#962696 (130)
<sophia_> wow look at this new type of cat named a toyger
<MaxInux> pretty cat
<MaxInux> looks like a bengal sorta
<sophia_> its totally different than a bengal apparently
<sophia_> custom bred
<MaxInux> neat still looks like a bengal :) just slightly more striped
<sophia_> ya its pretty
<jm> am I the only person who's appalled at humanity's efforts to selectively breed traits they find cute, funny, or otherwise desirable?
<blaxthos> jm:  do you date ugly girls ?
<sophia_> heh
#962704 (177)
<@neonjesus> up your game, chatters. this is professional level chatting.
<@atomic> oh yeah
<@atomic> professional for sure
<@atomic> I'm being paid to chat right now
<@atomic> in fact, I probably get paid to chat more than I get paid to work
<@neonjesus> its why we all went into IT in the first place
<@neonjesus> we got on irc when we were children
<@neonjesus> and thought
<@neonjesus> hey
<@neonjesus> i would like to chat for a living. how do i get to do that?
<@atomic> lol
<@neonjesus> first, you have to look like you're busy in terminal
<@Jugernaut> hah
<@neonjesus> second, you have to be the unwatched watcher.
<@neonjesus> third, ???
<@neonjesus> profit.
<@neonjesus> so here we are.
<@neonjesus> a bunch of professional motherfuckin' chatters.
#962705 (465)
*** Gad is now known as REGISTER.
*** REGISTER is now known as IDENTIFY.
*** IDENTIFY is now known as Gad.
<petn-randall> Gad: /msg nickserv help
<Dark-Jedi> Just wait, his nick will change to "HELP" any moment now.
*** Gad is now known as HELP.
#962712 (17)
< EvanStone> Have u guys seen that babe on the special Olympics commercial
< EvanStone> Hnnnnng
< fred> wtf
< fred> EvanStone has a disabled person fetish
< vitro> omg
< EvanStone> What
< vitro> i almost choked to death while reading that
< EvanStone> Only her brain is fucked
< vitro> EvanStone is fucked
< EvanStone> Not her face
< EvanStone> Yo vitro is mad judgemental
< EvanStone> Like a retard can't be sexy
< EvanStone> Plz stop discriminating
#962713 (301)
<Mcme> Just got the last skiing of the season done
<Microshrimp> I am banned from skiing
<fear> Storytime?
<Mcme> How does one get banned from skiing?
<Microshrimp> after the last time I tried it.... couldn't figure out how to stop and I was headed toward about 10 people who were standing in a circle talking.  It was like human bowling.
#962717 (263)
<Papa_Wa> Anyone else struggling to login?
<Udungoof> i'm struggling most of the time
<Udungoof> not necessarily with loginservers though
<Udongoof> life mostly
#962726 (478)
<@apexthief> Okay we have taco tuesday I need other food day of the week ideas
<@AltRhombu> taco wednesday
<@AltRhombu> taco thursday
#962741 (216)
<akrs> You know you have fallen far from the path of light when you have to read the git man pages for push
<buffalo> fallen from grace, akrs
<akrs> I'm gonna do a git push -f +[sha]:master
<buffalo> that's a dark arts spell, that is
<buffalo> such commands do not come out of love, compassion, and understanding
<buffalo> they come from malice
<buffalo> and the will to destroy
<buffalo> and chaos
#962756 (239)
< ntc> is it possible to recover encrypted files from an ecryptfs container? i lost the passphrase
< scorbutus> ntc: you could try filing a foia request with dhs
#962787 (289)
<RoadJoe> I put the F in spelling
<me-money-mix> i put the cum in company
<We_are_Dad> I put the fun in funeral
<GNAustin> I put the myself in killing myself
#962802 (593)
<tttb> Why did the programmer quit his job?
<tttb> because he didn't get arrays
#962811 (178)
shadoxx: ...I have 17 terminal windows open right now.
bai: r u a h4x0r??
shadoxx: 2_1337_4_school
bai: dang just don't hack me ok
shadoxx: okay
shadoxx: You could be infosec bai. Ur pretty good
shadoxx: I was going to hack you, but then you appealed to my humanity.
bai: social engineered af
#962826 (530)
<ednos> technically, I'm not pedantic
#962842 (148)
<empirebuilder1> i got this burn on my middle finger
<empirebuilder1> real bad one, like 3rd degree shit
<empirebuilder1> and it looks kinda nasty from all the dead skin flaking off
<kin101> empirebuilder1: tmi pls
<empirebuilder1> but now i can flip someone off
<empirebuilder1> and say "sick burn bro"
<kin101> why must you do this to me
#962844 (325)
<fppe> The worst thing about a prostate exam is when he finds out you're not a real doctor.
#962889 (189)
<drbngrl> hi
<LordCow> yo
<fppe> hello there girl
<fppe> what happened to your vowels
<LordCow> cost saving
<drbngrl> what vowels
<LordCow> exactly
<fppe> she had a vowel movement
<drbngrl> what are yoll talking about
#962894 (55)
<MCRanchDepressing> "This sweet ass sed line should do the business"
#962919 (392)
<leo60228> vim is even better
<leo60228> but i honestly don't know how to open a new tab in it
<Pixl> we have reached peak hipster
#962920 (661)
<Ilikehorses> dude... how do u play this game?
