#705948 (18)
< niblr> the Geneva Convention really should prohibit the forced rewriting of Ruby code into PHP
< niblr> it's an inhumane torture... and I'm being subjected to it, one little piece of code at a time
#706089 (852)
<splosh123> Just a question if anyone knows... How many wind power mill things do you need to power... say... Brisbane
<dazzawul> thousands
<dazzawul> and they will be noisy
<dazzawul> and push australia to the west
#706150 (607)
<Sheepeep> Welcome to our XHTML <bar />! Sorry, we're closed.
#706258 (777)
<Gostie_hungover> the worst thing about having been drunk on irc is that you don't get any blissful ignorance about the things you said the night before
<Gostie_hungover> you just scroll up and there it is
#706281 (2445)
TriPod11: bush ain't THAT bad...he kinda knows what he's doin
idaredbeet08: Please, Monica Lewenski had more President in her than George Bush ever will.
#706299 (2799)
annonymous: there is this post on the IMDB board asking if saw III has any nudity because they want to know if they can take their kids to it
#706323 (1250)
<TMH_> does anyone else find that they are in a fuckton of channels
<TMH_> and they only actually care about two or three
<jmx> define a fuckton?
<Thuryn> ten times a buttload
<LPF> that's a metric fuckton
#706366 (1372)
<Vision> you never know the true meaning of pacman til you are underaged driving around after curfew with an expired license plate and a broken tailight
#707214 (89)
<@pygmy-> I say we just have ICANN create a new TLD, .bot, for all Windows machines...
#707236 (-1012)
Lamesauce: Good god
Lamesauce: There's a Pimple Congressional Meeting going on on my face.
Lamesauce: I think they just passed a bill...
#707257 (880)
<__20h_P9_> DOS is the OS of the future.
<__20h_P9_> It doesn't suck. :P
<spaceinvader> __20h_P9_: but it dosent have a decent windowing system
<spaceinvader> and no dos dosent suck, it blows
<spaceinvader> Is there anything that dosent suck or blow?
<__20h_P9_> Feminists
#707258 (1123)
<Static> uhh... wow, my mom walked up and saw that I had three windows open in firefox: Incest Wikipedia Entry, Republican Party (United States) Wikipedia Entry, and a Guide on Becoming an Evil Overlord
<Static> she just looked at me and walked away
#707279 (739)
ArmAndLeg03: I need to think of a better gay-bar name
ArmAndLeg03: I mean, "Dick's" works for now, but still
Mazuki Projidy: haha
Mazuki Projidy: well you could use...
Mazuki Projidy: Manhole
Mazuki Projidy: it's an actual gay bar (remember from The Most Disturbing Conversation Ever?)
ArmAndLeg03: I remember
ArmAndLeg03: But I like Dick's better than Manhole, unfortunately
ArmAndLeg03: Though Manhole was a gay dance club
Mazuki Projidy: oh whatever
ArmAndLeg03: I could use that for the gay dance club in my story lol
Mazuki Projidy: Dick's isn't a good name for a gay bar
Mazuki Projidy: I know what to call it
Mazuki Projidy: "The Mouthful"
ArmAndLeg03: ...Evan
ArmAndLeg03: I hate to say this
ArmAndLeg03: But you are a fucking genius
#707531 (390)
<Thunder> I seriously gotta upgrade my computer, I'm scared that my comp will blow up if I click the wrong tile in minesweeper D:
#707553 (1260)
<RobotJunk>  How do I use dBase III database with more that 255 fields in a table?
<teHr0k>  Change out of your parachute pants and get in your 1986 Dodge K Car and
drive to the Airport, while listening to Duran Duran on the radio.  Lastly,
catch a Flight on Braniff Airlines to the 21st Century.
#707689 (346)
<Albides> I was insane before I used the internet... I was confused after I used it. Then horrified as I found out about things like dolphin sex and furries.
#707742 (1723)
<nerd> my wife installed IE7
<nerd> because she felt like it
<ct> where did you bury the body?
#707762 (137)
griffjon: yay, I only had ~8k hits from .mil this year!
ameyer: why does milwaukee get its own tld?
jali: to keep them away from us
#707810 (418)
<richard> To be fair to windows, there is one thing you can do on it that you can't do on Unix
<teifion> Can you do it on my Mac?
<richard> No, it is unique to Windows
<teifion> What is it?
<richard> You can defrag stuff
#707847 (760)
<nefzen539> What's wrong with maroon 5?
<pr0nstar> They're a boyband, girls like boy bands
<nefzen539> based on the evidence... i must be gay
<pr0nstar> it does seem likely...
<nefzen539>It must be that every male i've come into contact with is horrendously ugly cos i haven't been attracted to any
<pr0nstar> as unlikely as that sounds it is more likely than a straight male liking maroon 5
#707848 (794)
<ssdd534> arg... whats the best way to deal with a .rar on solaris?
<Atomix> rm
#707911 (1340)
<jaban> IRC channels are like houses...
<jaban> You can kick your friends out of your house for any reason you want, even if you're being stupid and unreasonable. You can even kick them out for no reason at all. It's YOUR house.
<jaban> Now imagine if 3-year-olds owned all the houses.
<jaban> That's IRC.
#707944 (543)
SPUNNEER:  whats goth
fist meets colon:  Goth is emo on 5,000 calories a day.
#708017 (506)
<bmg505> ja running internet services on windows iis is like playing russian roulette with a glock
#708359 (842)
NovaScotia > yes.. us Canadians.. always quiet.. clean.. keep to ourselves.. never bother anyone... sounds like how they always describe serial killers eh?