#2219 (720)
<SD-Washu> i still love the msg i got on my voicemail earlier
<SD-Washu> that was l33t
<biafra> what
<SD-Washu> oh my voicemail msg is in japanese
<SD-Washu> and someone called and the only thing i heard was "what the fuc...."
<SD-Washu> followed by *click*
#2220 (483)
<blazemore> where did you find this, sych0
<blazemore> did you just type in "crap" and download whatever came up?
#2222 (796)
<Turing_> this is going to sound very gay, but we were watching the discovery channel today at work where there were these sort of african olympics in a tribe when a male reaches mating age
<Turing_> anyways...the guy had to be nude and do this relay on a balance beem to appease some god
<kunio> HAW
<Turing_> it was strange because even flacid he had a penis the size of the empire state building
<orestes--> gah
<dab[afk]> ugh
<Turing_> it was mesmorizing, my secretary kept in rythym to its bobbing
<Turing_> lol
<Turing_> I felt terribly inadequate
<Turing_> I hate the discovery channel
#2224 (56)
<ViBeZz> thats the thing i dont wanna partition my hard drive
<|Z|> ViBeZz if you don't partition your HD, you're a fucking moron and you deserve to die
#2225 (9)
<Guilty> http://www.hotornot.com/r/?emid=NQK8OR
<Guilty> "Bi sexual"
<Guilty> That means slutty
#2230 (357)
<DAL9000> kalms isnt here! now whose leg will i hump? ;(
<SlasherX> hump michaels
<SlasherX> never seen him around. give him a warm welcome
*** michael__ has quit IRC (bye)
#2231 (153)
<`michael> where's snow
<var> dunno mike
<var> jerking off to japanese scat while listening to horrid ddr music
<var> is my best guess
#2234 (496)
<DTOX> my wife says the white trash have already come up with a new name for Osama
<DTOX> "Osama Bin Hidin"
<DTOX> that's really sticking it to him
<refugee> man, that must have took all their brain power
<DTOX> cases upon cases of RC Cola were drank
#2235 (46)
<spid0r> my friend had #taliban for awhile...fuckin ragheads even get owned on efnet
#2237 (182)
[kisama] if you break out your penis in space
[kisama] your suit would depressurize
[kisama] or your body would depressurize
[kisama] and suck out all your internal organs through the urethra
#2238 (605)
<DrWoody> List of things I have accomplished today:
<DrWoody> ...
<DrWoody> ...
<DrWoody> That is all.
#2240 (294)
<Aiko> i have sex like i just got out of prison and about to go back in
#2241 (377)
<notBel> Two Eskimos sitting in a kayak were chilly; but when they lit a fire in the craft, it sank, proving once and for all that you can't have your kayak and heat it.
#2242 (183)
<|steve|> requiem [for a dream] was just a porno movie with a plot
<|steve|> and pi was like hooked on phonics for nerds
#2244 (596)
<Asmodee`> ibm said they were investing 1 billion $ into open source projects
<DAL9000> Asmodee`: do you know what happens when you invest money in opensource projects?
<DAL9000> NOTHING! it buys the coders some beer, nachos, and porn to watch instead of coding.
#2250 (78)
<iLLf8d> yeah I got it setup so when I fart I can hit the button and save my gf
#2252 (267)
<neekola> i should do that
<neekola> be like
<neekola> yo buy my dirty underwear
<neekola> 40$ a piece
<neekola> use the money to buy more underwear
<neekola> i could be an entrepreneur
#2258 (968)
<davidks> there's this girl in my evolution inf. diseases class.. she has enormous tits.. they are monster tits.. seriously.. well she wore this shirt that said, across her chest: "Hey! I'm up here! (Arrow pointing up)"
<davidks> I thought that was pretty funny.
<davidks> i told her i had the same problem and she laughed .. but that's all i could say to her because her boobs intimidated me
#2261 (373)
<Saffio> I went to microsoft sales training
<Saffio> they gave it to me there [windows XP]
<eldee> Saffio: so did i.. they gave me a laptop case/bookbag thing and office XP pro :)
<eldee> Saffio: the laptop case is sweet... but it has "microsoft licensing agent" embroidered on the back of it... im worried if i wear it in public, i'll get assassinated
<kable> should have told them "no thanks, i downloaded the pro version"
#2263 (68)
<Gripping> i am shakin like an immigrant at the border
#2266 (1162)
<Dregan> 3y3 4m l33t h4x0r
<Dregan> j0! 3y3 4m t4lking to j00!
<Dregan> fux0red 5cr1pt k1dd13.
<Dregan>    -"l33t h41ku"
#2268 (622)
<ScratGOD> dude some guy was fucking me in the ass last night and reached around and grabbed my cock. I got up and said "what the fuck, do you think im gay or something?"
#2269 (163)
<kisama_> sequenced aantoehr dj snow taracck
<Amanda`> ...but no one will listen to it in a million years
#2270 (60)
<excite> youre friends with eggo
<excite> how do i know that pocket pc doesnt have eggothrax spores all over the damn thing
<Chis> as a matter of fact, he has touched it
<excite> boot up and im a deadman
#2271 (55)
<gloOmer> RAPED