbox> the place i ordered chicken parmesan from forgot the chicken
<Greenbox> so instead of calling and complaining, like a normal person would
<Greenbox> I used asterisk and called them from the number of the department of health
<Greenbox> and told them a random screening of their food had just been conducted, and they failed miserably
<Greenbox> so they were ordered not to serve food until an inspection later today
#654840 (361)
<Kero> I'm so emo i wear square contacts.
#655055 (995)
<Heiler> I feel stupid asking this, but how many pints are in a cup?
<Swinky> it depends on how big the cup is
<Heiler> Thanks, suddenly I don't feel so stupid.
#655064 (1021)
sw0813: you know, the movie ray really was inspiring
sw0813: he was blind, and yet still managed to hit his wife
sw0813: that means either of two things:
sw0813: 1. his wife was stupid or
sw0813: 2. he wasnt really blind
sw0813: i mean seriously, was it like "marco," "polo" WHAM!
#655157 (441)
<Eddo36> sometimes I feel like shit, you know, what sick shit I get off to. but I can't change
<Littlelisa> You know eddo, if you never said anything, people may like you
<Eddo36> if i never said anything, who would know me?
<Littlelisa> thats the point
#655201 (569)
<Beowulf> ever since I switched to wireless I get disconnected whenever I get a phone call
<Beowulf> :(
<squirrel_remote> What's your phone number?
<Beowulf> fuck you
#655302 (1283)
<Orphic> you any good at physics?
<meowcow> when i run into a wall i usually stop
#655324 (746)
<kosh> we have a bug that occurs on the 31st of a month
<kosh> so once a month we get a bug report
<kosh> it gets assigned to a developer within 24 hours
<kosh> who then fiddles for a bit before marking it "unable to reproduce"