#880252 (-96)
jessejames: i love pooping
jessejames: it is so relaxing
CutiePieNerd: your so strange
jessejames: no like all guys like pooping
CutiePieNerd: haha
jessejames: it like theonly time we can relax without being nagged by the women
jessejames: cuz they are all afraid of poop
#880256 (935)
<johno> yeh not alot just finished cleaning and doin laundry.
<jess> hahaha ok
<johno> yuh
<johno> theres no women around for me to yell at them to do it so i have to be the last resort
<johno> i yell at myself to do it
<johno> hit myself around the room
<johno> then start sobbing as i mop the floor with my bloodied hair
<jess> wtf seriously who the fuck are you
<jess> thats fucked up who says that shit
<johno> yeah good point the blood WOULD make the floor worse.
<johno> thanks.
quit: johno (teaching that bitch how to clean properly)
#880263 (529)
chupathingy: When in Rome, nail a deity to a piece of wood
#880294 (821)
%^tiNee^ takes aubz credit card and slides it between aubz's butt cheeks
[%^tiNee^] *denied*
[&goat] what do you mean denied
[&goat] aubz' ass takes everything
#880444 (1036)
PROTOtype2k6: Hey Fel you know the difference between Michael phelps and Hitler?
Felathan: no clue proto.
PROTOtype2k6: At least Michael Phelps could finish a race.
#881349 (1927)
<@Xenon> You know what the best feeling in the world is?
<@Xenon> It is when you have a headache, and you take pills, and you can feel the pain becoming less and less every couple of minutes
<@Xenon> It's so satisfying
<@malevolence> you've clearly never been laid
#881368 (1028)
Enetheru: Freud... he'd have a ball with that.
Enetheru: Man, I wish he was still alive.
Enetheru: "Hey Freud, I want to introduce you to 4chan."
Enetheru: "Say Hi, 4chan."
Fizzkittens: Argh!
Enetheru: Freud wouldn't be able to do enough coke to keep up.
#881377 (413)
<Garou>  ok, I need hot sandwich ideas
<Garou>  I got Ruben/Buffalo Chicken Burger/Meatball
<West>  chicken ranch
<Rail>  philly cheesesteak
<Garou>  hrm philly cheesesteak
<Garou>  good one, I'll put that one down
<Shinji>  Garou: Larry King, Oprah, John Goodman.
<Garou>  Those are Sandwichs?
<Shinji>  No, it's a sandwich.
<Shinji>  And boy, is it a hot one.
<Garou>  facepalm.
#881388 (4255)
Helrich: so i was at the diner this morning, and i was really hungry.
Helrich: i got a big plate of scrambled eggs and started eating them super fast
Helrich: when i stopped to breathe, half the plate was gone and i shouted DOMINATING!!!
Helrich: everyone in the diner stopped what they were doing and stared at me for along time until someone from across the room shouted HUMILIATION!!!
Helrich: I gotta stop playing Quake.
#881389 (487)
<nframe> havent been to work in forever :p
<nframe> hope I remember how it goes around here.
<aaronitis> just like riding a bike, man
<trilliongrams> ^ bring your kneepads.  It will hurt a lot less.
#881393 (2445)
<jax> I think the thing I've been most ashamed of doing with my penis
<jax> was trying to see if I could register it as a fingerprint on my laptops fingerprint scanner
<jax> JUST so I could login with a penis print
<jax> it didn't work :(
#881405 (553)
xou: What's MMA?
syL: Mixed martial arts...basically grown men dryhumping in missonary position
#881642 (1263)
<RAD_ED> ...
<RAD_ED> their making a REAL obama coin
<RAD_ED> it looks retarded
<Shark500> is it made of chocolate?
<RAD_ED> lol
#881698 (851)
<Rav|Work> anyone want to write up a throttling FAQ for my company..
<Whisper> "Take your hands and put them either side of the bitch's throat.  Shake like hell."
<Lummy> Whisper wins.
<Gatzby> agreed.
<Rav|Work> lol
#881704 (1110)
<Dr_Memory> I think there's a real argument to be made here that using RAID for home data storage is putting effort into the wrong end of the problem.
<Dr_Memory> when you can buy 2TB disks off the shelf, it's probably substantially simpler to just buy two of them, set up a good backup system, and reap the day-to-day simplicity benefits of one controller -> one disk -> one filesystem.
<Dr_Memory> or to put it another way: your kitten photos do not need the same high-availabity system infrastructure as Citibank's transaction databases :)
#881844 (2073)
Nyoronyoden says:so yeah...I bought a fairly expensive class ring
Nyoronyoden says:but I realized I hate wearing rings
Nyoronyoden says:so I wear it on my necklace
Nyoronyoden says:...a friend of mine said "Dude, you're fucking gangster. Even your jewelry is wearing jewelry"
#882107 (2314)
<Alucard> is the reason r2-d2 beeps so much because someone fucked up the alsa drivers?
#882294 (462)
<@jamesG> You know those naruto headbands some people actually wear?
<@jamesG> I remember someone refering to them as "Pussy Deflectors"
<@jamesG> I laughed until I saw a female wearing one...
#882566 (-724)
<PacMan85> fresh fl strawberries
<jedrek> strawberries aren't in season here yet
<PacMan85> well that sucks
<jedrek> not really
<jedrek> i prefer waiting a bit to living in america's hospice
#882587 (650)
<+Lekon> Oddly enough in fable 2 I AM queerbait somehow
<+Lekon> All the gay guys in bowerstone are trying to marry my guy
<+HereticMachine> Sent.
<+Lekon> Its a Halo above my head, not a steering wheel for my mouth bastards.
#882628 (547)
<LivingScarecrow> you want to emulate a chatroom irl? go to a highschool chess club and pass out guns and meth
#882667 (-83)
<Lawlet> Blade
<Lawlet> Take +c off
<@Blade_Serpent> What are you going to DO if I take it off
<Lawlet> Wait until no one's looking, then subject your eyes to the text equivelant of a old man vomiting lucky charms & crayola everywhere, BLade.
<T> That script should need two keys at opposite ends of the room and Congressional authorization.
#883214 (1056)
<&Sir_Jesus> torrents are made of communism
<&Sir_Jesus> from each according to his upload speed, to each according to his download speed
#883338 (929)
<msngchmbl> OH MY GOD
<piardog> ?
<msngchmbl> FUCK
<piardog> it will be even more magically delicious now
#884279 (745)
<Stormscape> If computers get too powerful, we can organize them into a committee -- that will do them in.