(402)(tiko-out) Guin is the poster child for pulling out (Twin-X) although she's the result of not #1092
(877)<BlackDeth> Now playing: with myself #1095
(137)<enex> sux! <LkTruth1> enex reminds me of this: http://www.hoover.com/ #1096
(1189)<aaronx`> anybody got a serial number for nero burning rom? <maff> J0-0MU5-T-B34W-4R3Z-D0-0D works <aaronx`> dosent work for me... <aaronx`> bah <aaronx`> thats not a freakin serial #1097
(1118)[D1] You know, I started the slammer routine. [D1] when everyone was playing for pogs [D1] I put down my slammer [D1] and it started a huge trend [D1] then EVERYONE played for slammers [Guilty] You put it on the pile? [D1] yeah [Guilty] Thats just stupid [D1] I was a high roller. (McMoo) are you guys discussing pog tactics? [D1] yes #1098
(419)<brad> anyone know where i can find a hitman? <maff> www.amihitmanornot.com #1101
(702)[Guilty] Jean-Claude Van Damme made a movie named "Replicant" in 2001? [Guilty] When did that come out (McMoo) 2001 #1103
(350)<chrab> aol is for hardcore idlers *** chrab Quit (Read error: 54) #1104
(623)<var> 40 ping dont mean shit if it jerks and stops like a fucking epileptic in a strobe light #1107
(272)* MadHatter is back from: Rebooting! <^enex^> do you feel refreshed #1110
(503)<MadHatter> sushi rulez! <Ash> [12:26] <MadHatter> sushi rulez! <Ash> [12:31] <MadHatter> i have a tummy ache #1112
(121)<BlackDeth> gb: ph33r im gonna be seeing spacegirl in a few weeks :P <LkTrout1> Deth is a boner. <blazemore> lk has a blackdeth. #1114
(334)<@Spidey|> http://www.facethejury.com/profile.asp?user_name=coralshay <@D1> OMG! MOM? #1116
(904)<var> hrmm <var> how the fuck did a shortcut to e13ay end up on my desktop <var> what kinda nefarious shit is windows update pulling <Guilty> It's your computers way of saying it wants a new owner <Guilty> Like a dog scratching on the door to get out #1117
(833)<iMike> monty python would be funny if nerds hadnt invented an entire subculture devoted to quoting it #1122
(444)(pervert_) i wear a shirt that says "I'm gay - it's contageous" (pervert_) not cuz im gay (pervert_) it's so i don't get jacked (pervert_) wait....that sounds bad #1123
(664)<SYch0> maybe in your dreams <SYch0> and youre pretty pathetic if you dream about me <SYch0> :o <MadHatter> you cease to exist as soon as I close irc <SYch0> hah <SYch0> which is never :| #1124
(1432)<DigDug> internet access to productivity is what condoms are to babies. <Ash> A choking hazard? #1125
(226)<`Tag> you have a lot of anger from efnet in you <`Tag> and it shows #1128
(635)~ iiSII has a bump on the very edge of his eyelid. (tektrnica) maybe it is a tumour (letty) or an ingrown toenail #1133
(570)<homerj> a robot on Futurama <homerj> "You know why they are using WIndows 3000 as a prison guard?" <homerj> because it always locks up #1134
(590)<timmo> remember how i told you guys about that chick <timmo> i was talking to in the record store <McMoo> the imaginary one? #1137
(593)<notgoth> FUCK DAMN IT <notgoth> i shot cum in my eye <notgoth> fuck that burns <notgoth> i was jerking off <notgoth> and damn! <notgoth> ow <enex> were you jerking off to your dick or something? #1139
(458)<SYch0> heh * SYch0 has a great family <SYch0> :D <Ash> Because they indulge you. <Ash> But if they keep doing that, you'll grow up fat and arrogant! <Ash> Oh, wait.... :(