#525428 (506)
[phuong]: zim: smoking harms ur baby
[somdomy]: how does smoking hurt your laptop?
#525429 (151)
<PinkLady> Seen pussygirl pop in and out, but never speak.
<PinkLady> Man, that didn't sound right at all.
<Shiffer-Brains> I think you had her confused with dickman
#525433 (424)
<Breserk> I love your humour :D
<ErectuZ> I love your balls
<Breserk> :/
<ErectuZ> you seen Team America?
<Breserk> Physically?
<Breserk> Nope.
<ErectuZ> oh
<ErectuZ> then that miht have sounded a bit perverted
<Breserk> Yes.
#525435 (-99)
<ChunkyQ> The man's a whore. His balls have seen more chins than a Chinese FedEx employee.
#525436 (-178)
* Quits: Indonesia (Ezcess Flood)
#525439 (885)
<Darth_Blade> Wow.
<Darth_Blade> Word crashes whenever I try to quote the constitution article about human rights. Conspiracy theories anyone? %)
<aetherspoon> heh
<Darth_Blade> But it's really really weird.
<aetherspoon> try openoffice.  It only crashes when you quote Microsoft License Agreements.  :P
#525444 (-71)
<d0ppy> I just had an idea
<d0ppy> If I spray cheese into a condom....
<cdkj>  :/
<d0ppy> I can actually have sex with easy cheese
<cdkj>  get a girlfriend please
#525446 (-471)
<G-nius> Yeah, but smoking is for girls who don't get sex o.o
#525567 (1138)
a_spank_horses: Bro
i_spank_horses: I was driving in a passenger seat of my friends car
i_spank_horses: piss wasted
i_spank_horses: He was driving like 45 mph
i_spank_horses: And there was a mexican guy getting in a truck
i_spank_horses: Close to my side
i_spank_horses: I stuck my hand out the window and smacked his ass
i_spank_horses: and he screamed so loud
i_spank_horses: he thought he got shot
i_spank_horses: I hurt my elbow
i_spank_horses: It was so sick
i_spank_horses: I couldn't breahte for 2 days
i_spank_horses: funniest thing ive ever done
#525930 (31)
<Ali_mastah> so our exam finishes and i go to hand my paper in about 2 mins late, and the tite-arsed teacher says "sorry no more exams to be handed in it's too late you get zero" so i go "DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM!" and she goes all cocky and says "no, i do not" so i go "good" i pick up the papers and slid my exam in somewhere in the middle of them all.
#526017 (-419)
<KOMPRESSOR> guess what i got
<KOMPRESSOR> i got a 100 dollar cigar
<Lurch> wow, don\'t spend it all in one place
#526124 (923)
< teferi> I lost the office pool
< teferi> damn
<+res0> aww, no more swimming at work
#526144 (1464)
<Adjaro> i hate the internet
<Adjaro> i have spent 15 minutes looking for george bush with a lightsaber
<Adjaro> and have found NOTHING
#526250 (203)
Roi: That's all you have to say? Some Dutch minor is hitting on me and you say "see you tomorrow"? Man, don't ever work for the suicide prevention hotline.
#526398 (1897)
<@PaulGonegooley> I just opened the box for my new harddrive
<@PaulGonegooley> it smells like victory
<malicious> the fuck it does
<malicious> opening a new pack of MTG cards.
<malicious> that smells like victory.
<@PaulGonegooley> that smells like never getting laid, ever
<@PaulGonegooley> that's what that smells like
<malicious> fuck you :(
#526546 (-538)
[dark-force] how long is a second?
[[RAA]Ajarn] rofl
[dark-force] ?
[[RAA]Ajarn] that's priceless
#526775 (1067)
<Divarin> that's the thing about binary humor
<Divarin> it either IS funny, or it's NOT
#526888 (612)
<Algorithms> I bet you could pay a person from india to act as an IRC bot for you, for less than a shell account to run an eggdrop.
#526916 (1869)
<mooman> so i saw this number plate on some ricer car today... YAG-108
<mooman> except i saw it in my rear view mirror, so it looked like BOI-GAY
<mooman> i nearly hit the car in front from laughing so hard :/
#526984 (1023)
Cooler1011: can you explain to me why i need to format and/or partition this disc?
Cooler1011: It does not make sense to me.
mrrc00: imagine a giant room
mrrc00: now, throw millions upon millions of identical things into the room
mrrc00: now these things can be used to make larger things, but only if they have some order to them
mrrc00: a filesystem, which you create by formatting, orders those bits
Cooler1011: yo, get a job
Cooler1011: you're qualified
Cooler1011: that really sounds like it came right out of PC Magazine
mrrc00: oh, I'm not surprised
mrrc00: I was pulling it out my ass, after all
#527027 (360)
hbkshowstopper75: For only 15 grand, we could have our own music veriety show. it could be revolutionary televison even it its on at 2am
hbkshowstopper75: i was just pondering the idea today
ianepson: need 15k first
ianepson: and if we saved that much up i can think of much better uses
hbkshowstopper75: it\'s only one thousand 500 dollars
ianepson: uh
ianepson: yea u could buy urself a calculator with whats left over
#527101 (2386)
<remial> gah...
<remial> I was visiting my college roommate earlier today...
<remial> his ex-GF and his daughter were there...
<remial> they were in the other room watching cartoons or something...
<remial> and my friend asked me how my life was going, and I told him that things wre OK but it felt like there was some sort of consperacy to keep me from getting laid...
<remial> his ex GF immediatly calls someone on her Cel phone and says "He knows"
#527125 (2210)
onslaught86: Your spelling's so bad your blood must be type-o.
#527688 (1000)
<Beaph> Whatcha gonna make?
<Alacard2k> Spaghetti, beef stroganoff, or tacos. I don\'t feel like the chicken tonight.
<Beaph> Mmm... Beef Strokin\' off.
<Alacard2k> well it\'s down to two now
#528007 (1532)
<@Aprentice> girls who fuck animals should be put in a mental institute
<Rjx> or on TV