#910226 (551)
<HNS> Sometimes I wish my mind wasn't so quick to racist thoughts. I saw a group of about 7 black people at Taco Bell and my first thought was "KFC is that way."
#911227 (975)
<Computer> this weekend i learned that one of my had-been best friends has become clinically insane
<Computer> talking to her was one of the more disturbing experiences i have had in a long time
<Computer> i went home that night and was too depressed to come outside again
<Mousey> is she single?
#911246 (2059)
<cirrhosis> jesus fucking christ
<dolph72> ?
<cirrhosis> wife just told me she's prego
<dolph72> Dont shoot yourself
<dolph72> Shoot the asshole that did it
#912051 (844)
Jorja: i once saw a building with the '404' number and it was shut down
Jorja: i laughed
#912101 (3299)
x-c0n: Dude I was so drunk last night.. apparently this girl said I drew a line on her forehead with my cum and whispered, "Simba".
#912262 (1013)
Chris: well, I only watched Twilight once, so it doesn't really count.
Mr. Mann: Oh?
Chris: 1st time doesn't count, 2nd means you're curious, 3rd time and after means you're a faggot.
Chris: my uncle said that
Chris: but I think he was talking about buttsex
Mr. Mann: So basically the same thing ;)
#913014 (992)
<blaxthos> this just in
<blaxthos> waiting on long sql queries < *
<beakman> write better queries.
<beakman> :D
<loon> OH SNAP
<loon> point - beakman
<blaxthos> deleting 17million rows takes a long time no matter how you slice it
<loon> finally removing all the racist quotes on bash.org?
#913498 (2205)
<Fattie> I'm fuckin hungry gonna go make some food
<Fattie> if I DC call 911, I probably burned down the kitchen
<[FKU]Greycloak> "Hello? 911? I'd like to report a fire at"
#913674 (1905)
<@loans> what client are you using
<sessilenomad> IRC...
<@loans> that's not a client
<sessilenomad> idk what client im using then
<@loans> that's like me asking 'what ISP are you using' and you saying 'internet explorer'
<sessilenomad> ooooh
<sessilenomad> firefox
#913842 (-573)
T: that Haitian earthquake is a bad one
T: even the Presidential Palace was destroyed
c: Yeah, nothing was left but two wheels and an axle
#914142 (219)
*** pipes changed the topic of kiwicon to: - Kiwicon marketing
department back in action!
< rauc> good topic
< pipes> many people in here will know what that means ;)
< rauc> ok...I do not really know what it means, but I am glad to see
Kiwicon run again. Let me know if I can help
< pipes> rauc: first time we did kiwicon
< pipes> no one wrote any stories
< pipes> so we wrote our own
< pipes> and kind of xss'd em into major news sites
#914350 (1796)
<Travis> Why don't you just keep your hair brown?
<Alex> It's not brown
<Alex> It's auburn
<Travis> What the fuck is Auburn?
<Alex> ...
<Rex> He's a guy, he only sees like 10 colours or something, don't do this to him.
#914496 (641)
<addendum> !down KorMc
<spodbeet> KorMc (X.X.X.X) Dling "TL.iso" 4GB out of 7Gb at 10 Mbps
<addendum> DAYNG
* gnork orgasms
<gorb> holy shit man, how do you get that?
<gorb> i thought you live in the countryside
<KorMc> i do
<addendum> what the HELL man?
<KorMc> you know the dude who opened the diner next to me?
<bangalore> Peter somethingsome?
<KorMc> yeah him
<KorMc> he got cable for some god-forsaken reason
<KorMc> so i's stealin' from him
<gnork> how the hell did he not catch you yet
<KorMc> the guy knows nothing about computors
<KorMc> So he hired me to "calculate the injectors and administrate the whatevers"
#914636 (1216)
<Roderick> the book I am reading, You Shall Know Our Velocity!, is one of those books you can't rush
<ninda42> is the subtitle for that book But you Shall never know our Position! ?
#914637 (-477)
WS-R| SmileyFaceOfAwesome: pro tip don't use photoshop when you could get the same effect in pain
WS-R| SmileyFaceOfAwesome: t
Bobv2: How do you draw while in pain?
WS-R| SmileyFaceOfAwesome: MS PAINT
Bobv2: ...
Bobv2: words cannot describe the win
#914686 (273)
#915082 (3509)
<t0mato> anyone here knows how fast will my computer run after a registry cleaning?
<x5ga> We have a formula to calculate the percentage of speed gained
<x5ga> (E*c/100)*a
<x5ga> E is the number of errors cleaned
<x5ga> c is the number of cores your CPU has
<x5ga> a is 0
#915530 (918)
<Asday>  Hey, the amount of bash quotes has gone down...
<iddo>  ?
<Asday>  Was 20720.  Now it's 20718.
<iddo>  could you have less of a life?
<Asday>  I try.
#915703 (2165)
<Dakara> what's the name of that disease when you can't stop masturbating?
<amaury> the Y chromosome
#915759 (-325)
<Alex> I come in from a night out, pissed. And suddenly I turn into Gordon Ramsay
#915822 (596)
<derp>I'm pretty sure bash moderators just ctrl-f every quote for "penis, sex, masturbate, bash, nigger," and anything that doesn't generate a hit is rejected. They probably have an automated script, in fact.
#916079 (1051)
Takargi: Perfect weekend for me. Liverpool beat the Bitters with 10 men, England win at Rugby and Freddie's first words are Daddie ;)
Takargi: Freddie was looking at the milkman at the time though which is worrying...
#916080 (1117)
<SaxxonPike> Had some crazy kid running around flailing his arms around come up to me and shout "GUESS WHAT! I'M ONE IN A MILLION!"
<SaxxonPike> One million is a small portion of the world population. So I shouted back "THAT MEANS THERE'S ABOUT 7,000 MORE OF YOU HYPER FUCKS RUNNING AROUND"
#916238 (666)
<Papabear> "keep out, i'm naked" is a bad thing to hear when you knock at your 12 year old sisters room, trying to get your notebook back
<Papabear> worse is if the answer is the same 20 min after
<Old> Worst is if ya find an entry for stickam in ya history afterwards
#916256 (-156)
<Orang> Dude, this is weird, I just put an apple next to my Mac and it made a weird noise without me touching anything.
<Joshtrap> My PC does the same thing when I take a shit by it.