#639443 (884)
< int0x80> oh man today is my lucky day
< int0x80> i ripped this fart, but someone sneezed really loud at exactly the same time
< int0x80> so nobody heard my fart
<@vom> int0x80: that means an angel got its wings
#639484 (1696)
Delilah> I hate parties, because you have to look good, but if you look too good other girls get jealous, and if you look not good enough they talk nasty about you.
[kerrrigan] yeah
[kerrrigan] that never happens at halo parties
#639513 (1025)
<Green> So my gf left me... I feel like a load of shit
<vampireslaya> :(
<death_man> Yeah there are these fuckers on IRC who keep shitting on about their damn lives... Fucking gay.
<Green> ...
<xxXpronXxx> What the hell?
<death_man> Erm wrong window
<xxXpronXxx> I see
<vampireslaya7> Anything else you want to tell us, bitch?
#639555 (3504)
* @darklyndsea claws bizarre's eyes out
<@Bizarre> (
#639564 (759)
<knob> anything that starts with a "k" on linux is "gay"
<Wyred> heh, same as Konveration
<knob> oh shit
* knob is now known as gnob
#639597 (1197)
<blue_tetris> 1 in every 5 people are born in China.
<CF|sick> That's why you should never have more than 4 children.
#639709 (1424)
<ManicV> i'm saying you're racist
<ManicV> and a child molester
<eco|w> You're just jealous of my ability to multitask.
#639759 (481)
< ElAngelo> it's about the most survival city i've been in in the US
< RedKennedy> survival isn't an adjective.
#639762 (842)
<su|school> Last period, we were talking about meth with some public speaker.
<su|school> ...
<su|school> And I corrected him.
<su|school> :<
#639797 (2034)
<[BAD]Beef> follow my reasoning
<[BAD]Beef> my comp has no floppy drive
<[BAD]Beef> so I go downstairs to make a boot floppy on another comp
<[BAD]Beef> I come back in my room with the floppy in my hand
<[BAD]Beef> and bang my head against the wall
#639861 (2173)
<Frankstar> I am so fucking pissed. This one guy sold me his air guitar on ebay for 70 dollars and I still havent fucking received shit.
#639921 (952)
<DaWiteBuddha> im leaving for your house now
<AlazrianLeth> take your time, i have to bathe
<DaWiteBuddha> how long does that take
<AlazrianLeth> depends
<DaWiteBuddha> ballpark?
<AlazrianLeth> wrigley field
<DaWiteBuddha> ...god i actually shook my fist at the screen...
#640040 (53)
<ChasmyrSS> They MUST import because all local resources have been tapped out.
<Marcus_> this conversation just rose above my pay grade.
#640051 (198)
<OMFG> Aw man, i'm almost at my download limit...i dont wanna get shaped to 64k :(
<OMFG> Do you think I could like, ration out 24MB
<OMFG> To last 6 days?
#640170 (552)
<TheGardener[Woo]> was buying new trainers... a kid walked by and said to his dad "wow he looks like beckham", the kids dad says "put your glasses back on" :|
#640221 (722)
<mwcfan88>  man i really got tan over the past few days
<crack-geanie>  alright thats it you've been warned now you're out of the club
<crack-geanie>  i expect you to return you're pointy hat and flaming cross by tuesday
<mwcfan88>  <:(
#640231 (839)
<DuEy> my grandparents just asked me to send an email to my cousin :\ and they gave me the postal address
#640259 (4099)
dazed: yeah my mom caught my brother jacking off to Powerpuff Girls
dazed: she didnt yell at him because she was laughing so hard
dazed: she just told everyone at his birthday party the next day
BaileD: You have the most fucked up family ever. Period.
#640476 (-92)
<NeloAngelo> i'm pretty sure my foot is broke ^.^
<NateZeiro> then goto a doctor
<NeloAngelo> those quacks cost money
<NateZeiro> then goto guatemala
#640489 (674)
<chicken_on_fire> i jammed my memory stick backwards and shorted out the mobo
<Mouser> o shit
<chicken_on_fire> what're the chances of that happening?
<Mouser> 1/1, apparently
#640505 (44)
<@k9s> cottage cheese is the curdled milk solids before the cheese is made.
<@k9s> its like 0-day cheese
#640836 (363)
<ClayJar_Zzz> AAAAAAAARGH!! I just saw a comercial for Disney's Finding Nemo on ice, and let me tell you, it was exceedingly disturbing.
<pjpreb> how so?
<ClahJar_Zzz> It was like seeing big fish impaled on ice skating mimes.
#640890 (1385)
<FBS> how do you know the exact version of bind ?
<FBS> fuck those who answer bind -v or some other bullshit
<eb> bind -v
<ghoz> other bullshit
#640956 (74)
paranoidjanitor: so I used the grep command to search through the manual page for the grep command to find the paramater that displays a variable number of lines before the actual output
paranoidjanitor: and the paramaters are all on the previous lines, so I ended up having to search through the manual by hand anyway
#641114 (3006)
<Produkt> how do i put a new picture on the gallery
<Produkt> ?
<Produkt> how do i put a new picture on the gallery?
<Produkt> youre a fag