#2272 (288)
<punkmac> people are dumb
<punkmac> i put my 2 333's on the local for-sale newsgroup
<punkmac> heres what some doofus emails me:
<punkmac> >>Will you sell them separate from each other......In other word do I have to
<punkmac> >>buy both of them?
<TeamsterX> hah connected at birth by a crossover cable ;)
#2278 (89)
<daisu> [23:05] <@Schrieks> and i don't relate to japanese guys in pr0n
<daisu> [23:05] <@Schrieks> their willies are tiny
<daisu> This is so garrishly true
<daisu> I think that's why there are so many asian people
<daisu> sperm has less length to travel
#2279 (293)
<BombScare> im fuckin done
<BombScare> bah..no high speed net = no streaming pr0n movies
<BombScare> gotta jerk off to memories then :(
#2290 (706)
<eldee> finding wiring diagrams on the web isnt fun at all
<eldee> because.. you really dont find any wiring diagrams
<eldee> just porn.. how wiring diagrams and porn can be confused in a search engine, i've yet to discover
#2292 (465)
<brase_one> anyone have kemetic suns - stop the world = free leech to my ftp site
<MiNdizzle> that's the weirdest math equation i've seen
#2295 (64)
[11:03] *** Doc|Uni (sdf@sympatex.gotadsl.co.uk) Quit (Support W.O.R.K - Women Off Roads Campaign (c) Doc'99)
#2296 (392)
<maff> the grue wears a +3 amulet of bling blingin'
#2298 (311)
<Chis> how do you permaterm an aol account assuming you have the password?
<Chis> to an account
<Chis> just incase someone would want to theoretically do this
#2300 (462)
<Monkie> I am NEVER getting involed with a girl that has a communications problem again
<Monkie> =|
<matts> she didn't know how to use her cell phone?
<Vern> lol
<notlosman> lol
<notlosman> hahahhaah
<Monkie> actaully
<Monkie> yes
<Monkie> =|
#2301 (213)
<ricochet> cubicsrube: if any MAJOR problems ever occur with winxp .. it will be PURELY hardware based.. ie. it has NOTHING to do with the operating system
#2304 (261)
<TomGreen> hehe
<TomGreen> [17:27] <Ergot> r u really tom green?
<TomGreen> [17:27] <Ergot> cuz i am like a huuuuge fan!
#2307 (287)
<SyL> and I'm trying to get some work done, and I'm watching the keoki musicvideo and they have all these women that look like that they were in the same room at Rainbow Brite when she exploded and couldn't get all the color off and they're all kissing and stuff, and it's just "distracting" to say the least...
#2308 (177)
<Pv> i like my women as thin as chopsticks
<Pv> so i can eat my rice with them
#2310 (903)
<CYBORG> who is an amateur of SAILING ? message me..
<CYBORG> i am planning my most incredible experience... soon......
<CYBORG> i need brave partener....
<CYBORK> for wild sea adventure........
#2315 (530)
<TheDeity> It's like there is a party in my mouth, and everyone is throwing up
#2316 (284)
<sceptre70> anybody here know how i can get laid or eat out a pussy without spending money msg me
#2320 (74)
<LordDred> I am just still going in an out off irc to see if anybody I know is in here before I am off for good for a while cause I wan tto try and get there icq number s the people I know
<LordDred> I am goign to be off for awhile cause I switched over to msn
<LordDred> irc is causeing me and my g/f to break up cause I am on here to much so to safe the realtionship I am getting off
#2321 (386)
<delysid-x> the only urine test they'll get out of me is a TASTE TEST
#2324 (291)
<trccccc> damn I have eaten enough salsa to kill a small ethiopian town
#2325 (879)
<Amanda`> We ran out of toilet paper so I had to use coffee filters...
#2326 (468)
<rogue> I'm a flaming homosexual!
<rogue> I was out there being gay, and one of those radical right-wingers set me on fire!
#2328 (1053)
<TeamsterX> man watching 6 MSCE's around a sun box, looks alot like the opening scene's of 2001:space odyssey and the monkey's with the monolith
#2329 (237)
<LPCx> hrm alabama has some IT jobs
<HenryV> heh
<HenryV> you'd need a new suit though
<HenryV> one of them kkk things
<LPCx> to bad i wouldn't fit in my sisters are allready married :|
<HenryV> doh!
#2330 (302)
[13:18] *** BombScare (BombScare@XDDD.10x.bro) has joined #phear
[13:18] <BombScare> woo...lets see how long my cable lasts today
[13:22] *** BombScare (BombScare@XDDD.10x.bro) Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[13:23] *** BombScare (BombScare@XDDD.10x.bro) has joined #phear
[13:23] <LPC> new record
[13:23] <LPC> 4 minutes
#2332 (34)
<G0TB00ST> bodypiercing = "bodykits" for fags w/o cars they cant rice