#3909 (706)
<BombScare> i should go buy a skateboard and go sk00l some kids at the park
<BombScare> since im an expert at all 3 tony hawk games, i should have no problem pulling off those tricks in real life
#3912 (335)
<i4get> life sucks.
<Waldo> yeah, but so do some girls so it kinda evens out
<i4get> X(
<i4get> funny Waldo
#3913 (256)
<ScumDog> Mexicans rock because down in Mexico they're too poor to update any of the arcade games
<ScumDog> so all the players rock at games on 12-year-old hardware
<ScumDog> not surprisingly, there's also a large concentration of Double Dragon champions there
#3917 (104)
* FlipTopBx crosses his fingers
<FlipTopBx> pleeeease snow.  ;-)
<mightyflo> people have stuff to do tomorrow. stuff they've been looking forward to for a long time. snow would be bad.
<FlipTopBx> oh, that party is tomorrow, isn't it.
<FlipTopBx> where's he live?
<mightyflo> the land of kirk
<FlipTopBx> i'll make arrangements for it not to snow in that area then
#3918 (447)
<zetullus> This is just not happening. Im sure I was smarter than this when I went to bed
#3920 (754)
<djLiKu> tell her to give me a blueprint of her vagina
<blazemore> wtf are you gonna do with a blueprint
<blazemore> construct your own vagina?
<djLiKu> yes
<djLiKu> it's like ocean's 11
<djLiKu> i'm gonna plan out first with a demo
#3925 (67)
<gg0dd> ok what do i declare the variable the user inputs an IP adress??
<gg0dd> u know lets say i want him to type
<O_6> what language are you speaking?
<gg0dd> c++
<matts> hahaha
#3926 (506)
<Panty_HaX0r> how old are you?
<phubuh> 13
<Scofco> I wish I was 13 again, then I wouldn't have AIDS
#3927 (367)
<cornbeef> 8? i didnt even know what a vagina was at 8
<Scofco> I didn't learn to masturbate until I was 17... up until then I always thought 'masturbation' was a type of pasta dish they served in fancy restaurants
#3928 (367)
<illfates> the first time I had an orgasm
<illfates> i had my dick buried all the way into a stuffed animal
<illfates> a kangaroo named "Fred"
#3931 (213)
<Panty_HaX0r> I masturbate near constantly, and I have a steady supply of sex
<Scofco> sex-drives that high should be bottled and sold on store shelves
#3932 (1160)
<Detrafilia> One time i was so tired, i had asked 'how are you?' in rpgamer, and then i looked in a diff query, went back to rpgamer, saw the 'how are you?' and i go 'oh fine, just a little sleepy. thanks. You?'
#3934 (453)
<maff> I've got a riot breaking out in my pants
<D1> need some backup?
<D1> I mean...
<D1> ok, that was really gay.
<maff> I don't get down like that d1
<D1> I apologize.
<Guilty> Why dont you just join the cast of Oz and get it over with D1
#3935 (2139)
*** Signoff: Morpheus (Connection reset by peer)
*** Morpheus (vanford@host-209-214-188-107.clt.bellsouth.net) has joined channel #relax
<Morpheus> argh.. that wasn't my speaker cable
#3936 (7264)
<+kritical> christin: you need to learn how to figure out stuff yourself..
<+Christin1> how do i do that
#3937 (795)
<Nall> type /nick newname to fix your name
*** amit is now known as newname
#3938 (553)
<sTek> "ONLY FRIENDS", i hate those two words
<sTek> even worse than "im pregnant"
#3939 (371)
<@Chaz> How the hell it went through a folded-over (two layers) sock is beyond me...
<Nyphur> ... o_0
#3944 (357)
(seiki) &google inflatable+goat
(fnet) Google (inflatable+goat): http://www.vacationbibleschool.com/v_newfeatures.html
#3946 (702)
<@EvilSxxd> it's a sad sad day when a man lets a woman move into his balls
<@Vashie> my nutsack is as safe as fort nox
<@EvilSxxd> checked and handled by 1000s of sweaty soldiers a day?
#3947 (305)
<Digital-^> i love brits , every time i hear someone mention a fag break all i can think of is someone knocking on my door , picking me up , and smoking me
#3969 (140)
<blazemore> these japanese guys walked up to me and my friend and started talking to us
<blazemore> and asking which bands we like
<blazemore> so we started naming some off but they hadn't heard of any of them
<blazemore> then i'm like "uh... guns 'n roses"
<blazemore> and they're all "oh yes, we like them very much!"
<ScumDog> you should've whistled "patience" to them
<ScumDog> as a universal message of love
<ScumDog> it transcends the spoken word
#3970 (65)
<Hostile> Would you eat mung if it tasted like chicken?
<Hostile> Would you eat chicken if it tasted like mung.
<Scofco> ...
<Scofco> what's mung?
<Hostile> It's the stuff inside of a pregnant chick i think.
<Scofco> there's lots of stuff inside pregnant chicks
<Hostile> Yeah, that's mung.
#3972 (131)
*** Now talking in #sandstorm
­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­*** Topic is 'http://media.sub-sonix.net:8008 all sandstorm, all the time... for 60 days until the RIAA starts charging'
#3973 (270)
<Ouroboros> suds: You are drunk, we are sober. Why are you sad?
<suds> i dunno
<suds> maybe cuz all the chicas at the club were so underage it was like walkin into jail
*** suds has some standards
<suds> noone under 18
<suds> now that i'm 22
<Ouroboros> I only have 2 standards.
<Ouroboros> A left one and a right one.