(425)<_Delirium> "Perl is awk with skin cancer. And it's ugly too." -my cs professor #1639
(697)<harb> Shee.. I search for "linux unix bsd" on dice.com and it returns ONE job that's a sendmail admin. wtf. <acestus> What a sick job. <acestus> "What do you think you can bring to our company as the sendmail admin?" <acestus> "qmail." #1640
(1551)<Inoshiro> Wth <Inoshiro> "Don't iron, don't put in a triangle, don't put in an oval" <harb> Er? <Inoshiro> Is there a translation table for the washing tag on clothing? #1641
(467)[tonsai] i once bought a non-lubricated mint condom just to taste it. #1645
(525)n e r d b 5: umm. n e r d b 5: geforce n e r d b 5: i dont like em n e r d b 5: i like nvidia n e r d b 5: 32mb n e r d b 5: they rocks e l i t e m r p: nvidia makes geforce #1648
(673)IoStream 14: LOL IoStream 14: radio IoStream 14: "some dude was having sex with this girl and she said stop stop i'm about to orgasm...he asked why stop? and she said i'm saving it for when i get married" #1651
(612)(tinkrbell) my dog humps my other guy dog.. instead of my girl dog.. at least he's comfortable with himself and realized it at an early age #1654
(363)Mr Brown> ill snip ur ass <JD> I'll carry that flag so good, you won't know what hit ya <JD> Wait, that didn't sound very threatening... #1655
(892)<JD> I, or one of my teammates, shall cause you to become electroencephalographically challenged. Mr Brown> ill kill you <JD> No, I like the way I say it better #1656
(468)<JD> AFAIK, Anubis is the only Egyptian god who is often drawn with an erect penis. <JD> Really! DigiGnðme> I thought they all were. DigiGnðme> Oh no, that's the Kama Sutra. #1658
(519)<bigPIMP> are you a virgin? <kink> yes <kink> giving it up to a non-linux using chick is like giving it up to a man, just wrong #1659
(419)<ix> man that offer for cash perked you right up <vermifuge> i didnt even get to the most appealing part <vermifuge> there will be a bucket of fried chicken here for your consumption <goatb0y> well that fucking settles it <goatb0y> any collared greens by chance? <vermifuge> dude there could be #1660
(7954)<DigiGnome> Real life should have a fucking search function, or something. <DigiGnome> I need my socks. #1661
(446)<Xerox> STOP CONTROLLING MY MIND! <DigiGnome> If I did that, you'd fall into a lifelss heap by your computer, and only be found days later when the neighbours get suspicious about the change of smell coming from your room. #1663
(948)<goltrpoat> 'britney spears' is an anagram for 'presbyterians.' #1667
(526)(iSONEWS) [iSONEWS] Update in DivX: My Life *CLASSIC* released by MEDiAMANiACS (49 files, 08/12/2001) www.isonews.com/r/?155D256CD= (`Thunder) whoa (`Thunder) they released my life (`Thunder) how did they tape all that?! (madman`) no way!! stop lying! it's MY LIFE!! (runner-) either way its gonna be boring #1670
(409)<kisama> just leave clues as to your modem <kisama> motive* #1671
(567)(BudhaM0nk) i want hard drives so small i can snort them up like powder and increase my brain capacity #1672
(860)(Stacey```) i'd like to know who the fuck encodes shit to real player (Stacey```) so i can kick their ass #1673
(299)<LkTrout1> enex's underwear is big enough to fit over Hatter's ego. #1674
(717)<SlimZ> i like my pickup line <SlimZ> "move i need to get a drink" #1675
(547)<MrWizard> do you even have one story where you dont smoke weed? <priz> hmmmm i really dont think so, heh <priz> well, actually one time catlord had to EAT a joint before we could smoke it cuz the cops were after us #1676
(432)<Daft> anyone know of any really good gardening irc channels? #1677
(584)<jidan> he's so fat he prolly has to guess what fold the fucking piss is gonna spray out of #1678
(857)<SEoD> ooooh, my mac is gorgeous <SEoD> it's so expensive and see-thru <Xlord> sounds like some women I know