<Xenocideophile> it's a chat room for programmers
<Ilikehorses> i know THAT
<Xenocideophile> then you're good to go
<Ilikehorses> no no no how do I make a game
<Xenocideophile> depends
<Ilikehorses> ...?
<Xenocideophile> Depends what language you want to use to start off with
<Ilikehorses> american
#962960 (-91)
SKoertig: I am trapped in a Bank of America please send help
SKoertig: They do not have a bathroom
SKoertig: I may die in this place.
Artilicer: odd
Artilicer: they let me use their bathroom
Artilicer: last time when I was bleeding from the mouth thanks to wisdom teeth removal
SKoertig: I think they literally have no toilet.
Artilicer: so
Artilicer: do they use the mouths of their customers or
SKoertig: These are accountants. I am fairly certain they do not poop.
SKoertig: Their buttholes are purely recreational in purpose.
Artilicer: how convenient
SKoertig: Please poop in my buttholehhfuffjrqqow
SKoertig: Sorry one of the tellers stole my phone for a second
Reuben Sandwich: fyi, the bathroom is not in the safe
SKoertig: I escaped. No prison can hold me
#962961 (-307)
<scoob> so, question for you geezers
<scoob> gotta be in NY in a suit tomorrow. ok, fine. Flying out tomorrow.
<scoob> I can wear the suit on the plane and go straight, or I can pack it and change
<scoob> both seem shitty
<unclefat> are you flying in the animal hold ?
<scoob> the finest economy delta has to offer
<unclefat> can get you a gold medallion for $500
<unclefat> good odds on getting upgraded to a class that lets you hang your coat and doesn't fly you with some fatty's elbow up your asshole
<unclefat> #justsayin
<unclefat> also, for suit-wearing times i make them fly me in the night before and scrip a hotel room
<scoob> yeah, this is personal travel
<scoob> and just came in from elsewhere tonight
<scoob> didn't get to go direct from place to place
<unclefat> so where would you change  ?
<scoob> friends place
<scoob> someone's hotel room
<scoob> whatever
<scoob> that part is squared away
<unclefat> then i'd bring the suit
<unclefat> and fly like the animal you are
<scoob> all day erry day
<unclefat> go get shorn and whatnot at your boy's barn
#962974 (315)
< froggey> which is another dependency, and another place for people to fuck up and send me bug reports
< aejsmith> solution: don't get users
< aejsmith> they're all terrible, so just avoid that problem by not having anyone use your software
< froggey> I'm trying! I'm building the weirdest and most useless possible software and yet people still want to use it
< froggey> I don't understand it at all
#962978 (-109)
On a sunny summer eve
< Jan-> I really need to write up a readme on this to explain exactly what it's required to do.
< Jan-> Every time I bring it up, I go through this same conversation.
< Emil> Jan-: have you entertained the thought
< Emil> that
< Emil> you might be wrong?
< Emil> If everytime you bring it up people tell you are wrong
< Emil> Have you even considered the alternative?
< Jan-> Sure. But then I've reexamined the situation, and realised that no, I'm right, it's just that you don't understand my use case.
A few minutes later
< Jan-> bear in mind I've explained this about a billion times and it always ends like this.
< Jan-> it's getting really bloody tiresome.
< Emil> it ends with people not wanting to hear your shit anymore
< Jan-> I'm not an idiot, I have thought about this, I understand the problem.
#962982 (916)
RageOmega: my gf's father yelled at me when he found out i took her virginity, i told him it wouldnt happen again and he let me off the hook
#962987 (-82)
<randymarsh9> what's the proper way to administer a remote linux server?
<aeyxa> ssh
<phogg> randymarsh9: Hire me to use ssh.
<randymarsh9> phogg: do you take bitcoin
<phogg> randymarsh9: no, I take payment only in Linux support. That YOU provide, later.
<phogg> to other people
<randymarsh9> what is ssh file transfer protocol claled
<aeyxa> sftp
<SporkWitch> scp
<phogg> sftp > scp, but sure you can use scp too
<randymarsh9> ok i want to use scp but whenever i try to edit/move file i get access denied
<randymarsh9> only root has access to modify those files
<SporkWitch> you've answered your own question then
<randymarsh9> i can't login as root though
<randymarsh9> there's gotta be a simple way to do this without changing folder permissions everytime
<randymarsh9> i know how from ssh but want to do the same from scp
<aeyxa> There is, you log in as root
<randymarsh9> no, i turned that shit off because some stupid security blog told me it's the right thing to do
<randymarsh9> you are basically telling me the hard way to do it
<randymarsh9> i already know how to do it the hard way i was looking for something easier through scp
<randymarsh9> telling me to login as root is hardly an answer
<aeyxa> randymarsh9: Log in as your user, then sudo up to root
<randymarsh9> aeyxa: how do you sudo up in scp
<aeyxa> randymarsh9: What files are you moving, where are you moving them from, what have you tried.
<randymarsh9> aeyxa: want to edit files in /etc/
<aeyxa> randymarsh9: Do you have permission to use the root account?
<randymarsh9> yes, but the login through scp with root is turned off
<aeyxa> randymarsh9: If you only want to edit files, I don't know why you're asking about scp and sftp.
<randymarsh9> aeyxa: because if i do it through scp i'm able to use the gui