#2774 (252)
*** Amanda sets mode: -s
<DAL9000> i feel naked now.
#2776 (95)
<PX_> pc without irc is like a macintosh or something
<PX_> (:
#2778 (715)
<schwack> if there's one thing i hate its everything
#2779 (361)
<[Fee]> I watch univsion
<[Fee]> and galavision
<[Fee]> they got nice ass on there sometimes
<[Fee]> i dont know what there saying
<[Fee]> but ass is univeral
#2780 (173)
*** loopback was kicked by GoodScrat (GoodScrat)
*** loopback (~boh@ppp-134-252.29-151.libero.it) has joined #winprog
<loopback> GoodScrat, why did you kick me?
<GoodScrat> I didn't mean to, I was clicking on something and my computer froze fora  second and then caught up to all the clicks and kicked you
<loopback> oh, ok
#2785 (575)
* iban is going to invent a marriage simulator. It's a blowup doll that sits on the couch, takes your money, and slowly inflates larger and larger
#2789 (670)
<brucet> i pay for my internet access - i pay you to HELP me .. so someone better start to tell me how to do it or i'm going to complain about you to my ISP
<brucet> HAHA - you wont call me a lamer when u get sacked by the ISP - i have just wrote an e-mail to them now explaining that you wont help!!
#2790 (262)
(enojy) next time i post a link, please refrain from clicking it if you are still using a 6-year old method of connecting to the internet
#2792 (641)
<pupkick> 37?
<devinfo> i heard 37 is any 3 digit multiple of 37, when the digits are cyclicly permutated is still divisible by 37, ie: 37*13 = 481, 148/37 = 4, 37*11 = 407, 740/37 = 20, or oddly enough, this works in other bases too... 0x37 * 0x19 = 0x55F. 0xF55 / 0x37 = 0x47, or you sucked 37 dicks?
#2793 (909)
* CaliSean is STRAIGHTER
<soupking> straight? so's spaghetti till u heat it up.
#2794 (311)
<Viscant> I am proud of having an average sized penis.
<Viscant> Little Viscant is 6 3/4 and proud.
<Hentai007> i thought 7 was average
<tragic> viscant "average" you realize there are 1 billion chinese people
<Viscant> tragic: Damn them.
#2795 (1310)
(Matt^^^) Ok, walk up to a really hot chick and say "I bet you 20 bucks I can make your tits jiggle without touching them"
(Matt^^^) then grab her tits, give her 20 bucks and walk away
#2796 (668)
(pvah) i wonder how funny airport security would think it would be if you walked into an airport with a cardboard box that said "BOMB" on it
#2802 (256)
<[_pitch_]> florida is shaped like a big droopy dick for a reason...
#2805 (319)
<LrdZombie> So last night my sister comes in and wants to borrow a dvd.  She goes "What do you have that I'd like?" and i go, "Well, I got Goonies, Dark Crystal, and Adventures of Baron Munchausen."  She goes "I just saw goonies.  Which is better, dark crystal or baron munchausen?"
<_Shorty> haha
<LrdZombie> "Do you want to sleep tonight?"  "Yes."  *hands her baron munchausen.*
<blazemore> tsk tsk.. laughing before the punch line
#2809 (420)
<k3vil> Hey how did it work out with your(ex)gurlfriend ;)
<Mac]{> I think she still wants
<Mac]{> I see her every week
<Mac]{> :P
<k3vil> see == ?
<Mac]{> uhh
<k3vil> see
<k3vil> where.. in bed? :)
<Mac]{> see = /invite her #my_room
<k3vil> hahaahah
<Mac]{> and /op her #bed
<Mac]{> and /mode #bed +i
<k3vil> haha
<Mac]{> :P
<k3vil> /msg #ear whore!
<Mac]{> haha
<k3vil> /part #legs
<Mac]{> foreplay = /ctcp her !finger
<Mac]{> afterplay = /dcc chat her
<k3vil> /join #pussy
<k3vil> /whois #stench_from_pussy
<Mac]{> heh
<Mac]{> /kickban her | /notice her come back next week
<k3vil> /query #pussy spermanoids
<k3vil> hehehe
#2812 (323)
<shervin> Am I the only one that thinks Leela, the girl on Futurama, would be really hot if she had 2 eyes?
<shervin> i'd bone her if she wore sunglasses
#2817 (356)
<neck> my arse has fucking fallen asleep again ..
<neck> i cant get it up
<neck> i mean get up
#2819 (303)
<neck> i no longer wear tshirts
<neck> oh, wtf am i talking about, i have on on as i speak
#2820 (327)
[Lord-Data] hell, woudlnt mind a girlfriend
[Duckarse] ditto
[incorrect] there's always ebay
#2823 (51)
<ThaDragon> =) (=
<ThaDragon> =* *=
<ThaDragon> =**=
<ThaDragon> *ziiiip*
<ThaDragon> =) o=u=8 O=<
<ThaDragon> *SLAP*
<ThaDragon> =/ `o=u=8
<ThaDragon> Thats the story of a man and a woman on the first date.
<ThaDragon> =P
#2829 (411)
<DMC[isje]> i cant even count the number of times i have jerked off while talking to you guys
#2830 (509)
*** bigdick (happy@12-232-82-116.client.attbi.com) has joined #cars
*** BigCunt is now known as RaMTuFF
* bigdick slides into BigCunt
*** bigdick (happy@12-232-82-116.client.attbi.com) has left #cars
<shaan> well that doesnt happen everyday
#2831 (372)
<snag> you know whats funny
<snag> im big
<snag> but im not that fat
<eldee> that's what all fat people say
#2832 (1194)
-Global- [Logon News - Dec 29 2001] Welcome to Evolnet!  Where the men are men, the women are men, and the boys are fbi agents.  but some of the men are really women.  Enjoy!