#768470 (784)
<sartan> I have removed the air cover on the cisco 6513 chassis.  the rush of hot air tingles against my naked transistors.  I slowly slide my upgrade card into the open slot, gasping as I feel the flow of air sharply cut off, jolting as the spark of electricity initiates the rom cycle....
#768708 (911)
Lbreevesii: You know you are a geek when you're surfing porn and start noticing things like the thermaltake pc case, custom speakers, and external hard drive on the desk behind the action.
#768866 (-160)
(Psycho`) im a farmer ;D
(Psycho`) i built a heatsink farm
(Gorre) ...
(Psycho`) dont glare at me
(Psycho`) they're free range heatsinks
(Gorre) XD
#769132 (260)
<grifferz> haha that reminds me
<grifferz> I had a dream last night
<grifferz> I was fighting an evil irc villain and found that he was vulnerable to ctrl-g
<grifferz> I killed him by pasting a whole screen of beep
#769133 (754)
<FelixB> I will never forget seeing our neighbourhood kids jerk off a horse. :)
<FelixB> These two kids were just completely fascinated by this young stallion's erection.
<FelixB> So they started playing with it.
<FelixB> The horse was enjoying it and just stood there. :)
<FelixB> The inevitable happenned....all over one of the kids.
#769220 (1325)
<Nukleon> the greek "hell" was cold
<Nukleon> like the norse
<@amz> the christian hell is also pretty cold, compared to its heaven
<Nukleon> uh
<Nukleon> wut?
<Nukleon> heaven is bliss
<@amz> it has liquid sulfur in it, so it can't be over 400 celsius... on the other hand, the bible describes the sun in heaven shining like 7 suns, each 7 times as bright
<@amz> which gives an estimate of 2000-3000 celsius
#769678 (187)
<+Torne> slackware isn't a desktop, it's just a fairytale for naughty children
<+Torne> disable unneeded services in inetd.conf or slackware will get you
#769729 (656)
<~Flash> how does one explain the difference between celeron and non celeron to a non tech ??
<+bomarrow1> one is for toasting bread
<+bomarrow1> the other is for processing instructions
#769773 (36)
Renleve: Pimpegration!
Renleve: Maria whores herself out at $20 a go under her pimp's auspices to 3^x - x^3 + 7x + 12 guys every day, compounding hourly, where the Wednesday lunch hour, starting at noon, is the zero mark. What economic model should Johnny employ to maximize personal revenue through the following Monday (by which time Maria will surely have died of a heroin overdose or at the hands of an overly enthusiastic customer)?
Renleve: The correct answer was "smack dat bitch up and take all of her Jacksons, fo'real". We would also have accepted "voodoo economics". Thanks for playing, Maria, you dumb slut!
#769818 (563)
<zachinglis> How do I recompile PHP?
<Vek> have you prepared the appropriate sacrifices?
#770001 (312)
YukiNagato: As much as I do tend to play games that are generally enjoyed by virginal fat dudes, I wouldn't touch WoW with a ten foot pole.
YukiNagato: It's just that the whole "KILL MONSTERS LEVEL UP. RINSE. REPEAT" thing is kinda old.
Semantic: That's not entirely true. It turns out that many WoW players forget the rinse part.
#770286 (299)
<reek> stupid spam
<Phaet> dude, I haven't received spam for months!
<reek> lucky you :P
<Phaet> just reply to it like I did
<Phaet> I got this "Enlarge your penis today" spam so I replied "No, thank you. I already use Windows Vista"
<Phaet> The next day I read on yahoo news that one of the greatest spammers hanged himself
#770318 (137)
<Deadeye> i take thee.. <name> in packet loss and no packet loss, to ACK and to SYN, till TTL=0
<Deadeye> i take this acl.. and place it on you LeftHand1/0/4
#770381 (458)
ejc> I should go back to using windows, at least there when something doesn't work, I don't have the illusion that I can fix it
#770519 (517)
Allan: incidentally, my house is Zombie resistant.
Crysm: how so?
Allan: I wonder why that is
Allan: elevated first floor, strong steel doors.
Allan: the windows are out of reach, basically.
Crysm: it's next to a graveyard, man
Crysm: the planners had to think ahead
Allan: good point
Allan: ...dear god, I gave my house a zombie proofing assessment.
Allan: That's... a whole new level of something.
#770545 (657)
«%Kashkin» "Existence is boolean."
«%Kashkin» Discuss:
«@blue_tetris» You either exist XOR you don't.
#770639 (918)
<Goof> Did you know that helicopters are souls of fallen tanks?
#770867 (1318)
<MVC|Programming> You know how the US is fighting a War on Terror and when it's over there'll be no more terror?
<&Darkagentx> alledgedly, yes
<&Darkagentx> :P
<MVC|Programming> And how we fought the War on Drugs, and now there are no more drugs?
<&Darkagentx> oh right, of course
<MVC|Programming> And how we had a War on Poverty and no one's poor anymore?
<&Darkagentx> Naturally
<MVC|Programming> We should totally have a War on War, then there'd be no more war.
<&Darkagentx> ...genius!
#770965 (1105)
<@G3_> Half of all adults in the United States say they have registered as an organ donor, although only some have purchased a motorcycle to show that they're really serious about it.
#770991 (713)
<Valheita> "I want to ravage you like Germany ravaged Poland in WWII"
<Valheita> O_O
<^QuickSilver> Well at least they'll pull out.
#771130 (539)
<H> Women are like fish in the sea, man.
<Krim> Tasty when cooked?
<Krim> Best with a hook in the mouth?
<H> ...
#771141 (948)
< lithium> btw, i'm selling a CD-RW drive if anyone's looking for one
< atlas> Damn. It's a pity you didn't ask me in 1997, I'd have been interested.
#771212 (1372)
(lawl_) i like my women how i like my wine, 5 years old
(DevilsX) I like women the way I like my filesystem
(DevilsX) FAT and 16
#771394 (253)
snachodog: should i be able to see that I timed out?
jestuh: yeah normally you do
jestuh: efnet tries to hold on to you baby
jestuh: keep you warm
jestuh: comfort you
jestuh: hoping you won't leave it's grasp
jestuh: ever.
snachodog: damn clingy girlfriends
snachodog: er
snachodog: servers
#771460 (3145)
FireSlash: Fastest apartment tour EVER.
FireSlash: I'm checking out this rather nicely priced place. Manager (or one of his lackys, not shure) walk me into the apartment
FireSlash: First thing he "points out" is how quiet the rooms are, because of the thick walls
FireSlash: So I shout "CAN ANYONE HEAR ME?!"
FireSlash: I got one "Yeah!" and one "SHUT THE HELL UP I'M WATCHIN' JUDGE JUDY"