#651293 (1370)
<Vanion> where is everybody from in here?
<NemoMac> Indiana
<Vanion> am I the only american?
<NemoMac> Last time I checked, Indiana was in the USA..
<Vanion> wtf?
#651378 (643)
ThPhox: Dude...there's free Cinemax, and there's porn on.
ThPhox: AAAAnd it's anal.
ThPhox: *does the field goal sign*
SNAPEK1LSDMBLDOR: He shoots, wrong goalll!!!!!!
#651404 (417)
<Random> I wanna do a cpu stress test
<Valaris> please to install norton antivirus
<Valaris> aol
<Valaris> and windows
#651411 (239)
<Baloo> Supermarkets should have a newbie lane for the self-checkout.
<Baloo> "If you're a loser who hasn't seen the bag boy scan shit at the checkout before, and you've never bought a soda from a vending machine in your life, use this line."
#651418 (283)
<Hroth> http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=8795795223394289910
<Hroth> bush's family supported the nazi's
<videogameaholic> you know who didn't support the nazi's?  jews.  look what happened to them.
#651467 (564)
* kafiend sets mode: -o kafiend
<kafiend> with beer comes great irresponsibility
#652012 (2410)
<Brenty> You know, I think the media really fucked up when they called it "software piracy"
<Brenty> Everyone WANTS to be a pirate
<Brenty> If they'd called it "software faggotry" everyone would still buy all their shit
#652068 (1196)
<yadrisil> Quit being emo.
<alexsavage> i'm not emo, the glass is half full
<yadrisil> Half full... with tears.
<alexsavage> ;_;
#652212 (693)
<fholmes> My 8 month daughter was given her first taste of Gentoo today.
<fholmes> Literally as she ate my boot cd.
#652221 (689)
<lunchbox> so get this
<lunchbox> i delivered pizza to the Microshaft building today but I couldn't park close to the door because they have all these fancy picnic tables out back for their employees
<lunchbox> so they're standing there watching me carry all these pizzas to them and I finally get to the door and they stiff me. nothing.
<fallingdogs> are you surprised?
<lunchbox> next time they order I'm going to send them a bunch of empty boxes
<lunchbox> and write stop messages inside
<lunchbox> "0x0000000A" ...
#652242 (510)
<Nofrag> It's bullshit, the police won't do a fucking thing. They destroyed one of the transformers now the power's out for twelve blocks
<bawheid> It obviously wasn't one of the better transformers
<bawheid> Optimus Prime, say
#652284 (817)
<CaCtus491> omg
<CaCtus491> I think I have just met the dumbest courier ever
<CaCtus491> I receive parcel
<CaCtus491> Courier hand me a palm/PDA style device for signature
<CaCtus491> Courier hands me a ball point pen to sign with
<CaCtus491> I look at screen and see lots of ink and scratches from previous signatures
<CaCtus491> I smile and say thankyou politely, slowly back away and close the door
<CaCtus491> before breaking into hysterics
#652381 (953)
Chutt: my wife drops an earring down the bathroom sink
Chutt: so i take the sink apart and get it back
Chutt: while i'm hooking everything back up, she helpfully cleans out the bucket i used under the drain
Chutt: of course, i called out "it's in the bucket" after she took it
Chutt: but apparently that didn't register.  so i got to take apart the basement drain
#652425 (1170)
<justie> i did something stupid
<justie> chmod -x chmod
<justie> anyone knows how to fix it?
#652454 (955)
<godgrrl43> killing babies before they're born is murder!
<azlo335> I think abortions should be allowed up until two years after the baby is born
<greggk> the splatter pattern on the wall is more satisfying after they're out anyway
** godgrrl143 has left the room
#652472 (868)
<Jlax> So we were watching this D.A.R.E. video in health
<Jlax> and they did that thing that they always do.
<Jlax> You know, when they're like,
<Jlax> "If you smoke, THIS will happen to YOU!"
<Jlax> And then they show a picture of a black person.
#652619 (615)
<Commander> whoa that's not good
<Commander> the end of my mobile plug (plugged into the USB port on my PC) was sitting in the side of a potplant IN WATER
<Commander> i pulled it out and it said "new usb device found"
<Commander> =/
<Commander> dunno how long it's been sitting there for
<CompHobbyist> new USB device found: potted plant v.001
<CompHobbyist> power usage for this device: -10W
#652626 (429)
<-- djjkotze_home has quit (Quit: setlife -> work())
<lordvetinari> that's not only sad, but syntactically incorrect
#652730 (601)
<heywood_jablomi> A lady came in today with her resume written down on notebook paper by hand and asked me if I could help her "copy and paste it onto the internet."
<my_smelly_funk> lmao
<heywood_jablomi> It was 4:30-ish and I leave at 5, so I told her to hold it up against her monitor for about 45 mins and it would copy itself onto the internet.
#652810 (477)
<Kiell> My system clock is gaining one minute every twelve hours.
<Kiell> As a result, I'm completing tasks slightly quicker than normal.
<Kiell> I don't like it.
#652817 (665)
mysteryparabola3 : at work today, my boss and another guy were talking about their status on the computer
mysteryparabola3 : and my boss say "oh crap, i'm Amber"  and the other guy says "yeah, i used to be Amber"
mysteryparabola3 : and i said "yeah, before the operation"
mysteryparabola3 : he just stared at me
#652858 (341)
<Forcepath> i need advice!
<Forcepath> on second thought: asking for advice in IRC is one of the classic movie blunders...
#652870 (176)
<Gargoyle> seriously, between dance dance whatthefuck, singstar, and now this, what the fuck is actually wrong with asian people?
<Gargoyle> I blame the americans, after all the japanese people are the only ones to have ever been nuked
#653083 (638)
<SSmith> Wow, I was just watching this porno, and the people in it had the same monitor as I used to
#653097 (678)
lprocks: can you link me to a place that i can download roms?
Kow: www.google.com
lprocks: der i tried and it kept taking me to different sites