#3391 (769)
<AaronStJ> I'd buy it.  And by buy, I mean warez
#3392 (383)
<Snag> i saw this thing...... its like a rod with two lips you put like a special rod-lube in it..
<Snag> supposed to be like a bj.... throat included
<XDDD> i prefer women for my bjs
<boozie> haha
<XDDD> but im kinda weird
<XDDD> i guess the pipe would be better, no body to get rid of afterwards
#3400 (340)
<|TrunX|> don't make me bust out my pic
<|TrunX|> you will all turn gay
#3402 (823)
<|sco|t> doesn anyone in here know a good amount of php
<Jumper> |sco|t, the #php guys do ;)
<JibberJim> |sco|t go to #php
<[ric]> and #women is full of women, go figure
<JibberJim> and #teens is full of 40 year old men.
#3403 (342)
* IZS logs in and delets all potential child porn
<IZS> rm -rf /
#3404 (49)
<|TrunX|> dem polacks are getting smart....the woman all stopped using vibrators....
<|TrunX|> kept getting chipped teeth :þ
#3407 (1850)
<timmo> and it involves a girl named bertha
<timmo> 'this is my daughter bertha, she eats villages'
#3408 (33)
<steve-kun> everybody's someone else's nigger
#3409 (240)
<grifferz> what is more funny is when dalnet EB sends a message to their mailing lists  saying "don't talk about this issue, kill the thread" thus ensuring the thread will never, ever end
<grifferz> it is like a reverse godwin
#3410 (820)
<ben> on sep 11th dalnet issued a statement offering condolences and saying how they were non-politicial
<ben> and you almost believe them until you see it was issued by Melech which is the hebrew word for king
<ben> i.e. israeli contacts, etc
<grifferz> wow, and like, the way bahamut is the name of a dragon, maybe all these names have real meaning and dalnet staff are really hyperdiemnsional dragon warriors from the planet Oper!!
<grifferz> fucking scary eh
<ben> yes
<grifferz> or, they could be just nicknames.  I DO NOT KNOW
#3411 (340)
<erik> i guess that means oral sex is out of the question then
<grifferz> I dunno, with the stuff I've been coughing up today, your spooge might actually be more pleasant
#3413 (224)
[DigDug] wow, i was so dehydrated this morning...
[DigDug] i took a piss and it looked like there was an egg yolk coming out of my penis
#3415 (596)
<Crappy> tbe
<Crappy> er
<Crappy> the internet is cool
<Crappy> my triumphant statement somewhat dampened by my inability to type "the"
#3416 (512)
<Nyphur> How long till Chaz gets on, roughly?
<Koji_Ishida> when hell freezes over...
* Koji_Ishida shortens the timespan... and sets the temp down in helll
*** Chaz (Chaz@va-24-30-228-82.va.mediaone.net) has joined channel #AlgolXR
<Koji_Ishida> told you lowering the temp in hell always works
* Koji_Ishida breaks off an icicle
#3421 (657)
<DrWoody> One time I was at the store with my friend and there were these underage kids in the porn section they kicked out while we were in there.
<DrWoody> so they gave us their money and we bought porn for them
<L33TKnight> your good deed for the day?
<DrWoody> I like to give back to society.
#3423 (313)
<aNuBiS-> hit it before before puberty does
<aNuBiS-> thats my motto
#3432 (457)
<grifferz> I love vim so much
<grifferz> pets can die, women will fuck you over
<grifferz> but vim's love is pure
* ben moves away
<grifferz> vim is truly a man's best friend
* IZS calls for the men in white coats
#3433 (1100)
<kolby> Allow me to be serious. Kolby serious? Yea right. Well I'm kinda drunk and feel like getting a few things off my chest. See I'm not even supposed to be alive right now. When my mom was giving birth there was a big problem. I was suffocating and I almost died.
<Wes> how were you suffocating?
<kolby> See what happend is that my dick was wrapped around my neck 8 times.
#3435 (1126)
<Maxstah> i had a cable repair call at this arian nation nazi guys house today
<Maxstah> funny his name was joseph black
<Maxstah> i told him thats ironic
<Maxstah> he got pissed
#3439 (74)
<dodge> i tell ya
<dodge> youre sitting here one minuite, the next thing you know youve just woken up and theres ya laptop under yer pillow...
<Lord-Data> nope.. just you ...
#3448 (745)
<timmo> you know what makes me laugh
<timmo> web cam chicks
<timmo> who try to lick their own nipples
<timmo> but fall short
#3451 (412)
<smcn> tomorrow's forecast: partly cloudy with a slight chance of terrorism
#3452 (318)
<Blackmail> I should get a realdoll
<Blackmail> imagine me applying for a loan for that from my bank "yeah, I need a love doll"
<tobdude> LOL
<zerox> I'm sure you could get a realdoll on ebay for half the price
<Blackmail> ew, a used one
<Blackmail> and not made the way I want it either
<zerox> is this the one you want Blackmail
<zerox> http://www.realdoll.com/maledoll1.html
<aNuBiS-> hahah
<Blackmail> I want a she-he-doll
<tobdude>  thats so wrong
<CanOfSpam> We're long overdue for an Oprah doll
<Blackmail> UPS won't take anything that heavy
<CanOfSpam> oh
#3453 (301)
<Jumper> which one are you reading ?
<snot> security experts ( news.com.com )
<Jumper> ah, news.com that redirects to news.com.com for unfatomable reasons
<Jumper> I guess they weren't commy enough
<Jumper> haw haw, get it ?? RED BASTARDS
<snot> they where news.com.com.com before the .com bust, guess they just playing it safe
<Jumper> yeah, they must've hyped down now
#3454 (406)
<Mike> Ive been on the internet for ALMOST 3 HOURS
<Mike> bye bye everyone
*** Mike (~M@ Quit (Quit: Mike is Gone, Nobody Noticed)
<Jumper> heh
<Jumper> "phone"