#1739 (409)
<Slyfox> I want to make a FPS that mixes the geo-mod techonology of Red Faction, the finesse and action of Max Payne, the gore and damage map feature in Soldier of Fortune, and the story and intrigue of Half-Life.  I'll call it "Can't Fuck With This".
#1741 (1081)
<Zaratustra> Pagan pacman goes WICCA WICCA WICCA WICCA
<MightyQuinn> hmmm. more ammo for ultra conservative christians to use against video gomes... "Pacman promotes satanism"
<Zaratustra> Pacman promotes consumption of undead.
#1745 (441)
(nexxai) [poopfart]: can you fart and poo at the same time?
(poopfart) yes
(poopfart) i can
(poopfart) their called accidents
#1749 (366)
<timmo> what music should i download tonight
<timmo> oh shit
<timmo> i think im missing the carebears;[
<timmo> toon disney
<c-rOCK> dude I loved that show
#1750 (861)
~ Deft I suck cock! msg me for price list
(Deft) uhm ignore that
#1753 (3275)
#1758 (189)
<< Now chatting in #finalfight
>>Quit! imaginari " Leaving "
>>Quit! MightyQuinn " Ping timeout "
>>Quit! Thom " Ping timeout "
[Nyphur] ARGH! I'm killing people by being here!
#1760 (168)
*** Parts: MadHatter (Hatter@ha.kz)
*** Joins: MadHatter (Hatter@ha.kz)
<MadHatter> wtf
<MadHatter> who kicked me
<Lepper> heh, you're too anal about being kicked
<MadHatter> I just want to know
<scar`> [16:57] *** Parts: MadHatter (Hatter@ha.kz)
<MadHatter> yeah ok
<Lepper> don't clients tell you when youg et kicked?
<Lepper> err, who kicks you
<MadHatter> I dunno man, I'm busy here
<MadHatter> leave me alone
#1761 (514)
<MadHatter> I'm going to buy one of those stormtrooper outfits from return of the jedu
<MadHatter> jedi
<MadHatter> and ride mine through the woods, weaving through trees
<enex> and look like a complete tool
#1762 (422)
<sabrewulf> I believe in sex and death -- two experiences that come once in a lifetime.
#1763 (609)
<Jingoro`> ash has a personality disorder
*** Jingoro` was kicked by Ash (Shut up SHUT UP SHUT THE FUCK UP I DO NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!)
*** Ash sets mode: +b *!*yay@*.mw.mediaone.net
#1764 (868)
<Morris> what a dick
<iln> are you looking at gay porn again?
#1765 (269)
<skunko> my standards for chicks right now are super low
<skunko> i'd go out with a chick as long as she wasnt fat, was shorter than me, and was going to get me off in some fashion
#1766 (250)
<BlackDeth> and why does my calculator smell like weed? :)
<EtherMan> BlackDeth: that explains it: your calculator is obviously high
#1770 (406)
<whoreee> i just ordered the explosion self titled CD single?
<Weeve> what's it called?
#1771 (102)
<cooey> i jerked off at work in the sink in the bathroom yesterday
<cooey> everytime someone came in to pay for gas, id run out of the bathroom with this huge buldge in the miiddle of my pants
<cooey> it owned
#1772 (202)
<blazemore> i like MSIE Champion Edition
#1773 (90)
<Jingoro`> teen pregnency is funny
<rouge> yeah, cos those bitches are stupid.
<Jingoro`> yeah
<Jingoro`> they're like "boohoob boohoo my stupid boyfriend split after I had the baby"
<rouge> hjaw
<rouge> i wouldn't bareskin most chicks anyway.
<rouge> god knows where they've been.
<scar|home> you mean, "I woulnd't bareskin chicks even if I could, anyway"
<scar|home> hjaw @ rogue
<rouge> i said what i meant and i meant what i said.
#1774 (1818)
<WabbyTwax> MOVIE TRIVIA TIME You have to beat EtherMan's high score of 720
<WabbyTwax> Question #59: for  60  points . . . .
<WabbyTwax> What special skill did the cricket possess in the movie "Mulan"?
<Evil_God> talking
<EtherMan> speech
<D-viant> singing
<Evil_God> ninjitsu
<EtherMan> swordsmanship
<D-viant> violin
<EtherMan> flight
<D-viant> fighting
<EtherMan> homosexuality
<D-viant> japanese fighting cricket
<Evil_God> big slapping testicles
<WabbyTwax> Sorry, your time is up! You had 30 seconds to answer.
<D-viant> expanding rectum
<Evil_God> opium addiction
#1775 (977)
<wild> i just asked a girl out
<wild> been 6 minutes no reply :|
<wild> maybe icq wasn't the way to go
#1776 (500)
<cait-sith> being in love
<R0y> i wish
<R0y> it's all just confusing emotion
<R0y> one minute you think you love her, the next minute you're on yahoo masturbating with girls in the united states
#1778 (-698)
<wild> whats the difference between jesus and a picture of jesus?
<wild> it only takes one nail to hang a picture of jesus
#1781 (104)
<Thraddash> How many people are buying a PS2 on Oct 26th?
<wild-> 500,000
#1782 (1193)
<bludstone> so like, with anime now
<bludstone> some otaku dude in japan encodes it, uploads it.. it spreads
<bludstone> and its available before the airtime cuz of timezone changes ermshtn
<SiamShade> haw
<SiamShade> l33t
<bludstone> dammit, i need to get laid.
<SiamShade> where the fuck did that come from
<SiamShade> you're talking about anime and how it spreads then "i need to get laid."
<SiamShade> oh wait
<SiamShade> that makes perfect sense
#1783 (124)
<Acero> ok, someone tell me which line of this spam doesnt belong
<Acero> steven, have you entered our daily drawing at Bigprizes.com yet? You could win $25.00! Buy a
<Acero> punk rock CD and stick it to The Man!!
<Acero> steven, Get Approved for an Unsecured Gold Credit Card Instantly Online! Click here and get 500
<Acero> Bigprizes points!