#660278 (733)
<Ethereal Souls> it gave me the "explorer.exe has generated errors"
<Ethereal Souls> BUT IT'S OK
<Ethereal Souls> An error log was created
<Ethereal Souls> which will be in Hex and tell me EVERYTHING I NEED TO KNOW
<Frag> Because, of course, you know EXACTLY what Windows stores in memory slot E35BA9564F
<Ethereal Souls> yeah
<Ethereal Souls> that's the line about it buttfucking me
#660555 (441)
<Arielana> he's sitting next me on the couch with his head on the keyboard. Makes it hard to type.
<@Asmodee`> just push his face into the proper keys
#660644 (2280)
<raphael_sorel> So, where you from? ;)
<sweet_angel47> Chicago, Illinois. how bout u?
<raphael_sorel> Manila, Philippines. :D
<sweet_angel47> where is that? in like, Russia?
<raphael_sorel> No, it's in South East Asia.
<sweet_angel47> dude, i totally fail at geometry
<raphael_sorel> ...
#660662 (448)
<Cole> you totally blew me off for beards!
<@Pugh> i'd never blow a guy with a beard!
<@Pugh> erm...i mean a guy...full stop
#660692 (589)
<Bushman> my inet sucks
<pikey> oohh
<impulse> does she swallow?
<Bushman> impulse: yes, my TCP packets
#661004 (437)
<Sakireth> Infinite can't be explained by math or logics either.
<Sakireth> Well, maybe a little by logics..
<bob-E> just get 8 drunk, and then u got infinity
#661256 (175)
<steve> oh man
<steve> I was watching this old kung fu movie
<steve> and this crazy japanese dude ripped off this black man's testicles
<steve> and then an evil american white man threw a knife into some other dudes eye
<steve> then the crazy japenese dude whiped his hands off on the black man's pants
<alphakx> sure sounds like kung fu
#661335 (1022)
<n0vablaze> why do people automatically hate me when i join a channel?
<detmer> it saves time
#661344 (846)
<miro> ramiro@calcifer:/etc$ ping www.thepiratebay.org
<miro> PING www.thepiratebay.org ( 56(84) bytes of data.
<miro> 64 bytes from hey.mpaa.and.apb.bite.my.shiny.metal.ass.thepiratebay.org ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=48 time=358 ms
#661785 (348)
<@cmdr_sm> i don't mind people being gay
<@cmdr_sm> i even feel honoured when someone tries to chat me up
<@osi> now i know why you quit drinking
<@osi> one time you just felt a bit too honoured ? ;)
#662011 (773)
<MisterMastermind> Reminds me of an assignment I had... I had to name 10 fun things to do in a country. I pulled out a piece of paper from a hat, North Korea. "AW FUCK!"
#662153 (1681)
<Claes> hey
<Claes> I was just thinking...
<Claes> If someone sent you 10 cd's and a note saying: 9 of these cd's contain porn. The last one fries your computer.
<Claes> what would you do?
* Claes Quit (Ping timeout)
#662231 (806)
<3ifLikle> I used to masturbate while listening to my neighbors wild sex.
<3ifLikle> Then i met them and they were like 300 pounds. that ruined the whole thing...
#662266 (978)
<rebb> chinese websites scare me :| ??????????????????????????? ??????? ? ????????????? ???????? ? ????????? Click ! ?????? ? ???? ? ???? ?
<voodoochopstiks> so many questions, so few answers
#662315 (114)
TheGodfather2613: i mean if you're going to have upside down crosses you should also have a desecrated star of david and an upside down crescent moon as well as someone bitch slapping krishna
#662537 (-123)
<HellDragon> hey a 50m water resistant watch is big enough to see the time ?
#662591 (159)
[zerra] Just employ a number of chinese ppl and have them memorise ones and zeros..
[zerra] or force them to do that
[@opeth] you gotta get one named Ping
[@opeth] for network maintenance
#662640 (1734)
<@Pie> unemployment rocks
<@Commander> you got fired?
<@Pie> long story
<@Commander> well, you're not going anywhere
#662643 (355)
<Ohrly> so some idiot crashes into a power pole and I get queued because of it
<Ohrly> where is the justice
<shane\sleepa> lol...
<Slapparappa> If he's dead, its there.
#662700 (354)
<DaRk_oDiN>: So I get this notice in the mail saying my application was accepted at this college I applied to.
<DaRk_oDiN>: And I'm looking to get my degree in Computer Science and Technology from these people...
<DaRk_oDiN>: So, they schedule a placement test for me to take to see what ther classes I need to take.
<DaRk_oDiN>: That placement test happens to be on their website...
<DaRk_oDiN>: Turns out, their servers are friggen broken and I have to reschedule my placement test after witing for like two hours.
<DaRk_oDiN>: And I want these people to teach ME how to work on computers -_-
<DaRk_oDiN>: Maybe they wanted to show me the universal protocol of bullshitting your customers.
<DaRk_oDiN>: I mean, that's like me going to a culinary school and they're like "Sorry, we can't seem to figure out how this damn over turns on, you're gonna have to come back later."
#662788 (-182)
<ByeRights> what is it? firewire?
<@Pugh> erm...Serial
<ByeRights> probably uses a universal serial bus then
<ByeRights> oh wait, USB...
#663025 (-158)
pOrTkI w AkCjI : i went to nickle nickle
pOrTkI w AkCjI : there were black people
pOrTkI w AkCjI : so i didnt get to play any shooters
pOrTkI w AkCjI : or the basket ball game
pOrTkI w AkCjI : fuckers
#663060 (-110)
Dead Star> And I'm trying hard to moderate drugs.
Dead Star> Like less and less and less and less
Dead Star> I wanna stop weed I think, until I'm famous or something.
#663074 (1221)
<agrippina> so there was this guy at work today, who brought back a copy of Madden '06 because it was it wouldn't play in his son's x box. he starts mumbling about how when he was young, he never had to worry about his baseball being compatable with his glove or his bat. And before i can stop myself, i blurt out "true. but no one ever died chasing their x box into the street."
#663087 (3137)
<Td00d> a girl just walked past the window
<Ernestiqus> Go for it.
<Td00d> she's a bit too young.
<Ernestiqus> I swear officer, I didn't know she was 16
<Td00d> she isn't 16 :/
<Ernestiqus> If there's grass on the field play ball!
<Td00d> she's so young I doubt she's got hair there...
<Ernestiqus> Old enough to bleed is old enough to breed.
<Td00d> i don't think she's in puberty already
<Ernestiqus> Hit it before puberty does.