#574088 (110)
[ Tom^ ] i remember my mate had a 33k modem, and we were like you should upgrade to 56k, then his dad was like, there is no point cus most webpages wont load any faster than around 33k anyway
[ Tom^ ] that was when i thought the internet was some guy sitting in a room and when you type in a web page he got that then sent the page to ur pc
[ Tom^ ] replace man with server and i had the idea :P
[ L-uNiT ] that's an awesome system tom
[ L-uNiT ] if he doesn't feel well then he'll just go away
[ L-uNiT ] and toilet brakes mean that we'll all get 404's
[ L-uNiT ] it'd be more effecient than microsoft servers
#574136 (533)
<tinks> besides, the more i have in savings, the more i can put into my 401k every month
<tinks> yeayyyyy 401k
<brat> Doesn't 401k come out of your paycheck, not savings?
<grue> heh, they should havae called the savings accounts at Enron the 404k
<grue> savings not found
#574181 (726)
<skreid> so i was trick or treating right
<GODLY> arent u a little old for that?
<skreid> fuck no
<skreid> anyway
<skreid> so i went as a present this year, just a bigass bow and some curled ribbons, and i go up to this door
<skreid> and a 75 year old woman and her husband open the door, and the woman goes "what are you?"
<skreid> i go "a present", and she gives me candy.  just as i start to walk away, she goes
<skreid> "who would want that??"
<skreid> and some little kid behind me just goes "OHHHH!  BURN!"
<GODLY> loser.
#574196 (1823)
Sanjuro Makabe: btw remember what you made up about something like the 7 layer protocol of the network or something?
Sanjuro Makabe: application, presentation, session, transport, network, datalink, physical
Sanjuro Makabe: i remember you made up something nasty to remember those by...i forgot what it was
Saem: a pussy so tight no dick penetrates
#574199 (-117)
<GeoTube> Seriously, my family is retarded, they have to write D, E or F on the cd/dvd reader/writers so they know which one is which when they put a disk in!
#574238 (1033)
<testman> i asked my girlfriend to come home to watch the last samurai
<testman> and she answered "i'd like to, but i didn't see the first ones"
#574419 (404)
<Jimmothi> damint
<Jimmothi> i drew on some plastic
<Jimmothi> then it rubbed off on my hand
<Jimmothi> i never noticed and slept on it and now its all up my face and ear
<Jimmothi> i look like a smurf gave me a facial
#574542 (926)
<Spacetrash> there's this sign at the bottom of the stairway that is bothering me
<Spacetrash> it says "floors are slippery when wet"
<Spacetrash> well no shit
<Spacetrash> you put the fucking sign up when the floors are wet to alert people they are wet and therefore slippery, putting up that sign is like getting rid of the fire alarms and putting up signs that say FIRE IS HOT
#574642 (9732)
* Porter is now known as PorterWITHGIRLFRIENDWHOISHOT
<Strayed> he shot his girlfriend?
#574649 (1589)
<Dogan> man, my english class this year is so sweet
<Dogan> there was this quick write on the civil rights movement yesterday
<Dogan> couldn't think of anything else, so i just ended with "In conclusion, all your base are belong to us."
<Dogan> she just wrote "Rephrase?", and gave me 30/30
#574759 (496)
<ChernoBog> i will ring for no money, and i know how to speak English, Macedonian, Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian and Bulgarian... understand some of russian too....
<Dashiva> and you haven't ethnically cleansed yourself yet?
#574962 (26)
<OG4Life> hey u faggity bunch of foreign fucks
<[Abomination]> Dalnet can't hear you unless you connect to them dude.
#575045 (1429)
<hahacornut>  I need visual aids for my presentation tomorrow
<Narcissus>  go to visual africa
#575172 (922)
<Sceleratus_Angelus> definition of canada = beer, hockey, bum, aboot
<n3o> definition of USA: mcdonalds, war
#575216 (84)
<DerMetzgermeister> A guy at work yesterday saw my stickers on my car, and asked me if Semper Fi was a form of martial arts.
#575362 (2169)
TsK/Scel: i think im gonna download some porn
TsK/Scel: something ive never seen before tho
TsK/Scel: something...... different
Shane/Mehul: lol
Shane/Mehul: porn with women?
TsK/Scel: fuck you
#575675 (1649)
< pin> so on saturday i was at a bar
< pin> telling a friend about how i played world of warcraft that day
< pin> and this girl was like.. are you talking about world of warcraft?
< pin> then i found out she played alliance and stopped talking to her
< pin> dumb cunt
#575828 (457)
<rob-bot> k, i got attacked by this hobo today on the side of the road, with his hat full of change and everything
<(``)> what you do?
<rob-bot> i asked him if he had change for a 5
#575842 (-222)
JunInohara: ew you guys ARE still here
JunInohara: bummer
JunInohara: <3
RockMecha: there's an easy fix to that
Whorange2: we don't love you either.
RockMecha: you see that great big button with an X on it?
RockMecha: if you click on that, we magically go away
Whorange2: whee
JunInohara: :P
RockMecha: and we go on to lead happy, cow-free lives
Whorange2: I love you more than ice cream for that Serge.
RockMecha: XD
Whorange2: and I love ice cream like those fat people who have to ride on flatbed trucks love ice cream. that's alot.
Whorange2: right Jamie?
JunInohara: uhm
JunInohara: yes?
#575846 (22)
<El_Angsto> interesting, I just read on slashdot about the linux worm
<zeekmor> it shouldnt effect us
<zeekmor> we are in a city, not in the wild
#575848 (490)
<myra> another accident?
<myra> what this time
<BWLaptop> 3rd grader running to catch the bus got hit by it
<BWLaptop> died at the scene
<karrde> guess he caught it...
#575855 (1762)
donchongo: i wonder what possesed some one to invent play-doh and silly putty
Wildfire: poop dries out to fast
donchongo: that really put a screeching halt to my thought process
#575874 (2088)
NTG85002: Hahaha
NTG85002: Today I was at my psych 101 lecture, of about 300 people, and we were talking about Freud's psychosexual stages, and how he thought homosexuality was credited to an lack of influence from the same sex parent.
NTG85002: So in the middle of class, my friend says "I don't believe that.  If not having one of your parents around led to homosexuality, there would be a lot more black homosexuals."
NTG85002: The teacher was speechless.
#576017 (1304)
Promisemememphis: there was a girl in one of my bio teachers classes and they had to put a cotton swab in their mouth and look at the slide
Promisemememphis: he went to look at hers because she saw something moving and told her it was a sperm
Promisemememphis: which meant that she'd just given some guy head in lunch like fifteen minutes before hand
Promisemememphis: he wouldn't let her leave the class either
#576018 (1803)
Lucius: so im stuck hangin out with this emo kid
Lucius: he goes up to this hot girl and says "hey baby, what are you doing lateR?"
Lucius: she turns to him and goes "boy, i already have a pussy, i dont need another one" and walks away
Lucius: i couldnt stop laughing
Lucius: then he gets this sad look and tells me to shut up
Lucius: i calmly pull out my sharpie and draw a tear on his cheek
Lucius: he literally shrieks and runs away