#595522 (3177)
<Mod> he was very nasty. called him that word you never wanna call a black man
<Sirak> ??
<Mod> no one ever wants to call a black man the word that begins with 'n' ends in 'r' and has 'ig' in the middle
<Sirak> Neighbour?
#595604 (529)
<jeffrey> guys why does amazon.com suck so much
<jeffrey> it says my estimated ship date is jan 3
<jeffrey> yet on the product pages they both say usually ship within 24 hours
<cromicus> i hope you're ordering a copy of the dictionary that contains a definition for the word "usually"
#595616 (557)
<Deja> gay, I can't use my GameSpy ID because it has an accented e in it
<Ear> hahahahhah
<Ear> That's what you get for being pretentious. :D
#595645 (411)
<godun> hey,i think that you are using a vulnerable version of mirc,please install this security update ->
#595681 (107)
[@JigsWithoutWoodstock] Phil: Could you repeat that, I was distracted by a pig flying past my window
#595752 (2230)
<dr00d> gd, my gf is so fucking stupid
<stupid> shit, you found out about that?
#595758 (1301)
(dez) I had to write an essay about handicapped parking spots
(dez) I chose to write about how fat people are not handicapped
(dez) And how they should get special parking spots at the end of the lot
#595988 (1309)
<l0> allright, it's official: i live in a world of retards
<l0> the guy sitting next to me didn't know the answer on the completion test
<l0> so he wrote in "i am retartet"
<l0> the teacher wrote back "no shid"
#596026 (756)
<phlick>so apparently there was some tragedy in the neighboorhood involving some people dieing
<phlick>and this ugly chick, nearly in tears, says "words just can't express how many lives those people touched"
<phlick>so of course, taking the literal meaning of that i said "of course words don't. numbers do"
<phlick>and now everyone mourns and hates :)
#596091 (2577)
<BUBBLES> Shit. I need a date for a new year's eve concert.
<Nick> december 31st
#596142 (1029)
<Sub> crap, I 3got 1 go 2 the store b4 2
<Sub> 4*, 2*, 3*.
#596241 (1496)
<Yaksha> I asked my brother what he wanted for Christmas.
<Yaksha> He said he wanted cold hard cash.
<Yaksha> So that's exactly what I gave him.
<Yaksha> I got 20 $1 bills, soaked them in water and put them in the freezer.
<Yaksha> When he got it, it was just a block of green ice that took a day to thaw.
#596693 (511)
Keeper36rm: i almost got arrested too last night
interventi0n: for what?
Keeper36rm: racing
interventi0n: get pulled over?
Keeper36rm: we both did
interventi0n: who was the other car?
Keeper36rm: but the girl lied, she told the cop I was harassing her, she was just trying to get away from me
Keeper36rm: so he left her off, and I almost got arrested
#596981 (1027)
<E^> Your mom is like HTML
<E^> Tiny head, huge body!
#596983 (3470)
<Grid> Hey Psyko, if the world was gonna end in 3 minutes, what would you do?
<Psyko> I'D SCREW ANYTHING THAT MOVES!!! What would you do?
<Grid> ... ... ... I'd stand very very still. o.o;
#597248 (714)
<Jono> Have you ever fucked anything artificial?
<Gemma> No
<Smiddy> No
<Tom> Does that girl with the wooden leg count?
#597487 (1677)
<<Newtype> "Chrono Trigger was supervised by a group referred to as "The Dream Team", consisting of Hironobu Sakaguchi (producer of the Final Fantasy series), Yuji Horii (director of the Dragon Quest games), character designer Akira Toriyama (of Dragon Ball and Dragon Quest fame), venerable producer Kazuhiko Aoki, and Nobuo Uematsu (of Final Fantasy fame)."
<<Newtype> seriously, the only thing that could have made that any better was having Jesus on that team
<<Schwarz> Jesus was a carpenter, what the hell would he know about video games?
#597870 (1211)
<Blowjob-Queen> Is she still internet dating him?
<Fizzly> They were in the middle of a "harsh break up" last I remember.
<Fizzly> Text was flying so fast.
<Fizzly> Emoticons ran wild.
#597875 (2369)
<ronald_jeremy> haha, im taking this ethics certificatino thing online...they have the answers in the source code
#597921 (3551)
<dura> I really think I'm a moron.
<dura> I just now realised that Neo spelled backwards is one.
#598170 (482)
<[CJ]> i feel old when i'm reading the centerfold data in playboy and see that the centerfold was born sometime around the year i graduated high school :\
<Boyzoid> heh
<Boyzoid> old, or dirty
<Boyzoid> ?
<[CJ]> both
<[CJ]> but dirty i'm ok with
#598261 (626)
gelishan: one of my friends who's a stats major calculated the significance of their other
#598272 (526)
<Snow> So my 100% chance of snow has resulted in precisely 0 snow and the prediction has deteriorated to a 40% chance of snow.
<deimos> welcome to modern meteorology
<deimos> where all those fancy computers are to hide the dartboard
#598280 (698)
<conrailto> any German speakers here?
<issq> i own a set of harmon kardens
#598333 (1673)
<Rift> i ditch girls for video games all the time
<@monk-work> toggling between your porn window and your gaming window does not qualify as "ditching girls for video games"