#537307 (2257)
(Bismarck) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes!!!!
(Bismarck) France is going to house the new nuclear fusion reactor!
(Bismarck) If it suceeds, cheap long term energy. If it fails, BAM! France is gone!
(Bismarck) It's win win!
#537359 (48)
<kingofign> I was talking to a HUGE anti-piracy friend yesterday
<kingofign> and he said
<kingofign> "Piracy is stealing"
<kingofign> "You wouldn't steal a wallet, or a purse, or a car"
<kingofign> And I say
<kingofign> "Dude, you can download cars now?  What newsgroups are YOU signed up to?"
#537564 (1462)
<mrWoot> :(
Melindhra turns the frown upside down
<mrWoot> ):
#537896 (450)
<&dreams> well
<&dreams> I want a direct link
<&dreams> :P
<@McRuMMy> ugh
<@McRuMMy> www.yahoo.com/DontBeFuckinLazy
<@McRuMMy> here
<@McRuMMy> http://www.sky.com/skynews/article/0,,30000-1188265,00.html
<&dreams> lmao
<&dreams> thanks
<@McRuMMy> everytime i dont feel like helpin you i look back on this pic of your boobs :>
#538924 (1578)
quiksilvrr101: hello
axelay4: went out and bought some dice for D&D yesterday
quiksilvrr101: hot
axelay4: they were mondo expensive  though...so i looked the guy at the counter straight in the face and asked him if i could roll a D20 to haggle
quiksilvrr101: lol
quiksilvrr101: and?
axelay4: goddamn natural 1
#538930 (686)
<bda> Wow. Five SMS and already I'm wishing I had the fingers of a 15 year old Japanese girl.
* bda pauses.
<bda> Hmmm.
<SketchCow> I do too
<SketchCow> Wrapped around something
#539034 (640)
<CherryMay> Channel 5 Sun Jul 10 6:20 PM
<CherryMay> (100 min., 1990, USA, Adventure/Western/War Movies)
<CherryMay> someone explain those genres to me please.
<The_T> They stand back to back
<The_T> take 10 paces forward, turn, then fire
<The_T> in TANKS
#539388 (1047)
NitishP |  Wow this Perl tutorial can be lame - "recursion n.: See recursion."
#539936 (-328)
<darkstar> 78/m/bedridden
<darkstar> ball men
<darkstar> swgtlm seeks non-human dick slave to swab bedsores and eat poo
<d00rmaus> I only do sbgtlm
<d00rmaus> sorry
<darkstar> so you only dig single black gay transgendered lesbian males
<darkstar> sorry we didn't match on e harmony
<d00rmaus> no category #22 failed
<d00rmaus> although we got 100% on #23, do you eat dick.
<d00rmaus> too much data, kernel panic
<darkstar> libdickslurping.so was not loaded at boot
#540021 (1673)
t3hraven: Holy shit somethings burning outside my window
t3hraven: brb
t3hraven: o, nm
t3hraven: it was a cloud going by my window
t3hraven: thought it was smoke :/
BILLLL: Go outside much, raven?
t3hraven: no :(
BILLLL: cuz those cloud things can be pretty tricky
t3hraven: shut up
#540166 (690)
xeon: "Keyboard Failure, Press F1 to continue"
xeon: ....... wtf?!
#540200 (1295)
<Gonads> Happens to me too. Actually, I get upset with myself if I see a word I don't know the meaning of. Which is starting to happen more and more.
<Apocalypse> Theoretically it should be happening in a mitigate and subjacent idiosyncrasy.
<Gonads> Fuck you
#540211 (748)
<Gandalf> how do you create a user in linux?
<@Viceroy> you can't, if you use linux you're going to live alone forever
#540271 (2483)
<tennisgh22> i was watching this porn and the girl keeps goinng "see!!! see?!!!! seeeee?!!!!"
<tennisgh22> and i was like wtf see what?
<tennisgh22> but then i realized
<tennisgh22> it was in spanish :(
#540288 (2391)
<+aeonite> is there any diet plan that does not involve fucking cottage cheese?
<@LordCrank> some of them involve eating it instead
#540395 (2345)
<rick> hey my bro called me up the other day asking for the ops cd key
<rick> so im like, military style? bc its such a pain to understand the letters over the phone
<rick> so hes like "whatever sure"
<rick> so im sitting there for like 10 minutes saying " kit-cat-kit-cat-9 = venus-bounce-bounce-bouce-dog = girl-girl-phone-girl-daddy ..." so thats going on for a while and hes repeating it back to me and im repeating it back to him for like 5 times.
<rick> so finally i hang up the phone and spin around in my chair and my grandpa is standing in the doorway totally dazed, and hes like "i'll never understand you young kids."
#540426 (1628)
xyzzy314: i got some rare footage of houdini getting locked out of his car
#540470 (2018)
SMB61890: have u heard bout that earthquake stuff under the sea
Fairies Exist90: no is ariel ok?
SMB61890: i dont kno how to spell the name of it
Fairies Exist90: and king triton?
SMB61890: what?
Fairies Exist90: and sebastian?
Fairies Exist90: and flounder?
Fairies Exist90: ARE THEY OK?!
#540900 (800)
<konefku> If you have twins, im buying you a shirt that points to your left side that says "I LOVE THIS ONE MORE."
#541002 (927)
<ravedreamcast> well at least i had some fun in the back seat
<ravedreamcast> the true gift of partys
<Cryomancer> you brought your gameboy?
#541695 (2487)
<keepingcharlie> i had lots of sex when i was under 18., man i miss those days. i wish i would have realized what i had, when i had it.
<rabbiwanna> You probably still have it.
<rabbiwanna> Get tested.
#541795 (3251)
<Tre_Cool>: Man I'm soooo hungry... I could eat more hot dogs than that lil japenese guy.
<Netters>: I got 20 bucks that says you can't do that.
<Tre_Cool>: Listen, I'm not intimidated by you OR your freakish talking money.
#542053 (1888)
Salsa Shark: you know what google earth needs?
ULJarad: More 3D buildings?
Salsa Shark: ion cannon button
#542530 (1184)
<Maduin> Is it weird if you recognize a girl in your inbox porn from your highschool?
<TheUpstairsProTHAway> I think the most comedic answer would be, "It depends what part you recognized."
#542591 (531)
<Mifuyne> how old is your iBook anyway?
<+indigo> 4 years.
<+indigo> :-P
<Mifuyne> ah
<~Delta> jeez
<~Delta> that thing was made before the war