#687535 (601)
xxnjbeauty23xx: im also short
xxnjbeauty23xx: but its a good thing for me because im jewish
xxnjbeauty23xx: which means im closer to the pennies
#687603 (800)
<ad_man> ya so me and mitch were sittin in english
<ad_man> and we always had a habit of writing dumb stuff in each other's books
<ad_man> so he writes in my book "adam is a fagget"
<ad_man> what we didn't know was that the teacher was standing behind us
<ad_man> so she says
<ad_man> "it's spelled -ot", and just walked on
#687845 (868)
<Linuxgeek> How do i find the model of my card?
<Serena[T]> your nick is misleading, seriously
#688227 (782)
<Dro0> i dont wanna be alarmist here
<Dro0> but i'm prety sure that the guy trying to configure the core router in chicago
<Dro0> is googling "subnetting"
#688279 (867)
<Haddock> You have to be pretty wasted to typo §
#688766 (406)
puffster: Can you really start a sentence with "With almost 100% accuracy..."?
killdbykangeroos: I think I'm positive you can.
#688824 (358)
<MALF> ebay is where cocaine addicts sell things for profit
<tak> thats what pawn shops are for
<tak> ebay takes too long
<tak> need crack NOW
<spun> but you actually need shit to sell at pawn shops
<spun> ebay you can sell a picture of a laptop
#689328 (1017)
Chico: i would never consider her at all
Chico: shes like 100% emo
Chico: to the bone
QueenRen24: aww, but emo kids are so cut
QueenRen24: e
#689386 (331)
<total_meltdown> Writing to an NTFS filesystem in Linux is like using Windows ME - you /can/ but when it bombs and you lose everything, nobody will feel sorry for you.
#689481 (405)
<jcm> would having a woman as the main character change anything?
<jcm> it would still be GTA
<gwizz> yeah
<gwizz> grand theft alimony
#689521 (844)
<r34en> i'll show her.. one day when i'm 1337 i'll have my own channel and she'll beg me to op her
<r34en> do you know what i'll say
<gary> "how do you add ops?"
#689719 (116)
<andreaskem> All this washin powder pretending to make your clothes whiter
<andreaskem> One day I will invent one that really works
<andreaskem> And I'm going to call it "white pow(d)er"
#689789 (5)
(Jani) the wii is going to get raped in the console war
(Jani) unless xbox360's start exploding like dell laptops
(%Ransom) ps3 will destroy everything
(Jani) including your wallet
#690820 (129)
<freznel> hey got a computer question, if my mother board requires 5 volts, what size power supplies can I use
<seeess> you cant go above the voltage rating on your motherboard
<seeess> so you need a <5v psu
<seeess> or you can use a standard PSU and only plug it in half way
#690961 (533)
<Uki> i don't feel much different, this whole being 21 thing
<Aphelion_> in that case, you did it wrong. go back and try again, this time with more vodka.
#691240 (399)
OhTheCommotion: This "Comedy Central presents..." was brought to me by Windows Vista
OhTheCommotion: But this show came on at the time it was scheduled to come on
OhTheCommotion: So someone is lying to me.
#692014 (800)
<Makenshi`> the creator of the qwerty keyboard must have had a fetish
<Makenshi`> I don't think it's a coincidence that you can type 'stewardess' with one hand
#692739 (781)
<BigNTall> Ohhhh Kay... I'm on some clothing seller forums, and a common theme is how to get a stain out of an otherwise perfect garment. Someone posted a "Guide to removing stains from children's clothing". Possible stains include liquor, wine, and semen
#693037 (1253)
ChaosPid: She was already mad at me and she yelled "I'm gonna kill you"
ChaosPid: and I responded....
ChaosPid: "This is wierd, I swear to god I just heard you offer to make me a cake, but the words didnt match up with your lips at all........but chocolate, I suppose."
Curt: What'd she do?
ChaosPid: She looked like she was gonna die... left the room and then came back a few minutes later.... in a rage.
Curt: LOL.
ChaosPid: I then told her she shouldnt have left, if she wanted to go to the store to buy ingredients, she knew she would need a man to drive her to the store, and then I called her silly.
#693046 (1139)
<Royall> My "e" k y is brok n
<Royall> Oh wait.
#693049 (1333)
<squipple_> hey!
<squipple_> who's got my name with underscore
<_aa_> !
<squipple_> kick them pls
<squipple_> oh wait, I can..hahaha
<_aa_> I don't get it
* squipple_ was kicked by squipple_ (Kick)
<_aa_> lol
<_aa_> did he just kick himself?
<Znarl> There's a good argument against drinking and IRCing.
#693061 (372)
TANNER3000: I decided I'd try Meatball Marinara today.
TANNER3000: It's good, but no cigar.
Luigigamer Golem: You're abusing the idiom.
TANNER3000: No, I meant you'd have a hard time smoking it.
#693244 (479)
<addeman> after some bad experiences with fat chicks I no longer ask their asl
<addeman> instead I ask for their BMI
#693565 (350)
<Ant_> yay. my loan came through. my bank balance is no longer preceeded by a "-".
<SC> You should've tried depositing a negative amount of money.
#693937 (687)
<Swiich> greatest thing ever in 20th century history today in school
<Swiich> teacher was going on about the million man march
<Swiich> this kid raises his hand and says "don't you mean the 600 000 man march?"
<Swiich> teacher says "no, why?"
<Swiich> "well, 600 000 is 3/5ths of a million"