#3794 (679)
<kalani> Today a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed into a slow vibration, that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively, there is no such thing as death life is only a dream and we're the imagination of ourselves...Here's Tom with the weather.
#3800 (348)
<JibberJim> what should happen to your webpages if you drop dead?
<Jumper> is this a trick question ?
#3806 (331)
*** Parts: GiRLiE (~girlie@
* Xta-C sets mode: -stupid
#3807 (531)
[bytraper] they are my family.... I love them like they were my own, I couldn't part with them for less than $20
#3809 (337)
<Scofco> whenever I get a hardon
<Scofco> I pass out
<Scofco> well, I actually faint
<Scofco> because the idea of getting laid shocks me
#3810 (522)
<Scofco> i used to have wet dreams about carmen sandiego
#3812 (196)
ù MrP- slaps AlterAFK around a bit with his slapping thingy
#3817 (334)
<JackDaiLo> i need to learn how to sing chinese angry music
#3828 (938)
<Sylffor> I prefer "blood-engorged mayonaisse cannon" or "yogurt slinger"
<nitrifik_> ok. Sylffor knows too many colorful synonyms for 'dick'.
* Sylffor is a homosexual, remember?
<nitrifik_> you being gay is fine.
<nitrifik_> I draw the line at "blood-engorged mayonaisse cannon".
#3830 (382)
<ScumDog> the mom-look is sexy though
<ScumDog> don't take it wrong
<nitrifik> ScumDog: what weird fetish do you NOT possess dude?
#3831 (75)
<Rairu> I'd rather play mvc2 and smoke chronic than get head
#3833 (157)
<Sylffor> The Legend of Zelda for the NES had replay value with the Second Quest.
<TURBOMEAT> by that logic, every single game with Randomly Generated Dungeons has infinite replay value
<nitrifik_> I don't even think those have one-play value :o
#3834 (569)
<dot> *shrug*
<dot> i know most references
<dot> because i am ... whats that word?
<dot> i know stuff
#3835 (700)
<Rajio> my friend's such a bastard, he wouldn't let me get my quarter's worth with VF4, challenged me just for the sake of beating me :P then he did the same with tekken, but then i wipped paul out and owned his ass :P
<toNe> Rajio: paul? is that like a nickname for it?
#3837 (353)
<Slant> dpkg -i kernel-image-2.4.18_kami.1.0_i386.deb
<Sam|foo> ok
<Slant> ok, reboot.
<Sam|foo> brb
* Slant nods.
<-- Sam|foo has quit (QUIT: User exited)
<FlipTopBox> sucka.  he's doomed, isn't he.
#3838 (609)
<NeonId> general- Internet talk isn't even worth of being called a dialect.  It's a mutilation of language, and we are the people who have to compensate for it's brazen idiocy.
<Potato> I'd even say it bites.
<JDigital> lol kthx
#3840 (668)
[neckarse] well berret tesratr
[neckarse] wtf.. somone swapped my r and t...
#3841 (214)
[17:29:32] [Xta-C    ] COOL!
[17:30:13] [Synoptica] jesus christ i dont remember eating chili
#3842 (237)
<Ash> Op me so hard.
#3846 (408)
<d1cer> omfg
<d1cer> i just shit the bigest shit in the world
<d1cer> :/
<d1cer> it was like a fucking legg
<LivinDead> lol
<LivinDead> how big was it?
<d1cer> umm
<d1cer> k
<d1cer> hold on leme get my ruler
#3848 (207)
<zedebsky> Coughing sucks, but does get you higher :)
<tonic4> zedebsky, coughing opens up parts of your lungs that usually don't get in air, in the case of smoking, smoke, so thats how it gets you higher
<latez> lol
<latez> we've got a medic
#3849 (293)
<DMC[tiky]> the word rocks is funny to me, cause when i was a little kid in fox chapel, my friends brother told him GO SUCK ON A ROCK, so he did, and everyone crowded around him and watched him suck on this rock for like 10 minutes.............
#3851 (295)
<shin_k> rez is great though
<shin_k> just because of how insane it is visually
<shin_k> and w/ a great sound system it will make you CRAP YOUR PANTS
<TURBOMEAT> I don't think I've flat out crapped my pants yet
<TURBOMEAT> but there may have been some subtle fecal leakage, yes
#3852 (1173)
<Hendrix> Its fun to go out in the cold weather and watch smokers pass out becuse they dont know when they're done exhaling
#3855 (358)
<imsoemo> i should sell information on how to join irc on ebay
<CaliburX> Just make it sound complicated and expensive
<CaliburX> Have you ever wanted to talk with other sophisticated beings like yourself for free on your own personal computer? With this 42 step guide your dreams will become a reality and your life will be forever enjoyable.
<CaliburX> Only $99.99 plus shipping and handling