#3857 (268)
<Hiko> "all the people in #bemani are child molesters"
<nitrifik_> I'm not.
<mightyflo> not according to swedish law, anyway
<nitrifik_> exactly.
<nitrifik_> I have never sexed anyone below 15, so I'm all legal.
#3858 (789)
<TURBOMEAT> my car caught fire.
<TURBOMEAT> I tried to flick a cigarette out the window
<TURBOMEAT> and it was only like 1/4 down
<TURBOMEAT> so it bounced off the window and went under the seat
<TURBOMEAT> 2 streets later there was smoke billowing out from under me
<TURBOMEAT> it landed on some paper
<TURBOMEAT> then started to burn the material under the seat
<TURBOMEAT> I wish someone had TOLD me smoking could be hazardous
#3864 (55)
<ScumDog> I think the coathangers might have something to do with all those, ahem, "random" miscarriages
#3868 (1092)
<Wodan> hi wich langage do u spieak?
<moonsee> heh
<moonsee> apparently not yours
#3869 (219)
<Hoosier55> does anyone know where i can get a modchip installed cuz i hate to solder does best buy do it?
#3870 (574)
<thunderka> somebody speak spanish?
<Suriv> i do
<thunderka> you do what?
#3871 (200)
<crapple> i'd fuck a man for a gay.com vhost
#3872 (239)
<poste> no, i know this chick with awesome big boobs...2 actually
<rox-work> 2 awesome big boobs?
<rox-work> i should hope so
<matthardy> like one boob on a chest, is like kinda funky and wrong
<spazzer> nah, poste is confused
<spazzer> the chick has one huge uniboob
<matthardy> spazz: ahaha uniboob
<spazzer> and a unibrow to match
#3873 (473)
<Scofco> I wish I invented Jesus
#3874 (680)
<Hostile> And now that i think of it, the west coast should be all renamed to the wastelands
<Scofco> It should be renamed to the east coast
<Scofco> then we would have 2 east coasts
<Scofco> it would rid gang violence
<Scofco> end the east coast / west coast struggle
<Scofco> with a simple name change
<Hostile> AGREED
#3876 (300)
<Infe> damn, i hate buying a computer part, you always see a better deal the next day
<AlmtyBob> not me
<ryo-ohki> Just steal stuff, and you won't have that problem.
<Infe> but then they buy something newer and better to replace what you stole
<Infe> and you have to steal again!
#3877 (184)
<MadScribe> it's called working for a growing company
<Soopa> work on my growing cock!
* Soopa has a way with words
<toNe> and a way with cocks
<Soopa> yeah that too
#3878 (377)
<nARcOtIC]> any of u know someone witha f ast internet connection?
<[ric]> me, suppa fast... so fast I can't even see the packets go by when I open the modem up
<nARcOtIC]> how fast is it?
<[ric]> so fast I can't even explain it
<nARcOtIC]> right
<[ric]> so fast that by the time I try and upload something it was uploaded 10 minutes earlier
<[ric]> stunningly fast, it is..
#3880 (516)
<drano> i need to go to sleep soon, i was late for school this morning
<Wyatt> being late rules.
<furandfx> periods
<furandfx> the only place being late does not rule
#3883 (67)
<baras> who can help me to find job in holland, maybe in farm? pls
#3885 (220)
<ScumDog> I don't think the act itself is sick, though. They're going to have sex with someone, it might as well be me.
#3887 (233)
<KNG_SNK> ok i was at work today
<KNG_SNK> and two ppl were missing...
<KNG_SNK> and this guy's office was locked
<KNG_SNK> but i knew there was someone in there... VERY quiet too
<KNG_SNK> so me and some buds went over to the next building
<KNG_SNK> to try to peek in
<KNG_SNK> and man... they were goin at it
<KNG_SNK> but we could clearly see humping action
#3888 (291)
<nitrifik_> wtf? that's blazemore? he looks 12!
<P2E> maybe that's why he has so much porn
#3891 (817)
(|Chris) it's the gift that keeps on giving
(Amanda`) Herpes?
#3893 (616)
<elliptic> does any1 else name their member set/get functions with "Please" in the end?
#3894 (168)
<gc> it would take approximatly 40 286's to equals the power of your average 1 GHz desktop
<cabbage> um, where did you pull that crap from?
<gc> do the math
<cabbage> haha
<ian> what math
<_gene> well you know .. THE math ;)
<jwzrd-> gc: are you adding clockspeed here ?
<gc> no its the cache,
#3898 (987)
*** opinion (ED@blahblahblah.bla) has joined #bemani
<opinion> hey guys
*** ScumDog sets mode: +v opinion
#3902 (885)
<+Tre> how do I get girls to have sex with me?
<+sp00n> show them software you have written..woman go wild for that kind of stuff
<+Tre> for real? how should i show them? do I carry my laptop around and show random woman??
#3905 (264)
<Rbrt> i have decided to file for a divorce
<nharris> Rbrt.. wise move
<Rbrt> yepp neil
<closedown> did you just have a kid?
<Rbrt> yes i did
<nharris> my brother's inlaws are DICKS.. except his bro in law..he's cool
<Rbrt> the kid doesnt change the fact that she's a psycho
<closedown> ah
<closedown> my gf's trying to hint at marriage
<closedown> that would surely cut into my irc time
#3908 (871)
*** Jei-Dijitaru has quit IRC (Do we really need warnings that the lead in paint will kill you? Keep in mind that these people have already made a conscious decision to CONSUME PAINT.)