#666537 (701)
<mima> i have found further proof that irc users are the result of an anti-social break in existence.
<mima> i just went into a bunch of different channels, said "SMILE!~ =D" and everyone said, 'wtf?', 'seriously?', 'what?', or i got kicked out.
#666666 (667)
<Brian> Hahaha... I spent two hours just so I could get an evil quote number on bash.
<DaKemoBoy> The only thing evil about that is the time you wasted. :)
#666814 (545)
<Curt^> and mexicans try so hard to goto my land
<Filefragg> electric fences would help
<Curt^> Mexicans would just use them as a power source
#666982 (1056)
<LavenderD> >:)
<LavenderD> Evil smile or sad jew, you decide.
#667273 (2142)
<bi0h4z4r_> north korea is test firing missiles right now
<bi0h4z4r_> on fox news
<@argv[0]> thats where i would test my missiles too
<@argv[0]> fox news headquarters
#667467 (1226)
<@kiafaldorius> is it just me or is it cool that 1337 (string) converted to hex becomes 31333337?
#667490 (2965)
<Pedlya> So I got this really big usb drive, and me and my dad are trying to put shit on it.
*Simpe has entered #cancelled
<Pedlya> my dad said its too big, and I guess it was
<Pedlya> so my mom comes in and is trying to push it in...it still didnt go in
<Pedlya> my brother uses his and it fits fine, so we just use his
* Simpe has quit IRC (I dont want to know dude... )
#667596 (1837)
(Patrick82): i have multiple personalities
(tkam): the one that tells you to kill yourself obviously isn't getting its fair share of time
#667626 (1617)
<Frostfyre> Alright. 5 reasons why I'm convinced that my penis runs Linux.
<Frostfyre> 1. I can create child processes
<Frostfyre> 2. I can handle multiple users on any platform at once.
<Frostfyre> 3. I'm VERY user friendly.
<Frostfyre> 4. I have incredible uptime.
<Frostfyre> and 5. When my system load gets too heavy, I end up dumping my core and the system shuts down.
#667639 (-206)
<leeg> I heard that Vista will support Duke Nukem Forever OOTB
#667677 (308)
<@kazin> why does php have 'echo' and 'print'?  Do they do different things?
<Bluefoxicy> kazin:  echo prints in a big empty room.
#667747 (255)
KrazyKanuk: the canadian customs people rule
KrazyKanuk: i get to the border right, coming from the us
KrazyKanuk: and the guard asks me if i have any weapons in the car
KrazyKanuk: im like, im CANADIAN, what do u think?
KrazyKanuk: he let me through without another word
#667762 (913)
<Ghaleon> I'm a programmer for a company that ports english made games to the japanese market
<PcChip> Make one say "ALL YOUR BASE" in japanese to get back at them.
#667770 (2810)
(sean__) i want to call you with my cell phone whats your #
(@Pain`) (911)-323-4155
(sean__) dude you made me call the cops what the fuck
#667811 (161)
* Digi disconnects
<Eliza> you're still here
* Digi has disconnected
<Eliza> you're still here
* Digi has disconnected
<Eliza> you're still here
* Digi has disconnected
#667868 (888)
<demonotaku_> hate when you fall asleep and your cat jumps on your keyboard
<Facemaker> Yeah, they always talk about you on irc behind your back
#667958 (797)
Boboray202: If Intelligent Design existed, my hand would be self-lubricating!
#668041 (592)
<ilius> I'm a canadian
<ilius> theyre sending me on a peacekeeping mission somewhere undisclosed as of yet
<sanzo> i think you mean "im going to try and stop a genocide in africa without weapons"
#668060 (2855)
kixor: well, how are you going to get around the north american ip ban?
Kovia: duh, last i checked i live in texas
Kovia: and texas is south america
Kovia: way to go, idiot
#668250 (1083)
<rewind> look! I know how to do YMCA!!
<rewind> \o/ |o| /o_ /o\
#668269 (1451)
<jab> I just installed some windows updates
<jab> and then Windows Update told me I had some security vulnerabilities in my windows software
<jab> I click OK and the list of vulnerabilities comes up and one of them says "Internet Explorer is not your default browser."
#668361 (-6)
<@Nefro> so Pirates Of The Caribbean 2 sucked?
<malakian> yeah
<malakian> it sucks hard
<malakian> then swallows, sadly
<malakian> so you dont even see the climax.
#668899 (768)
<Caius> in the last year I've broken the screen on: SE S700i, SE P910i, iPod 40GB, Pentax S6, Palm Zire 72 (and slightly before the last year, Palm M100)
<Libertus> Caius: Have you considered pen and paper?
#668963 (877)
<wordup> i talk very little
<mop> font size 2?
#668964 (1965)
<syc> buddy of mine licked a motherboard once while the machine was running
<syc> no problems
<Skiz> I disagree
<Skiz> your friend has problems