#893378 (848)
<Vinny> they should build another barad-dur
<Vinny> give sauron some depth perception
#893921 (366)
< iKBerry> man thus driving and ircing thing rocks
< iKBerry> fuck brb getting pulled over
-!- iKBerry [~Fox@] has quit [jmIrc destroyed by the OS]
< iKitsune> so, fuck
< iKitsune> now i have a $250 ticket for reckless driving
#893952 (526)
<billings> amazingly enough, putting my elbow on the keyboard isn't the proper syntax for this perl script.
<jss> No, you need both elbows.
#894043 (664)
<Logix> You know you watch too much porn, when you see a pussy and instantly know it's an asian pussy.
#894062 (487)
<Chapdizzle> i fucking hate when people think guys should shave their chest. Its what makes us men, suck a fat dick. shaving bodily hair is for women. my chest hair serves multiple uses such as floss, fishing line, warmth, crumb catcher, and if i wanted i could pull a shitload of it out and make a net to catch small animals or fish
#894261 (53)
<Kir> I have an idea!
<Kir> I'm going to play a game about underage black members of the community engaging in various acts of vandalism of public property in their quest for a deeper understanding and spiritual enlightenment.
#894290 (1192)
Thunderscreech: My nephew just got his black belt in Tae Kwan Do yesterday. Note: Apparently, it's not entirely accurate to call the ceremony a 'bar mitzvah for ninjas'.
#894334 (642)
<BobbyJenkins> Any GLBT fellow Scots going to the Pride Scotia March at the end of this month in Edinburgh?
<Sensationalism>  I take it you are going? If I go to any Pride events this year, it'll be my first. I'm excited!
<BobbyJenkins> I was going to but I found out I've got work.
<Lost-Chances> Call in gay.
#894335 (165)
<Chi>: So we went to the pool hall last Wednesday...
<Chi>: I ended up paying for everyone when we finished.
<Chi>: Everyone asked how much it cost afterwards.
<Chi>: I told them that I used my Asian powers to get no charge.
<Chi>: Then on our way down the stairs...
<Chi>: I jumped onto the carpet in front of the door and exclaimed...
<Chi>: "Okay Abz, time to use your Arabian powers to fly us home!"
<Chinh>: did it work?
<Chi>: No, the carpet was black.
<Chinh>: zing!
#894350 (540)
< derrida> my autocmd might raise a few eyebrows =)
< scrooloose> given the amount of vim fetishism in here it may raise more than that
#894351 (365)
<Sick_Silent> I think IRC is making me more USAian.
<Sick_Silent> Perverted, racist, sexist, retarded, dumb and lazy
<ATXTheKiller> You forgot fat.
<Cosbydaf> *a tears runs down my cheek as I gaze into an American flag waving in the sunset, while eating Mcdonalds and watching a shitty movies*
<Sick_Silent> Oh I forgot! No taste for good food
#894484 (696)
<echoplex> do you type by throwing chopsticks at a keyboard that is spinning or something?
#894647 (4133)
<NimF> The lesbians next door bought me a rolex for my birthday.
<NimF> I think they misunderstood when I said I wanna watch...
#895093 (633)
<Metroid> GODDAMN
<Lemming|> chill out
<Metroid> yay 7chan is back
<Faer> did anyone else notice Metroid's fierce unrestrained rage was just calmed down by CP
#895141 (2115)
Connor: Firefox 3.5. Download it.
Andrew: Give me the top 5 reasons to download it.
True: In iambic pentameter
Connor: For private browsing, tear-off tabs and then some,
Connor: Download Firefox three point five and see:
Connor: It's using Gecko one point nine point one,
Connor: And over twice as fast as Firefox three.
Connor: Pwned.
#896077 (2023)
<XenThra> I locked my keys in my car in front of planned parenthood. I'm terrified of going inside to ask to borrow a clothes hangar.
<DevXen> Just tell them you need to fix a mistake real quick.
#896406 (1427)
Marshall: A friend of mine knows a band from his hometown who played on one of the ferries that go between Finland and Sweden. When they were about to board in Stockholm, the Swedish equivalent of the DEA shows up with dogs and everything, so the guys in the band freak out 'cause they've (obviously) got their dope with them. After a few minutes of "fuck maaaan, what're we gonna do maaaaan!?", one of them goes to a Wal-Mart type store and buys a little remote-controlled helicopter. They proceed to plant the stash on it, leave it on the quay, board the boat and then use the remote to fly the drugs onto the ship
#896407 (56)
< cunt^chocula> I think there will be Michael Jackson sightings the way there are Elvis sightings now
#896498 (509)
<USMarine> if someone +v's me, how do I talk?
<USMarine> i have the mic plugged in obviously
<USMarine> do i have to push a button or something
#896530 (1328)
<Catonic_lp> What's the opposite of Christopher Reeve?
<opticron> superman
<m0j0-j0j0> Superman
<Catonic_lp> Christopher Walken
#896740 (203)
<silicate> shit, it looks like it's gonna be sunny on saturday
* Zally glares at you
<silicate> that's not good ... for reasons, that would require a much un-needed and long story
<Zally> hmm, ya ill take your word for it?
<silicate> yeah, i don't feel like explaining it
<Zally> Its all good
<Zally> I dont feel like pretending im interested
#896918 (-173)
<ianazza> jay you know if im wireless yeh
<ianazza> well my son has broke his linksyst wirless adaptor
<ianazza> can he use a usb memory stick while he gets a new adaptor#
<JayR> a memory stick for what?
<ianazza> to go wirless
<JayR> a memory stick os for storing files on
<ianazza> well to get on net
<JayR> a memory stick is a memory stick m8
<ianazza> Oh i thoguht you cud use it as a flash drive or watever to get on net
<ianazza> using my wireless connection
<JayR> he in same house?
<ianazza> yeh
<JayR> he got a wireless dongle?
<ianazza> no he broke it
<JayR> no then
<ianazza> ok ta
<JayR> hows the wireless signal gonna get to his pc without a wireless card ot dongle?
<ianazza> thought you could save the wireless connection to usb memeory stick put it in his comp and presto
<JayR> £aughing My Âss Õff
<JayR> no m8
#897655 (3662)
<Josh> I don't understand why churches and 'family groups' spend millions of dollars a year on abstinence-only instruction when a World of Warcraft account only costs fifteen dollars a month and has a much better record of ensuring virginity.
#898225 (1390)
<Funzo> can any of you guys speak french?
<Time-Warp> i can
<Time-Warp> i know how to say bongshure
<Time-Warp> or something
#898997 (860)
ian: I've remembered the password....
ian: felt like Gandalf stood outside Moria
ian: uttering every password I could remember from the last 5 years