#760053 (214)
Xrevolution: :)
Xrevolution: thats the look on his face
leninadelawl: no its more like
leninadelawl: =)
leninadelawl: pwned
Xrevolution: your use of "pwned" is about as vague and inaccurate as my mom calling anyone with hair other than a buzzcut a "punk"
Xrevolution: in other words, stfu
#760106 (297)
<Bear> it's why it [LandRover Series 3] rattles on the motorway
<Locandez> Like a skeleton masturbating in a filing cabinet
#760180 (377)
Trex: I like my women like I like my cars!
Prometheus: Expensive?
Dromiceiomimus: Foreign?
Epi: Um... revved up?
Crow: Fast?
Brex: low-maintenance with a wide tailpipe?
Dromiceiomimus: Freshly waxed, with a GPS tracking system?
Lorn: Trex, this is insanely sexist! Besides, I like my women like I like my databases.
Trex: Managable?
Lorn: Corrupted!
Trex: ...
Trex: No fucking comment.
#760182 (147)
<+walken> Vlad, if you were a piece of software
<+walken> which one would you be?
<+shiwan> walken: Hmm. ICBM control software, so that I could blow millions of men at once?
#760204 (1715)
<thefwf> I just realised soemthing while watching spongebob with my mates
<thefwf> They were like "wtf, how come the food stays on the plate underwater"
<thefwf> and I was like
#760210 (755)
<Narcogen> "I rented that guy's ass for an hour last night."
<Dom> ...
* Dom takes that out of context
<Narcogen> You can't take it out of context
<Dom> watch me.
<Narcogen> it's a flat-out reference to gay sex
<Dom> ...you son of a bitch.
#760257 (345)
<Kortney> Actually, Linux users and atheists have a lot in common. At least, in my mind. There's no higher power (or help desk) to appeal to when stuff goes south, you've analyzed every component of the universe (because you compiled it), and you're fiercely evangelical while bashing evangelicals. :)
#760353 (558)
HughDario: Man, so one of my Jewish friends the other day told me he doesn't believe in the moon landing.
HughDario: So I told him that I don't believe in the Holocaust and he dropped the subject.
#760500 (56)
Chadwick:  bash is like community college, it's all the class clowns and complete idiots
#760655 (366)
<siq> so I was taking a shit in the engineering building today...
<siq> and there was some force equation written on the wall.
<siq> below it someone wrote "who studies fluids on the pooper?"
<siq> below that someone replied "someone with diarrhea"
#760666 (516)
SouLTaKeR2023: wanna hear something funny/entertaining?
MacaroniFeets: always
SouLTaKeR2023: ok well I was watching this excellent flick
SouLTaKeR2023: entitled "A girl takes two loads in the mouth, then swollows it"
SouLTaKeR2023: anyways
SouLTaKeR2023: here is why I love porn bloopers
SouLTaKeR2023: two guys
SouLTaKeR2023: done fucking this redhead
SouLTaKeR2023: they stand on either side of her
SouLTaKeR2023: ready to do whats mentioned in the title
SouLTaKeR2023: the guy does his thing and puts his cock on the side of her mouth, aiming at the opposite cheek
MacaroniFeets: oh god
SouLTaKeR2023: but when he fires....he hits the other guys cock
MacaroniFeets: OH SICK
SouLTaKeR2023: and there is this
SouLTaKeR2023: long silence
SouLTaKeR2023: and this is the entertaining part
SouLTaKeR2023: you hear the other guy mumble "goddamn, not again"
SouLTaKeR2023: take 3 anyone?
MacaroniFeets: dude
MacaroniFeets: send me that video
#760787 (349)
<dweez> f33dback, opinions are like assholes
<f33dback> so if you don't have one you're full of shit?
#760798 (-224)
<+TrailMix> don't bugs always have wings?
<+Inca> centipede?
<@rowsdower`> centipedes do not have wings
<@rowsdower`> thank god
<@rowsdower`> i would just shoot myself if they did
<+Jack> jesus
#760806 (1422)
<[18s]> i accidentally went to 'bach.org' instead of bash
<[18s]> and i found some sweet tunes.
#760869 (195)
<Randy`> took duey 2 hours to complete the vista cycle
<Randy`> from 'I'm going to install vista' to 'vista ftl'
#761092 (520)
[Wex] Before IRC I could masturbate to the word boobs.
[Wex] Now I need /at least/ German bondage.
[Wex] I hate you all.
#761380 (330)
<pmMike> getting onto bash is like breaking into a tank
<Sea_BBL> although nopt quite as satisfactorry when you have pulled it off.
<Sea_BBL> -bad spelling
<Erasmus> To be honest if you spend a lot of time trying to do either you've made a wrong turn in life somewhere.
#761414 (7864)
SergioThree: there's other fish in the sea, man, she's just a girl
Beatsfromkorea: no dude, that's bullshit.
Beatsfromkorea: Think of it this way. if your precious copy of street fighter third strike broke and i told you "it's ok man, there's other games in the sea. here, play mortal kombat instead" what would you say? you'd be like, "fuck that, gimme third strike."
SergioThree: ...
SergioThree: you just reached me on a level that i never thought possible
#761444 (468)
<ChrisTheKiwi> Roses are red
<ChrisTheKiwi> Violets are blue
<ChrisTheKiwi> Im way to drunk
<ChrisTheKiwi> To have sex with you
<ChrisTheKiwi> So forgive me my dear
<ChrisTheKiwi> I must go spewjhgfknhguiaaqwjhilhih
<Ater> What THE hell?
<Socko> 0_o
#761518 (2382)
cag  URL  tara: When I was in high school, the school board decided that the biology students had to pay for the fetal pigs that were being dissected. After the course was done, my friend Amy demanded that she be allowed to take the pig, since she had paid for it. There was some WTF from the school, but she got her pig. That weekend, she and her brother dressed the pig up in some baby clothes and a blanket, drove down the street and lit a smoke bomb in the car. They were passing a couple walking down the street when Amy leaned out of the car and yelled "Save my baby" and tossed the pig at the couple. They were doing about 50 mph so she missed the couple. The baby/pig hit the sidewalk, skidded along the concrete, shedding parts and limbs before it impacted a mailbox.
She said she had never seen such a horrified look in her life.
#761773 (371)
<ManInBlack> I swear to god, the next person to submit a "best typo ever" quote is going to get garrotted with a cat5 cable. We get it, you suck at typing.
#761842 (1282)
<bofh> slugbug uh
<bofh> One time I passed this person driving
<bofh> One hand holding a cup of coffee
<bofh> the other hand holding her cellphone to her ear
<bofh> No hands on the keyboard.
<bofh> She wound up trying to merge INTO us.
<tgies> they call it a "steering wheel" I think
#761845 (426)
(@Da_Wrecka) Vista is something that Satan looks at and goes "FUCK, why didn't I think of that?"
#761868 (333)
<@Rakzor> I hate gravity, it's always keepin me down.
#761884 (2560)
<classyhorse23>  I had to google "jfgi" to see what it meant. The irony is overwhelming.