(442)<Foo1> I AM JESUS <Foo1> BOW TO ME <Foo1> BOW TO MY GREATNESS <Foo1> FOR I AM THE SAVIOR <Foo1> (*#$(*$# *** Foo1 was kicked by Evel (WOOOOO I JUST KICKED JESUS FROM AN IRC CHANNEL!@##!@!@#!@#) #1442
(516)<Kashan> Ive been playing jetgrindradio too much <Kashan> I just tried to grind a stairwell in halflife #1443
(4328)<Graeme> yeah, don't be nasty. my grandad died in a concentration camp......! <Graeme> he fell out a guard tower. broke his neck #1447
(775)<curiosity> I can't wait til' we can directly interface to the brain - that way the voices in my head can talk on IRC. #1450
(422)<buq> Intra - do you have any other stuff that is on the same basic level as moby? <phatkro> No one is on Moby's level <phatkro> He's stuck on level 3, world 7 of the original Super mario Bros. #1454
(286)<KMFDM> Your rank out of 1918856 total users is: 411951st place <bocz> aha whats that for <bocz> a beauty contest? #1456
(224)<shaft> i want some imac bed sheets. #1458
(480)<AlexChiu> I should check my hotmail account. See what happened to that psycho 13 year old bisexual girl who wanted to be my girlfriend #1459
(262)[Mass] the 4 x 4 is 4 slabs of beef with 3 buns [orion] jesus mass [orion] that's like eating for a african family of 30 #1462
(742)<PwRPufF> im a smart blond :) <nexxai> YAY FOR DUMB BLONDES#@$@!$! ---- I mean....ummm --- YAY FOR SMART BLONDES *mutter* lol, no such thing <PwRPufF> :/ <PwRPufF> shut up <PwRPufF> hey soon im gonna have artifical intelegance <PwRPufF> hehe <nexxai> dyed hair? #1464
(319)<HomerJ> damn, how many newsgroups are there now? <HomerJ> 80k+ <HomerJ> I just want some porn #1466
(281)<jeremy^> everything i know about genetics, i learned from beverly hills 90210 and other aaron spelling classics. :) <jeremy^> oh, and biology class <jeremy^> but i mean come on #1468
(174)<nexxai> stileproject.com....what a wonderful place <xsneakerx> yes. place of the bored and horny. #1470
(388)<isocat> onion headlines make me laugh out loud, even if i have my cock in my hand #1471
(355)<isocat> feasting meant a lot more when people were hungrier, i guess #1473
(397)<isocat> id like to see a good movie about someone nuking the Superbowl #1475
(73)<isocat> i tripped a couple summers ago and had a 'jerry' trip sort of, he had just died and i listened to some dead and tried to summon his spirit #1479
(219)[McMoo] wow [McMoo] public radio is playing charles mingus [thinkmad] as opposed to private radio [McMoo] yes [Guilty] Xite was trying to be witty there [Guilty] But he failed [McMoo] but he failed #1481
(297)<Edge_> and i am like tearing my thumb apart <[cut]> can you still masturbate edge? <Edge_> i think i will be ok #1482
(106)::: .signoff@7.55p> jadel (jadel@h24-70-154-3.wp.shawcable.net); User abortion with 5 coathooks #1483
(719)<BlackDeth> Now playing: Right Hand - Gripping my penis (and moving up and down (2001)) @ 192 strokes per second. (0:13/0:27) #1484
(2336)(SiNs-) $1,599.99 (SiNs-) $1,599.70 (SiNs-) Save $0.29 (SiNs-) wow (SiNs-) if i go to bestbuy, i can buy a computer AND a peanut #1485
(294)<MrP-> what is wrong with slashdot.org?? I am almost done reading my 1997-2001 Slashdot.org cache CD-ROM set, if I finish and its not back up, I may perish #1486
(740)<aorie> shit slashdot STILL down <MrP-> yeah, im crying now <MrP-> whats wrong with it? <aorie> this sucks <aorie> this totally fucked up my day heh <MrP-> me too <MrP-> some girl asked me if i wanted to have sex with her all day, but i said "after i read slashdot" <MrP-> GOD DAMNIT!