#560559 (1224)
<VUlpixLover> making fun of people who can't read is intolerable.  you shouldn't say anything mean about them.
<NoTruth> Yeah you should write it.
#560613 (672)
<Black_Kniggit> That's nothing compared to back when I played Fallout 2
<Black_Kniggit> I stole the coins from every NPC in the entire game!
<Black_Kniggit> and I didn't just steal it as such, I stole it one coin at a time until I had five coins (unless if I failed in which case I would load my game and try again) then I got 150 exp and saved my game. Then I did it again. This gave me A LOT of exp points.
<Medmera> WTF?
<Black_Kniggit> Sometimes I used the steal skill to give them back money, so I could steal some more
<Medmera> you will lose your virginity in your next life.
#560674 (1341)
GeoffSharron: a spider just hid inside my keyboard
GeoffSharron: and this sentence probably crushed him
GeoffSharron: i think he was under the m key
GeoffSharron: mmmm
GeoffSharron: m key
GeoffSharron: m m m m
#560710 (764)
<andkore> can somebody say something positive the government has done in the past 5 years? please?
<gorn> no, you'd have to go to before bush was elected to see something positive
<JuggaloAnt> when clinton banged that chick?
<gorn> yeah
<gorn> that was positive
<gorn> make love not war
#560745 (86)
<shaine> Siege: kansas' best song is dust in the wind. listen to it
<Siege> k ill download it
<Siege> Haha i accidentally typed in "dst in the wind" in the search box
<Siege>  and child pron came up.
<shaine> you must have turned on 'my favorites' or something.
#560932 (397)
<ckoo> haha some lady asked me where she could get headphones so I told her "the source"  aka radioshack.   She walked outside,  turned,  and walked straight toward "SOURCE adult video"
<reaper> Ahahahah!
#561141 (1881)
<quadropheniac57> so we're talking about aboriginal symbols in school today
<quadropheniac57> and i tell my group that i read it was bad luck to kill an emu, except i say emo on accident
<quadropheniac57> so i laugh and say "actually, it's pretty good luck to kill an emo"
<quadropheniac57> this girl, overweight, dyed black hair, eyeshadow, not goth but close
<quadropheniac57> says "no, emo is sad. emo is short for emotional"
<quadropheniac57> so i respond "no, emo is short for stupid"
<quadropheniac57> she says "no, it's for emotional. emo people are emotional beings who live that way to relieve their pain"
<quadropheniac57> i say "emo people are self-absorbed attention-seeking idiots who listen to crappy music"
<quadropheniac57> rest of class, she gives me the most dark and depressed death glare
<quadropheniac57> THE WHOLE REST OF CLASS, that's like 45 minutes, she's just death-looking me, not even turning her head
<quadropheniac57> i swear, she's gonna kill herself this weekend, and it's all my fault
<civilpunkbikes> good luck coming your way
<quadropheniac57> amen
#561357 (504)
<Mr_Blud> That looks like a mosquito
<ThunderMax> I hate mosquitos
<ThunderMax> they're like the Jehovah's Witnesses of nature
#561386 (362)
<Ryuhou> bravo is pissing me off with its "movies that changed the world!" crap.
<Ryuhou> they keep saying "men stopped having affairs in 1987 after fatal attraction."
<Ryuhou> i'm sorry.  what world are you from?
<Ryuhou> of course
<Ryuhou> they follow that up with a
<Ryuhou> IT STAYS IN VEGAS commercial
#561408 (402)
<Baintz> Wikipedia is now used like the dictionary, meant to be serious but used to look up dirty words
#561572 (185)
<stark> hi guys, anyone got a webpage on how ms exchange works?
<@normal1> sure
<@normal1> <html><title>How MS exchange works</title><head><body> MS EXCHANGE SUCKS ARSE </body></head>
<takeaction> normal1: WOW! I think that's the best explination of exchange I have ever seen...
#561675 (1786)
<Ashley> No, believe me... my job SUCKS.
<Ashley> We have to clock out to go to the bathroom. What kind of shit is that?
<Robert> The kind you don't get paid for.
#561902 (835)
<Klaatu> I logged into the admin account in a comp at my uni.
<Klaatu> I drew the word "Owned" and set it as the wallpaper.
<Hl1> Meh, that's good enough to hang with us. >.>
<Klaatu> 1337 :D
<Hl1> You just lost your cred.
<Klaatu> Aw fux0r. :(
<Hl1> And slowly going into the negatives...
#561914 (1192)
<DJnerate> I saw the epitome of laziness today
<DJnerate> there was this family at the mall, they were pretty overweight
<DJnerate> they were headed for the escalator but maintenance had shut it down for the day
<DJnerate> and the mother exclaims, "Oh no, how are we gonna get down?"
<DJnerate> i was laughing my ass off watching them trying to figure it out
#561940 (1031)
(surfer) we tried to take off a stop sign
(Katriel) what did the sign say?
(surfer) stop
#562130 (572)
<thatbox> jpg artifacts are no fun for anyone!
<Binjuice> What about jpg archeologists?
#562344 (1642)
<DarthFoamy> Ah, unstable connections
<DarthFoamy> How do I despise thee?
<DarthFoamy> Let me count the ways!
<DarthFoamy> 1
<DarthFoamy> 2
* DarthFoamy has quit IRC (Quit: Ping timeout)
#562582 (1079)
<tumnus> i just set my clock the easiest way ever
<tumnus> i waited until it was midnight then i plugged it in and left it
#562727 (1186)
Sui Kiogi Az: you have such a succinct way with words you know
RuShKiN AsS: Damn skippy i do
RuShKiN AsS: I"m a fuckin magician with words
RuShKiN AsS: Ask amy!
RuShKiN AsS: Watch... you see the word fuck
RuShKiN AsS: I'll cut it in two
RuShKiN AsS: Now i will make it disapear
Sui Kiogi Az: you're a true wordsmith
RuShKiN AsS:
Sui Kiogi Az: I...don't know ::cries::
RuShKiN AsS: Oh whats that behind your ear... **pulls fuck out**
#563043 (142)
<ILuvChitlins> listen buddy you had best stop trying to hack people with your script kiddie ways
<ILuvChitlins> or someone might get pissed off and ban you from the internet
<Arsvith> Remind me again. You know /how/ much about computers?
#563331 (1245)
<chrisg> is it star wars ep. 2 thats got the litte green guy jumpin about fighting and stuff?
<grifferz> what you have just asked, is, to a star wars fan, akin to saying, "so, that bible, is that the one where the beardy guy conjures up a heap of fish?" to a christian
#563614 (971)
<Fenril> That reminds me, there's a deaf person in one of my classes, and she has a personal sign-language person.
<Fenril> And it's really freaking distracting.
<Satan> Now there's a job I wouldn't mind having.
<Cact> I don't have a beef with the deaf, it's just that they freak me out with their moans and grunts sometimes.
<Fenril> I don't either, but it's hard to learn with a person standing 3 feet from you and looking like she's having a sock-puppet fight with herself.
#564038 (116)
<Obliterat> do you have a fast connection or are you just fast at typing?
#564053 (251)
fukapuka: im gonna go to my other pc for a bit
idolcrash: ooh your other PC?
idolcrash: where you talk dirty to me and act like your dad?
idolcrash: and I act like some kid in michigan?
idolcrash: and if that is your dad please don't tell me
#564059 (339)
<Mivalekan> the next generation of games will feature not consoles
<Mivalekan> but the games only which will only be tiny capsules
<Mivalekan> with which you insert into your anus and the game plays in your brain
<Nosnam> So basically, the next generation of games will be an LSD suppository?