#2834 (603)
<semi> ThePikmin: oh yeah? well i can increase my penis size up to 3 full inches!
<ThePikmin> my penis size is already 3 full inches
#2835 (200)
<MrP-> people say my ass is just like a girls
<MrP-> and my tits are to die for!
#2837 (371)
<maff> yoga fire!
<timmo> yoga flame!
<maff> if you were dhalism right now, I bet you'd get stopped in the airport.
#2839 (690)
<drBoston> DGMage : asl
<DGMage> You seriously need a new pickup line.
<drBoston> never
<drBoston> you don't fuck with perfection
#2841 (545)
<drwho> I don't know which models use 60 pin and whihc use 26 pin
<Horus> models usualy have a 1 pin female connector
#2844 (235)
*** Nilx (~r@t1o19p47.telia.com) has joined channel #unixhelp
<Nilx> are there any webpages which are allowed to get hacked?
<Nilx> HELP
#2847 (547)
*** mr_bill has changed the topic on channel #unix to Kids in the back seat cause accidents.  Accidents in the backseat cause kids.
*** mr_bill has changed the topic on channel #unix to oops, wrong channel
#2854 (561)
<Strafer> If you get collisions on a wireless LAN, do you see sparks in mid-air?
#2855 (65)
<|nec|> hihi all
<|nec|> can anyone tell me if its possible to set up a efnet server on a homepc
#2856 (69)
<shervin> do you ever have those days where you dont take a crap, so you fart a lot, and your farts kinda smell good?
#2857 (259)
<zacs> wow
<zacs> my name on slashdot
<zacs> i can retire
<zacs> and live on fame alone
<iddy-h> *nod*
#2858 (595)
* semi realises that  my videocard is better then MrP-'s old computer
<MrP-> hell, i masturbate at a higher frequency than my old pc
#2860 (366)
<semi> +
<semi> oops
<semi> keyboard almost fell, caught it by the numpad end
<MrP-> +
<MrP-> oops
<MrP-> same here
#2861 (72)
[23:03] <`Jamesy> i am a raging homosexual.
[23:03] <`Jamesy> i am a raging homosexual.
[23:03] <`Jamesy> i am a raging homosexual.
[23:03] <`Jamesy> i am a raging homosexual.
[23:03] <exploding_elf> watch it `Jamesy, keep your fluids to yourself and dont flood
#2867 (203)
<eldee> boozie: yeh.. kizer has alot of hooch-pr0n.. he must have a subscription to penthouse ;>
<boozie> haha
<KiZeR> good lord
<eldee> penthouse == magazine for chicks who dont want to have fuck-scenes, and too ugly to be in playboy
#2868 (228)
<shervin> DMC talks shit like no other and yet hes OP
<Gethoht> OP?
<Gethoht> oh, op
<Gethoht> i thought you meant "original playa" or somethin
#2870 (210)
* FiShYmAn kills Noddy
* FiShYmAn sells the film to ld saying its olsen twins for $50
[Noddy ] rfol
[Noddy ] he'd get off on it either way
#2871 (588)
[incorrect] no, we're all using pens, paper and carrier pidgeons
[incorrect] actually, maybe that's what PPP stands for
#2875 (361)
<matts_> arto hates me, it's about time
<artoh8su> no, i dont
<matts_> oh
<artoh8su> i just couldnt fit artoh8suunlessyournameismatts in my name
#2877 (771)
<AlmtyBob> Groups such as Cyberangels and Pedowatch have picked up the slack by enlisting thousands of volunteers across the globe to scan the Internet for lurid images of children.
<AlmtyBob> wow
<AlmtyBob> sounds like my kind of job
<AlmtyBob> and to think, I'm doing it for free as we speak
#2879 (88)
<davisjr2> you know, if a girl sticks ya good you know she's not the one. it's simple.
#2880 (303)
<Avi> is this divx ??????????????? !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ???????????? !!!!!!!!!!!!!! <-- thats how people are now'a'days
<Lord-Data> Avi: its always been that way
<Lord-Data> just faster cpu's means they type more bullshit
#2881 (197)
<LkTrout1> call yourself DJ Sock
<LkTrout1> Come in naked with just a sock over your crotch.
#2882 (66)
<kisama> man, i am rocking to this backstreet boys shit
#2884 (879)
<Frag_> whats a good bench mark program?
<Ghaleon> Frag_: deltree /y c:\windows
<Ghaleon> the longer it takes, the slower your computer is
<Ghaleon> (ps, just a joke)
<Frag_> uh can i undo deltree?