#751491 (1013)
<Zakk> Lash you are crossing a train track and you find a naked woman tied to it and a train is comeing. Is this awesome?
<Lash2828> Of course
<Lash2828> Stupid question
<Zakk> even though shes going to get killed by the train
<Lash2828> How long untill the train hits?
<Zakk> like
<Zakk> 1 minute
<Lash2828> Thats enough for me.
#751687 (1062)
<Mike> We should have internet rings like Captain Planet.
<skauert> TCP, UDP, FTP, SSH, HTTP
<skauert> By your protocols combined
<skauert> I'm captain internet
#751973 (965)
<+Rafe> you wanna' know how geeky my school is
<+Rafe> rather geeky, but not quite geeky enough
<+Rafe> we rate our girls in binary
<+Rafe> one bit though.
<+Byan> Rafe: O_o
<+Choco_Reisen> how many are actually 0? :o
<+Rafe> most of them
<@beyonder> 0 = i'd hit it, 1 = i'd hit it hard
#752060 (-22)
<Delvan> Regex is latin for "saw off thine limbs"
#752980 (967)
<@LukeB> I haven't even bothered downloading Second Life
<@LukeB> I figure I should get a first one before starting a second
#753599 (3040)
<Nomenumbra> 1 bottle of beer on the wall, 1 bottle of beer, you take 1 down, pass it around, 0 bottles of beer on the wall.
<Nomenumbra> 0 bottles of beer on the wall, 0 bottles of beer, you take 1 down, pass it around, 4294967295 bottles of beer on the wall.
#753830 (1559)
<Chipper> Hexidecimal counting systems are awesome!
<Chipper> On a scale from 1 to 10, I give them an E
#754254 (1528)
<slifty> Your mom is so fat she sat on a binary tree and turned it into a linked list in constant time!
#754304 (2598)
justsara: so, i started a new job today
justsara: one of my co-workers, feels like i've known him for years
a2so4: Where are you working now?
justsara: CSO
* sillyme has joined #random
sillyme: I had the strangest day at work.
sillyme: The new girl started today.
sillyme: Seems nice enough, but looks like a fucked-out whore.
a2so4: You work for CSO, right?
sillyme: Yeah, why?
justsara: that was me, asshole
#754399 (-906)
<mayb> procrastination is like masturbation
<mayb> it's fun until you realize you just fucked yourself
#754533 (2761)
Kraigen: Since the creation of the Internet, the Earth's rotation has been fueled, primarily, by the collective spinning of English teachers in their graves.
#754623 (689)
srjames: my girlfriend called asked me to come over, i told her i was setting up freebsd
srjames: she thought i was doing drugs
#754624 (246)
<Malf> i cant
<Malf> they're so hot
<Malf> they are tight like kids but legal
#754652 (526)
<Flac> Ahh, IRC, Kind of like downloading porn on limewire, When you open it up, your never quite sure what your going to see, but odds are good that it will scar you for life.
#754839 (598)
< Sousaphone> Hey, if I'm dead, yet still here, that makes me a sysadmin zombie!
< Sousaphone> And I'm doing power cable documentation and labeling today :-D
< daven> fun
< Sousaphone> Maaaaaaaaaiiiiiinnsss
#754846 (1481)
* dal3 has joined #math
<dal3> anyone good with math? could you tell me what 10+10-10+10+10-10-10-10+10+10-10+10-10-10+10-10-10-10+10+10+10+10-10+10 is?
<zepelin-> 17
<dal3> really?
<zepelin-> yeah
<dal3> thanx
* dal3 has left #math
#755026 (1582)
<Paragon> man i remember in like second grade the teaxcher asked what 2-3 was
<Paragon> and someone was like "you can't do that"
<Paragon> and she was all "right you can't
<Paragon> and i was like "nooo, NEGATIVE NUMBERS"
<Paragon> and she ignored me
<Paragon> bitch
#755062 (416)
Zedian: D&D Monopoly
Pregga Zexas: "I land at Wallstreet Avenue and roll a critical hit so all of the orcs in your hotels die."
#755080 (487)
<lanken> suppose I have a file tree, and I want to move all the leaves to the root of the tree
<infernal_jesus> lanken: shake tree -h
#755143 (1703)
<G-Nat> i love the graffiti in the physics toilets at uni
<G-Nat> a physics student wrote "Arts Degree Dispenser" on the toilet paper dispenser
#755170 (679)
<THC|Rawk> I've literally got a -blind- date tonight.
<THC|Stone> ORLY? o_O
<THC|Rawk> It suits me fine for two reasons. First of all, I'll get to see if this "wonderful personality" crap I keep getting from girls actually is true.
<THC|Rawk> And if not, she'll never see what I slip into her drink.
#755180 (522)
<Chrysalid^Revenge> LOL! Worst mom evar!
<Sectoid^Authopsy> Coming from you, I'm tempted to ask if you got laid again... ^_^
<Chrysalid^Revenge> I'll smack your ass later for that, but anyways
<Chrysalid^Revenge> I was hanging out with a friend today, and he had BB-gun with a cracked barrel.
<Chrysalid^Revenge> So he decides to fix it with epoxy, getting it functional before the seaguls arrive
<Chrysalid^Revenge> And in a futile attempt to get the glue to harden faster, he puts the damn gun in his mouth and starts blowing down the barrel.
<Sectoid^Authopsy> I'm starting to sense where this is going...
<Chrysalid^Revenge> Now his mother walks in with some laundry, takes a look at her son with a damn good replica of a 9mm Beretta stuck in his mouth
<Chrysalid^Revenge> And her only words were "Try not to make a mess, and don't get anything stuck in your throat."
<Chrysalid^Revenge> What a lovely relationship those two must have...
#755535 (804)
<mithro> anyone know how to get find to remove all files which are older then 7 days?
<cherez> crap
<cherez> I tried to google to help that
<cherez> thinking to search a man page
<cherez> "find older man"
<cherez> it was bad :(
<cherez> real bad...
#755629 (563)
<+knife> i produce enough semen in one day to feed half of africa
<+msBob> no wonder they all have aids
#755665 (1133)
<melol2> wapityyy, so you are giving up computers, for a girl you hardly know, even when you dont know she has a problem with it?
<wapityyy> yeah
<wapityyy> thats totally me
<wapityyy> follow your instinct
<melol2> hmm. Sounds good :)
<r3v> if i followed my instinct
<r3v> there would be streets littered with dead babies
<r3v> and the word virgin would not exist
<wapityyy> what the FUCK