#542595 (683)
themadchef: they dont hire that often
themadchef: i went there awhile ago
iLOVEthat AliceD: and?
themadchef: they werent hiring
themadchef: lol
iLOVEthat AliceD: thats a fucked up story man
iLOVEthat AliceD: i liked the twist ending
#542943 (754)
<Vipsta> I once keylogged this guy coding C
<Vipsta> biggest fucking mess ever :\
#543059 (417)
<ag> Diablo-D3: Have you considered Front Page?  It's much easier, and you still get to look dumb.
#543436 (3262)
<opensoar> you know how my wife looks really young right?
<jb> yeah - she looks about 15
<opensoar> we'd been playing tennis and she was in little shorts and a t-shirt
<opensoar> we went to a mall and i figured i'd embarrass her with a bit sloppy kiss..
<jb> lol - you bastard!
<opensoar> after i'd slobbered all over her, she pushed me away and shouted out "Ew! Dad! GROSS!"
<opensoar> the whole place thought i was some kind of pervy..
#543726 (1172)
<root66> so, I was contracted to write a text messaging client for windows. I said I wanted $250 upfront and $250 upon completion. He only sent $200
<root66> so I completed it but made it crippled and put "demo" in the titlebar
<root66> and he told me "this is just some demo you downloaded. I am not giving you any more money"
<root66> so I changed "demo" to "cheapskate version - that means you dave" and sent it again
<root66> now he won't answer my emails
#543728 (1267)
(placid|work) i knew a girl that was fat just because of her asthma medication
(@Rayn) what was she taking for asthma ... cheeseburgers?
#543730 (881)
<JDProject> can someone explain the difference between a hub and a router ?
<ffejtable> one works at layer 2, the other at layer 3+
<LeddyWK> if he's asking the difference, chances are he doesn't know the osi model
#543764 (760)
diggertrocknroll: Graham, my girlfriend just listed bukkake as one of the top five ways to kill a man
diggertrocknroll: I blame you
Grahamenstein: why me?
Grahamenstein: there were four other guys
#543807 (-53)
<tally> why does it seem like out of the ton of people listed on the right, only four are talking
<vette> the rest are whispering
#543933 (2424)
[Buck_Satan] take the amount of pussy you've gotten, times that by three and that should be a rough estimate of how much I've gotten
[Buck_Satan] fag
[Baron von Mannsechs] 0 x 3 = 0, Buck
#544203 (912)
<atrus> i worked on a project once where somebody named variables defined in various places explicity so on one line of code, it showed up as:
<atrus> function_name($all, $urBase, $rBelong, $toUs);
<atrus> closest i've ever come to manslaughter
#544452 (118)
#544637 (2439)
MasterKayin: Dude, those Kamakazi pilots in WW2 were crazy...
MasterKayin: If they threw me in a plane and told me to go crash into something
MasterKayin: I'd just take off and go somewhere else
MasterKayin: Like on vacation or something along those lines
MasterKayin: I'd go to Hawaii
MasterKayin: Er... wait...
#544722 (495)
<%Justin> lol
<%Justin> I've always wanted to ask a girl for a cron job and see what they would say.
<+Steph> probably, WTF
<%Justin> hmm
<%Justin> Steph, will you give me a cronjob.
<%Justin> Everynight @ 2
#545197 (1026)
<Papa_Trousers> you ever think the guys who invented the word sex spelled it that way so we could type it with our left hands?
#545495 (542)
[GmJ] some idiot made a iso of 2 more isos
[GmJ] so when I burned it
[GmJ] there are 2 isos on the cd
#546198 (1099)
<hammergunner>  i want to see a big red button one day that read "push here to understand women"
<cccnnn> hammer: yeah that's the withdraw cash button on the ATM machine.
#546383 (464)
<Shiv> really, how can you make a "combatting illiteracy" poster anyway?
<Shiv> make it a map to the library?
#546800 (1197)
<Dogan> but I knew this one mathematician guy in college
<Dogan> he tried to apply for a grant to get funding for his project
<Dogan> and on the form he said his project involved "studying the effects of tropical vacations on mathematicians"
#546813 (994)
<itior> XML is like violence, if it doesn't solve the problem, just use more.
#547569 (3509)
M8525888: here, you gotta press a and e really fast
M8525888: æ
Ryoji 17: ae
Ryoji 17: ae
Ryoji 17: ae
Ryoji 17: ae
Ryoji 17: ae
Ryoji 17: ae
M8525888: æ i o u
Ryoji 17: ae
Ryoji 17: ae
#547572 (801)
Blade Madrigal: Why don't Libraries carry books on suicide?
Ice Sickle: They'd never get returned?
Blade Madrigal: there you go.
Ice Sickle wins.
BanishTheShadowKing: .. Dang. That's the first time I ever saw anyone answer a joke. That's awesome.
HailFire: Neko, you have l337 skills.
#548669 (1607)
(SirJohnny) How do you feel about the US in the middle east?
(Talya) Uhhh
(Talya) They give us money
(Talya) so w00t
(SirJohnny) What if Bush woke up one day, and was like "WE'RE GOING TO INVADE ISRAEL BECAUSE...UHM...LIKE, I THINK THEY HAVE NUCLEAR WEAPONS!" what would you do? XD
(Talya) (we do have nuclear weapons)
#548837 (518)
<rhc> apparently it's rude if
<rhc> somebody asks if you have a light
<rhc> and you reply: "yes, but it's at the end of the tunnel"
#549412 (545)
<AmW> I got rearended by a car with "CARMA" vanity plates today.
<AmW> destiny can't spell.