#608102 (337)
<Rob_> What is the word where you think everything should die?
<+shortarabguy> emo?
<Rob_> heh
<Rob_> good one
<zenmastar> goth?
<Rob_> shut up
#608144 (437)
<ASDF> In my data communications class, the teacher asked "How would one person in a company send a package to another person in another comapany?  Let's say that it was a woman."
<ASDF> Then someone said "Tell that bitch to come here and get it herself!"
#608156 (2095)
<David_0mega> google maps has taught me many things
<junkntrunk> such as?
<David_0mega> that my neighbor has a pool for one thing
#608216 (-1508)
(@prex) man .jp is fucking tight
(@prex) suggest you a get with it
(@antlers_) anyone shit on your face while you were there?
(@prex) yes, and i'm 500 yen poorer for the experience!
(@antlers_) tell you this much, my first time in Tokyo I fucking loved it... still do... but a visit to some of their adultshops just negated all positive thought
(@Blaxthos) never been to .jp
(@Blaxthos) i hear shit is expensive the most
(@prex) yeah well me not being a sexual deviant i didnt visit any adult shops
(@antlers_) <--- sexual deviant
(@prex) man mother fuck some edema
(@prex) flight was 9hrs and change tho
(@prex) fast as fuck
(@kaleido) did any of your less profitable bitches kill themselves because of the dishonor they felt when you arrived?
#608240 (859)
cherrybomb1739: why are there hot chicks at church ?
marredduck: why is the good liquor always on the top shelf?
marredduck: the same reason
#608242 (695)
<Dave> So my friend in school Andrew said he had linux
<Dave> After saying he got mIRC
<Dave> I told him you can't have both, mIRC is a windows Client
<Dave> Then he said he had Linux on his laptop
<Dave> I asked him what Distribution he had, he said wal-mart
#608442 (1264)
<BoltBait> My wife saw my 7756 post count on the MOTL board and said, "you've never said that many things to me since we've been married."
#608521 (1267)
<Numi> hey, can you guys just check a site out and tell me if it's up?
<Haddock> depends, what is it?
<Numi> just my apache server, it works for me but seems to be down for anyone else
<Haddock> alright, what's the address?
<Haddock> ......
<Haddock> ...Yeah, it's up.
#608523 (1228)
<Grakrim> Woo, my doctor is on TV!
<Grakrim> ...Pleading the 5th in a criminal negligence trial...
#608693 (1209)
<ensis> Well folks, I'm off to the farm
<ensis> I can actually say that too, how funny
<Bomp> They're lying
<Bomp> You're going to be put down
#609178 (1299)
Chodeskius: hey whats a good name for my kitten
Shniznite: Qwerty
Chodeskius: that sounds so familiar
Chodeskius: where did u get qwerty.. oh.
#609240 (1668)
< plasmadis> One time my dad stole a roll of brightly-colored stickers from a butcher's counter that said "BREASTS" and went to the video store and stuck them on all the movies that looked likely to contain nudity.
#609327 (1325)
<Atob> a alphabetically be in organised sentence should words
#609999 (1261)
* Now talking in #Democrats
<Gunman> is anybody here?
<Gunman> hmm...everybody's an op, but nobodys doing anything...
<Gunman> so im definately in the #democrats channel...
#610086 (2530)
<hickhut> i have to write a speech on myself tomorrow
<hickhut> so gay
<mrquin27> there is a start
#610088 (432)
ARcanUS NUMquam: night is sitll young
live billboard: virginal
ARcanUS NUMquam: the barrier between today and tommorrow has barely been pressured
live billboard: but soon it will be penetrated
live billboard: father time will thrust his way into the young tommorrow
ARcanUS NUMquam: using his tool that he nicknamed the "second hand" when it strikes 12
#610089 (834)
<Vehementi> girlfriend-crafted brownies are the best
<BauB_> girlfriend crafted blowjobs are better
<Vvivix> those arnt really crafted though
<Vvivix> its more of a buff
<Vvivix> with a long cast time
<Hyper_Monkey20> Actaully, it's more of a debuff... It leaves you tranced and unable to go into combat.
#610697 (1876)
<Guest1087> shut up asshole
<Pikanyah> If I'm an asshole, you're an asswipe. You're so low, you serve me.
<Guest1087> shup up bitch, i'm the asshole
<Guest1087> wait a sec....
#610712 (850)
<Phatt_One> crap is disgusting
<syntax> hey dont bad mouth crap
<syntax> im a plumber
<syntax> if it werent for crap, i wouldnt be able to feed my family
#610717 (760)
<NathanielsBlaze> what do you think the game would be called if mario had a gun
<FalconWarrior> Metroid.
#610732 (1129)
cmerc: "Keep your face to the sunshine and you will not see the shadows". - Helen Keller
#610847 (2904)
Good Book Report
Students were assigned to read 2 books, "Titanic" & "My Life" by Bill Clinton.
One smart-ass student turned in the following book report, with the proposition that they were nearly identical stories!
His cool professor gave him an A+ for this report:
Titanic:..... $29.99
Clinton:..... $29.99
Titanic:..... Over 3 hours to read
Clinton:..... Over 3 hours to read
Titanic:..... The story of Jack and Rose, their forbidden love, and
subsequent catastrophe.
Clinton:..... The story of Bill and Monica, their forbidden love, and
subsequent catastrophe.
Titanic:..... Jack is a starving artist.
Clinton:..... Bill is a bullshit artist.
Titanic:..... In one scene, Jack enjoys a good cigar.
Clinton:..... Ditto for Bill.
Titanic:..... During ordeal, Rose's dress gets ruined.
Clinton:..... Ditto for Monica.
Titanic:..... Jack teaches Rose to spit.
Clinton:..... Let's not go there.
Titanic:..... Rose gets to keep her jewellery.
Clinton:..... Monica's forced to return her gifts.
Titanic:..... Rose remembers Jack for the rest of her life.
Clinton:..... Clinton doesn't remember Jack.
Titanic:..... Rose goes down on a vessel full of seamen.
Clinton:..... Monica...ooh, let's not go there, either.
Titanic:..... Jack surrenders to an icy death.
Clinton:..... Bill goes home to Hilary...basically the same thing
#610952 (1479)
(royshen) I have a headache
(MrWhite) i have a sandwich but i dont go around bragging about it
#611017 (3117)
<Everdarkgreen> WE DID THE MASH
<Everdarkgreen> we did the keyboard mash
<Everdarkgreen> THE KEYBOARD MASH
<Everdarkgreen> it was a lihosdptjhskrjngiso;kihy,aehtptuyjgio;t
#611036 (548)
< JaredCE> no, i had an idea for an ajax web2.0 calender that would pull details from flickr and google map
< shiruken> how far did you get?
< JaredCE> ermm
< JaredCE> i installed apache