(572)(Argent-) okay- I have like 20 windows open and my disk is swapping like a hot couple during the 60's #1052
(250)<_Bas> folks, when people say "power train", do they mean "automatic transmission"? #1054
(342)(wundr) gizm... why do you never use the same nick for more than 25 minutes? (scolnick) i got tired of 'gizm' (scolnick) at first i thought it was dope, just due to the fact that tht i liked the letters (scolnick) g-i-z-m (scolnick) but then it got old to me (scolnick) so for now you can just call me lewis #1056
(178)<_Gandalf_> if i were mexican i'd have something witty and funny to say... #1057
(2217)(MoLaUstEr) They call it PMS because "Mad Cow Disease" was already taken. #1058
(108)<Chis> Away message on AIM: I am away from my computer right now. ( I final gotten my cable modem!!) #1059
(1092)<blazemore> linux gives good blow jobs <MadHatter> I thought your moms name was nancy? #1060
(883)<tokage> ha ha 'geek' weddings - "Do you, GandalfGreyhame, take cyndrekit to be your lawfully wedded wife in uptime and down, for low processing power and high, till someone unplugs the power cord #1062
(528)uiu BitchX: Join to #discotheque was synched in 2.229 secs!! <digdug> why so few people? :/ <bocz> i wuz hungry #1063
(881)(nexxai) looking at porn with your dad's girlfriend in the room is weird #1064
(346)* r0bt3k looks at his 100 megs of mp3s <r0bt3k> hehehe * r0bt3k then looks at his 5 gigs of porn <r0bt3k> hahahah #1065
(501)*** bongboy is now known as hurstdogs-mom <hurstdog> don't make me kill you <pb> hurstdog: you'd kill your own mother??? #1066
(821)<D1> omg <D1> christians are knocking at my door <D1> and they're armed with the holy bible #1068
(118)<Amanda> OKAY. MCDONALD'S, TACO BELL, OR "OTHER"? #1069
(4946)<orion`-`-> what the fuck <orion`-`-> i think the icecream truck just hit a kid <orion`-`-> brbrb #1075
(356)<acestus> Maarken: Bah, briefs-wearer. <acestus> You might as well run EMACS. #1076
(100)<Guilty> Pen your quote db doesnt get updated enough anymore <Guilty> You should just set up an elaborate #discotheque logging system and grep "guilty" >> quotes.db <Guilty> Then it would always be fresh #1077
(295)(frOsty-) s|urpee: holy shit, i just stopped caring about this thread of conversation #1078
(717)(idea) i just spent 10 mins troubleshooting my cdr because it said that my blank cd "was not ready (idea) turns out i accidently put in one of those clear cd things at the bottom of the cake box #1079
(351)(R0y-HR) i just mauled my cat and got static shock from her ear #1082
(380)<MadHatter> I'm getting pretty sick of black and white <MadHatter> there's just too much to manage <MadHatter> it's probably a really good game for people who don't already have jobs <blazemore> maybe i should play then #1083
(785)<thinkmad> vvhat is pengs real name <timmo> chris <timmo> is your w broken? <thinkmad> no #1088
(335)<homerj> damn <homerj> it's hotter then the devil's dick in a pair of heated speedos here #1089
(591)(kellai) fr0g is cuddly (kellai) except for when he tried to light me on fire #1090
(335)(MC_SpEcS) huggles...who are you? (tiko-out) the blond chick who tried to suck you off @ God Is A DJ (tiko-out) unless you got multiple blond chicks offering that (tiko-out) she's the one who looked like a blonde muppet