#495715 (2115)
aspuffnstuff: The third one looks like something they used in Star Wards
aspuffnstuff: *Wars
alykat: lol "star wards"
alykat: an epic about a hospital set in space
alykat: "use the forceps, luke"
volcanogirl: come.. to the bed pan. the bed pan!
aspuffnstuff: OBGYN kenobi!
#495760 (3331)
<jack> Urk. I just typed "a" instead of "10"
<anubis> jack : someone must have cast a hex on you
#495887 (1459)
<srty> Light travels faster than sound.
<arilsotil> WRONG
<boya> This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak
#496098 (925)
<Mrs_Grima_Wormtongue> My dad once said that we should just combine Hanukah, Groundhog Day and Easter.  We spin the dreidl, and if it lands on "Nun" Jesus has to stay on the cross for 6 more weeks.
#496182 (678)
Itsm3: Cardboard, when you were little your parents used to tell you to stop making that face or you would be ugly for the rest of your life.
Itsm3: And then they realized. . . you weren't making a face.
CardboardBoxes: :(
#496748 (1878)
<ChapelPaige> Oh tell me why, do we build castles in the sky?
<@Apoc> to make them harder to assault
<ChapelPaige> ...good point.
<@Apoc> Lets see you get a trebuchet up here bitch
#498482 (2114)
Crimson Seiko: Maybe a newer version of AIM obliterated the future?
Crimson Seiko: * feature
#499346 (693)
<Erin> No manners these days ...
<Mitch> yeah
<Erin> like, this policeman last nite
<Erin> there was a breathaliser thing, so we had to stop, n this policeman came up to my mum's window and shone this light right in her eyes
<Erin> and was like "can u see this lite"
<Erin> she like ... "yes sir your shining it in my face"
<Erin> so he goes, "thats what your lights are doing to us, turn them down madam"
<Erin> "its an offence"
<Erin> and didn't even breathalise her.
#499474 (910)
<chanman`> everyone at school is saving for a car
<chanman`> im saving for a server rack
#499609 (487)
<shen> My computer is broadcasting an IP address...
<shen> I wonder if I can annoy the neighbours by broadcasting it REALLY LOUD
#499764 (1001)
<Tonberry> I hate it when people forward me God crap.
<Arch|Ryuugan> lol
<Tonberry> Like 'God is our savior, why should we only worship him on Sundays! We should worship him at work, at school, during sex, yaddayaddayadda.'
<Arch|Ryuugan> Wait... during sex... do I need to, like... pray?
<Tonberry> Well, I think 'Oh, God' is sufficient.
#500125 (2777)
#500338 (1328)
<robotobon> i am a bastard operator from hell
<robotobon> i used to sneek into the server room and unplug ethernet at random and run
<robotobon> then 5 minutes later i'd get a call at my desk
<robotobon> and i'd fix it really fast and be a hero
#500728 (2076)
<Nalah> My mother marks the English national exams.  She was marking one creative writing paper today, and she got to the bottom of the page of one that read "the doctor knelt down beside her and raped her" - she turned the page and it finished "leg in a bandage".  Hehe.
#500874 (3263)
<possessed27> i <3 philosophy
<prop4g4nd4p4nd4> wtf does that mean
<possessed27> rotate it 90 degrees, you foo
<prop4g4nd4p4nd4> wtf
<prop4g4nd4p4nd4> i "ball sac" philosophy?
#500890 (2890)
<Onizuka> ^captain_planet
* UB3R-B0T is now known as Kwame
<Kwame> EARTH
* Kwame is now known as Wheeler
<Wheeler> FIRE
* Wheeler is now known as Linka
<Linka> WIND
* Linka is now known as Gi
* Gi was kicked by Xeiliex (Xeiliex)
* Gi has joined #jasio
* Gi is now known as Ma-ti
<Ma-ti> HEART
* Ma-ti is now known as Everyone
<Everyone> GO PLANET
* Everyone is now known as anonymous
* anonymous is now known as Captain_Planet
<Captain_Planet> I AM CAPTAIN PLANET
<Xeiliex> Moiph, NEVER AGAIN
#501347 (337)
<@Blaxthos> five, i know of no police department that has a year long academy
<@Blaxthos> i call bullshit
<dk|laptop> obviously you haven't watched police academy
#501429 (444)
tj: tho there is this other girl who is like STUNNING i mean... kinda like a blonde cross between avril lavigne and melissa joan hart
@mojo: jesus fucking christ.
@mojo: what is her special power? killing erections?
#501495 (2235)
<Kupo> man
<Kupo> Firefox can fuck itself
<DarknessTear> It can? So THAT's what the Firefox logo is doing.
#501650 (1477)
<RobbiePaul> I'm going to work on an econ paper which states that walmart has hurt america, but not the way most people think
<RobbiePaul> i say by keeping prices low, people that shouldn't survive are able to
#501719 (-871)
rydia 917: I have an insanity test
rydia 917: 1. Do you speak French? Yes No
Daniel: Yes
rydia 917: Yup, you're insane. Only insane people speak French.
#502084 (1882)
* xargs should not drive a bike
<xargs> because...
<xargs>               o       _      _          _
<xargs>      _o      /_    _ \o   (_)__/o   (_)
<xargs>    _< _    _>(_)  (_)/<_     _|     _|/' /
<xargs>   (_)>(_)  (_)         (_)    (_)     (_)'  _o_
<xargs> =(
#503373 (1376)
Mike: give me a good hosting company tag line
Bleys: "We won't go down on you... unless you pay us extra."
Mike: thanks for your help :P
Bleys: no problem ;)
#503423 (1795)
<infoe> silmaril: what about jesus on the cross
<infoe> and he calls to peter
<infoe> and peter tries to approach
<infoe> and the roman guards prevent him with violence
<infoe> they blacken his eye
<infoe> and scuff him up pretty good
<infoe> and jesus calls him again
<infoe> <jesus> peter.
<infoe> and peter cries "i'm coming lord" and throws himself at the guards
<infoe> who beat him roughly and break his arm
<infoe> at which point he whimpers off
<infoe> again jesus calls to peter <jesus> peter...
<infoe> peter yells to christ "i am coming!" and he throws himself at the guards again
<infoe> putting up a vicious struggle but not laying a hand of violence on the guards
<infoe> finally they concent to let him pass
<infoe> and peter .. his broken arm.. badly bruised and slashed makes it before jesus and kneels and says "i am here father what is it that you want of me?"
<infoe> <jesus> peter, i can see your house from here
#505005 (939)
ChronikG: Dude, I'm going to hell. I was typing in a porn site and was about to hit enter when all of a sudden "Jesus Walks" comes on the radio.
TragicEnd: did you still go to the site?
ChronikG: Yea, I figured Jesus just wanted to chill and watch porn with me.