#1602 (52)
<Camo> prence: someone at school played a prank on a loser and they fed him like
a whole bottle of viagra by putting it under the cheese of his pizza and then in
the middle of class, his penis exploded and he had to go to the hospital
#1603 (468)
#1604 (586)
<Prence> then my mom will know i have sex with the coach
<Prence> i meant to say couch
#1605 (238)
<tgpretend> MICROSOFT BRAIN DRAIN CONTINUES. Fourteen-year
<tgpretend>     vet. Paul Maritz resigns.
<tgpretend> how can he be an m$ veterna if he's only 14?
#1607 (519)
<kidjess> If you cause me problems
<tress> u will bust a cap in me ?
<kidjess> I will chop your penis off
<tress> oh my
<kidjess> and mail it to bob
<tress> oh oh oh my
<loser`> the postage on that would be like, 2 cents
#1608 (95)
<lusta> im doin' route now, heh
<Pneuma> wyze1
<Pneuma> isn't it weird
<Pneuma> that "lusta" is an anagram for "aslut"
#1609 (871)
<chris`> ever notice how the mini pizza pringles cans dont have a lot of pizza
stuff on them but the normal sized ones do?
<Prae> to make an observation like that
<Prae> you must weigh at least 500lbs
#1611 (678)
<tak> your mommas so dumb she set her buffer length to a minimal octal instead of puging the cache
#1612 (386)
<[PhReAk]> i have a problem, i have an +++ATH0 modem bomber but when i use it it disconnects me from the internet, what is the problem?
#1615 (307)
<eastjinx> from 19 to now, my world has completely changed
<DigDug> my world changes every 6 months :[
<|steve|> the world has changed 3 times since the last time i been out
<sev> world changes for me everyday
<|steve|> but our penis size stays the same
#1616 (63)
<ThaExo> i finally know what carding means
#1617 (216)
<ground0-> as if your opinion matters, or means anything in this world at all
<hypr> as if your elitest bs opinion matter, or means anything in this world at all
<hypr> ;P
<ground0-> actually it does
<hypr> and how is that
<ground0-> highschool/college graduate/registered voter/licensed driver
#1618 (118)
(Demention) Qwa-Z sucks like George Michael in a men's bathroom :P
#1619 (1639)
<Seros> fuck
<Seros> we were at 7-11
<Seros> And amanda is wearing this shirt that says "wtf?"
<Seros> The indian guy that works there said "What is the meaning of this.. wtf?"
<Amanda> I told him that it's a non-profit organization.  >:O
#1621 (243)
<iMike> i think english transcends spelling
<DooD> especially with words like k3wl d00d
#1622 (421)
<YehhNO> how i download irc?
#1625 (312)
<TasmBoy> does anyone have the source code to windows?
#1627 (891)
<Zonkto> I'll bet you could ski through a revolving door if you timed it really well.
#1628 (617)
<reflector> I'm skinny and I have a big nose, but girls still let me touch them sometimes
<Viseus> reflector: Yeah me too. In packed subway trains and stuff
#1630 (534)
(mc-face) don't you think a funny joke gift would be kleenex that smells like ass
#1631 (1485)
<VillainSede> I've always wanted to be on the receiving end of necrophilia. Even in death I'd be getting some
<VillainSede> I want a shovel attached to my tombstone with the inscription "For a good time, dig"
#1632 (350)
<perdida> should I go make porn for loan-payment cash? if so which aspect of porn would have the best pay/disgusting stuff ratio?
#1633 (1094)
<Defect> i've sworn off dating to the point where my mother's inquiries as to whether or not i'm gay are getting frustratingly more frequent.
<harb> Defect : Haha.
<harb> I hate that.
<harb> My mom asked me ONCE.. and I just started laughing.
<harb> And then went back to my David Hasslehoff shrine.
<Defect> she visited me a couple weekends ago and we went out to dinner, she had a few drinks and said "You can tell me if you're gay you know, i'm drunk now, i can take it."
#1634 (860)
<harb> Polybeastiality? Is that like cheating on your sheep with your cow?
#1636 (628)
<DragonRe> gabe: what i did to you was love goddamit
<gabe> maybe in alabama.