#549598 (1025)
Threatis I'm trying to figure out what "geek" tattoo I'm getting.
khmer Threatis: get <blink> tattooed on your eyelids
#549651 (1125)
<Velk> I have my school pay phones on my cell contact list
<Velk> my friend and I plan to go to New York city and take down as many pay phone numbers as we can
<Velk> and single out a person, and every payphone he passes we'll call
<Velk> just to creep him out
#551813 (2235)
Mike: I had a random thought in the shower just before
Mike: I think I was still half asleep
Mike: if you smacked a kid in the face with a bottle of johnson's no more tears, would it create beautiful irony?
Hopper: ROFL
#552501 (1083)
Keewa: ::buries her head in your shit:: X3
Keewa: ...errr
Keewa: shirt*
#553209 (811)
<timmo> it blows my mind
<timmo> that some people want to just be born, grow up, etc just in one place
<timmo> and not go out and explore the world
<v3dd3r> shutup magellan
#553301 (1308)
<EvilBlood> i had a crazy dream last night
<EvilBlood> my mother barged into my room and started hitting my computer
<EvilBlood> i threw her down, and ended up sniffing her pussy through her panties
<EvilBlood> weird
«@ tanlin999» so what was the dream?
<EvilBlood> oh yeah that
<EvilBlood> well
#553362 (402)
<pab> dude, how do you know what condom size to get
<pab> I dont want it to be ockward... but I have no idea
<pab> is there a way to view webcam over irc?
<omnica> ....
<omnica> bring the measurements to the pharmicist
<pab> it's 2am...
<omnica> bring measurements to the 7-11 attendant
#553790 (3751)
<Victorian_Skunk> Is there a new virus going around? My Windows has suddenly changed to another language! I think it's Croatian.
<Dan> You Got Serbed!
#553813 (537)
<earmuff-man> Yeah the last plane out of Sydney's almost gone
<earmuff-man> And it's really got me worried
<earmuff-man> I'm goin' nowhere and I'm in a hurry
<earmuff-man> And the last plane out of Sydney's almost gone
<spinifex> earmuff man can i be an op?
<spinifex> just for tonight?
<earmuff-man> ok
* earmuff-man sets mode: +o spinifex
* ChanServ sets mode: +l 12
<earmuff-man> Well the last plane out of Sydney's almost gone
* earmuff-man was kicked by spinifex (quit your singing bitch)
<spinifex> bahahahhhaa
#554294 (519)
SuperGiddyup222: I just watched an episode of married with children and ate a TV dinner
work it joe: youre living the american dream
work it joe: one heartbreaking piece at a time
#554631 (1216)
<Diamant>I just compleated intercourse with your female parental unit, as they say in the hood.
#554632 (742)
thejew: omg i just found a memory leak that has existed since the dawn of time
PlasmaHH: hm, this would explain why the universe is so big...
#554689 (1770)
Steve: I was buying condoms for a friend of mine at the beach in a drug store
Steve: and I also picked up one of those freezable ice packs cuz I hurt my knee surfing that day
Steve: I put both of the items on teh counter
Steve: the big black guy behind the counter looks at me and says quite loudly
Steve: son, what are you gonna do to that poor girl
Steve: this older couple that was checking out looks at me and then hurries out fo the store
#554909 (133)
<boon> today started out so aweful
<boon> I got up early, poured a bowl of cereal, OJ...I was set. Had 45min until I had to leave for work.  I thought I'd go downstairs and grab the laundry from the dryer before I started eating
<boon> I get to the bottom of the stairs and *slam*...the door to my place closes behind me
<boon> SCREWED
<Kammo> oh, no! You had to open the door?!
#556104 (1545)
<themole> I was thinking of quiting my job at target
<soapy> you should look into getting a job at goatse
<soapy> I heard they have a large opening
#556673 (1944)
prettykittikat: Im going 2 the club 2night
Syric 2005: im going 2 lern 2 tipe 2nite 2
prettykittikat: what?
Syric 2005: Exactly
#556995 (624)
<Rev> my house of 1000 corpses download is done
<ix> what a waste of bandwidth
<@Volsus> unless that's a sims expansion pack
#557489 (879)
marksmith101: hello there
Le Steph0rz: hi
marksmith101: wanna cybur??
Le Steph0rz: sure babe asl
marksmith101: 16/m/ca in florida, titusville
Le Steph0rz: 29/f/ca
Le Steph0rz: holy shit man!
marksmith101: oh strip for me babe
marksmith101: wat?
Le Steph0rz: i think i know u!
marksmith101: wtf?
Le Steph0rz: oh shit, its me, ur teacher, ms. stephanie brown!!
Marksmith101 has logged off.
#558075 (1257)
<@RaptorIIC> Error: Too many arguments when calling GirlFriend();
#558467 (1520)
<Canas> your humor pleases only the children and the dim witted
<JackPhantasm> same with your penis
#559155 (444)
Maxim: My alarm clock software demo expired.
Maxim: So I changed the system time by a week, and it worked.
Maxim: But I forgot to change the alarm setting accordingly.
Maxim: So the alarm didn't go off, and I missed the appointment.
Maxim: :-(
#560292 (572)
SleepyDog Two more generations and you'll be able to fit an iPod in your rectum
SleepyDog comfortably
#560470 (474)
<nick> grah windows just crashed again, unstable crap.
<yukito> Windows isn't unstable, it's just spontaneous.
#560513 (13)
tboz86: okay, so... some guy in new york stabbed a 10 month old baby last night that was just hanging out in her stroller
squeamish: was he from New Orleans?
tboz86: idk, but who stabs a 10 month old
kimono: a mental case on drugs
tboz86: seriously, that kid will be scared for life
#560540 (494)
<anarch> A restaurant in northeastern China that advertised illegal tiger meat dishes was found instead to be selling donkey flesh _ marinated in tiger urine, a newspaper reported Thursday.
<anarch> cant wait to go to china!