#713081 (886)
<@Raekiel> .....just had a very blonde moment
<@Raekiel> was lighting the stove and accidentally burned myself
<@Raekiel> and for a very brief moment
<@Raekiel> wondered why the fuck the flames were so hot, as I had it on low....
#713082 (75)
quiet >> What's faster than a speeding bullet?
eskaypey >> chuck norris
quiet >> a Jew with a coupon.
#713109 (11)
<Noobles> i'm not getting any presents
<Yolmer> uh-huh
<Ravus> you're getting a small lump of COAL
<Ravus> due to molesting small children all year
<Ravus> santa doesn’t approve
#713121 (303)
poetically kyle:  my gramma's funny...we were driving behind  a short bus and she saw all the helmets and she was like "OH LOOK! HOCKEY PLAYERS!"
#713125 (-330)
Mark1: yeh my house is emo
Mark1: it cuts its walls
#713127 (754)
<rhpot1991> Eighty percent of our young adults (according to National Geographic) were not able to find Iraq on the map.
<formatc> oh man that's classy
<bueller> they are ahead of their time rhpot1991
<bueller> since in five years there will be no Iraq on the map
#713132 (505)
Kamikazefish17:  sweet.  im at work but no one is here.  yet again
Mikelucky8:  That sucks. Also, Disney is ruining ANOTHER book that I read as a child by making it a movie.
Kamikazefish17:  which one now?
Mikelucky8:  the Bridge to Terabithia. It's supposed to be about some kids finding some secluded forest place and growing attached to it like an alternate reality, but instead Disney is skipping the symbolism and metaphor and going straight for freaking robopirates and beavers with collanders on their heads
#713133 (1579)
Oli: lol
Oli: my gf just won one of my ebay auctions
Oli: was supposed to be my xmas present
Oli: she didnt knew my ebay name
#713147 (427)
-!- lightman [~light@] has joined #japan
<lightman> i must find a japanese wife
<lucke> google-san.
#713150 (564)
Viki: chris.....say NO to peadophiles
Epo: um..
Epo: NO
Viki: oh fuck.. I walked into that
#713155 (420)
<MightyOne> How do you circumsize a whale?
<ChubbyFrog02> Very carefully?
<MightyOne> Four skin divers.
#713158 (990)
A> I lost my virginity around 5 years ago.
Rice> Virgin by choice
Random> heh
Pork> Whose choice Rice?
#713274 (639)
<Gig> Bah, drunk students setting off the firealarm to the building, silent one too, so direct to the fire station. So we had some fireman knocking on our door trying to get us out
<Gig> and my flatmate who answered the door shouted out "Hey lads! look the stripper's here!"
<Gig> you would be surprised how fast people got out of their rooms
#713428 (1606)
<Crimson> Damnit, I have to work in 1 hr!!
<Crimson> Damn these IRc's... they steal my sleep like the blacks steal tv's.
<BigJP> I'm black.
<Crimson> Its a plasma! Its in the den, just dont hurt my family!
#714195 (732)
<Tom86> can i ask you a personal question?
<MoHaWk> 8 inches
#714207 (-47)
* Calydor raises an eyebrow.
<Calydor> Weren't you, y'know, banned?
<Killian> what's it look like to you? :>
<Killian> jive turkey
* Calydor checks the ban-list.
<Calydor> Looks like to me you got a different IP.
<Killian> news to me. Whaddya wanna do about it sucka? :>
* Calydor sets mode: +b *!*@adsl-69-232-222-88.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net
* Killian was kicked by Calydor (This.)
* Calydor coughs.
<Locandez> What a twat.
<Calydor> Yup.
*Killian* I may be banned, but you're still a furry. I'd say I came out better in the deal :>
<Calydor> Bash.org rule #1: Don't call the guy with an @ names.
#714239 (453)
<@Vlad_The1Inhaler> fuck
<@Vlad_The1Inhaler> my cat died
<@Surtsey> LOL
<@Vlad_The1Inhaler> ...
-!- Vlad_The1Inhaler [~joel@c-24-91-210-223.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has left #sebo
<@Surtsey> oops
#714240 (557)
<FFD> I was just wondering where anyone could get 99 virgins together in one place... Then I remembered IRC.
#714248 (448)
<DropShock> He was the BIGGEST Jewish person I've ever seen.
<DropShock> Aren't they supposed to be skinny and all?
<Trevor> It's Jewbacca!
#714249 (2055)
madskz: i' tried ass fuck
takefive: haha
takefive: how was it?
madskz: what??
madskz: oh shit
madskz: *i'm tired as fuck
#714271 (1447)
<coldXfire_> i need a slogan for an abortion clinic
<coldXfire_> ideas?
<p0lska> "If he doesn't pull it out, we will."
#714309 (227)
<Werdnum> if (nickj.nationality == "au") { nickj.print("Yes"); } else { nickj.print("No"); }
<nickj> "yes" and "no" - dual Aus / Uk (born Edinburgh)
<Werdnum> nickj: I'm pretty sure that's a non-standard parser ;)
<nickj> hey, I deliberately try and put down answers that I know will confuse the system when filling in forms, so why should this be any different? ;-)
<Werdnum> nickj: SQL injection on the census?
<Werdnum> Name: Andrew'; DROP TABLE person;---
#714459 (106)
* Now talking in #schizophrenia
* Topic is 'Welcome to chat for suffers and family and friends affected by schizophrenia - a brain disease.'
* Set by para on Tue Nov 14 18:00:23
<CaffeineBoy> hey
<CaffeineBoy> so... do you guys make individual usernames for your multiple personalities?
#714482 (503)
Gigs|  spammers need to get thier shit straight
Gigs| "horny mom getting it for the first time"
#714532 (721)
<Yoggit> No, it sucks, there's all these little kids, and they always try to talk to me.
<leeberace> i like kids
<Yoggit> I like kids, when they're being quiet and not moving.
<leeberace> those are dead kids
<leeberace> that doesn't really count