#837465 (88)
<vrit> mm* = hi, we're capcom. we don't need to come up with new ideas for games. here, enjoy street fighter vs marvel vs snk vs megaman vs taliban vs n'sync alpha super gold turbo extreme zero mega ultra double-stuf supreme extra value combo 4x
<x1gameguy2007> add three more games and they already have that.  It's call M.U.G.E.N.
#837475 (741)
SeanieG123: I am Ministry of the Treasury of the Republic of America. My country has had crisis that has caused the need for large transfer of funds of 800 billion dollars US. If you would assist me in this transfer, it would be most profitable to you.
SeanieG123: Please reply with all of your bank account, IRA and college fund account numbers and those of your children and grandchildren to wallstreetbailout@treasury.gov so that we may transfer your commission for this transaction. After I receive that information, I will respond with detailed information about safeguards that will be used to protect the funds.
#837510 (2375)
<SimonJester> What is JFGI anyway?
<SimonJester> Never mind... googled it...
#837574 (2491)
<anonop> whats your worst sex story?
<anon> I'll answer with a one-liner.
<anon> It takes a brave man to swim in the Red waters, but it takes a hero to drink from it.
#838002 (-93)
<6ix4our> Why did Mordor collapse?
<baumann> global warming
<6ix4our> A: It was on a Tolkein Ring network
<baumann> :(
#838044 (477)
<deitarion> I've always been the "mind is more important than looks" type and all the girls around here are idiots.
<pewbert> deitarion, same here, but idiot pussy feels just as good as smart pussy
#838192 (2738)
<Betty> So, wanna go see a movie tomorrow
<Sokol> NO! I toled you, i haev a girlfriend!!!
#839112 (2189)
<Evan> Real Swiss chocolate? Like from actual Sweden?
#839113 (-176)
Valkon_jedi: Fuck it, the final boss is an ewok
#839131 (1167)
<Codi> Windows is unprotected sex. Linux is using a condom, the pill, a vasectomy, and the Berlin wall.
#839482 (1)
<@k1ck-Paulh4x> cant wait to own her on a server =p
<@k1ck-Paulh4x> and call her a silly bitch
#839563 (1201)
[Bwafflz] <Veritas|jackals> if u know how to get ur dick out of a beer bottle (dont ask) PM ME plZ immeditately!!!!
#839694 (1388)
<DRPONEOS> pretty soon nike will open a shoe factory here if the dollar gets much more worthless
#839727 (3947)
anon: You're so gullible.
sleaz: You mean gullable.
anon: What?
sleaz: It's spelled gullable.
anon: Oh. Okay.
#839758 (645)
<gaarie> who the fuck names a lake winnipesaukee
<DX|laptop> indians
<ch> yep
<gaarie> truth
<DX|laptop> and not the tech support kind
<ch> the casino kind
#840008 (805)
<Krys> I had the funniest phone call last night when I was at work
<Krys> had to tell the guy to buy a new SIM card, because he fried his..and he was like "Okay thanks" and we ended the call..except he forgot to hang up
<Krys> so I had my phone on mute and all you hear is "Stupid bitch" and he goes on insulting me...so I give him a few moments
<Krys> I go on the line and I'm like "Sir, you may want to disconnect the line. I'm still here"
<Krys> and he's like "OH FUCK" *click*
#840506 (28)
<@TekniQue> just keep it simple
<@TekniQue> if(Field.Grass == TRUE) { Ball.play(). }
<Kjarrval> But what if someone has performed Field.Shave() ?
<@TekniQue> good question
#840746 (868)
<Deco> Two pakis in a Golf tried to cut in in front of me and nearly hit my car. Then they followed me even though it was their fault. They stopped next to me at the next set of traffic lights and the passenger said "I'll follow you home". I replied "Follow me to your mom's". You've never seen me drive as fast as I did trying to get away from them.
<Deco> I loved the look of his face, though.
#841006 (196)
<Arbe> there's this really pretty girl at college
<Arbe> all her friends hate me though
<Arbe> with good reason
<Arbe> what do i do???
<xpCynic> look for someone else
<~blackhole89> Download a girl ending in .jpg instead
<Arbe> will she keep me warm at night?
<~blackhole89> get a laptop
<Arbe> and tell me that the future doesn't matter?
<~blackhole89> with speakers
#841142 (1802)
<Thalog> is it just me, or has our society come to the realisation of Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451?
<Thalog> I recall being in a car filled with 5 people, excluding myself
<Thalog> but no one was talking
<Thalog> everyone was doing things on their cell phones and such
<UlsterResident> ah, yeah
<Thalog> and they might as well have not have been there
<Thalog> and when they did talk, they didn't really say anything in particular
<UlsterResident> I'm gunna go watch some TV
<UlsterResident> bbl
<Thalog> ...
#841151 (61)
GreenWithEnvy89: what are you doing now
pardusorientalis: writing
GreenWithEnvy89: yay
GreenWithEnvy89: show me when you get stiff
GreenWithEnvy89: uhhh
GreenWithEnvy89: did i say that?
GreenWithEnvy89: stuff i meant
GreenWithEnvy89: stuff
pardusorientalis: XD
pardusorientalis: stiff
pardusorientalis: a stiffie
#841171 (225)
Laggyware has left (Quit: There are three types of software. Free as in speech (FOSS), Free as in beer (Freeware) and Free as in BitTorrent.)
#841280 (3487)
<Xikaze> I believe my mom finally realized that calling my brother a son of a bitch was fairly stupid on her part
#841294 (367)
<+ajrez> same job when i moved across the street the cubes were lower, typical gray, and huge, 8x10 or something
<+ajrez> at that location i ran some 2x4s up to 7' and covered my cube with camoflage netting
<+ajrez> so in the middle of this giant room filled with cubes there was this bunker in the middle of it
<+ajrez> CEO would give tours to investors... "and that over there is the security team"   "ohhhhhhh" /knowing nods/
#841435 (1575)
<Sam> Coding in C is like sending a 3 year old to do groceries. You gotta tell them exactly what you want or you'll end up with a cupboard full of pop tarts and pancake mix.