#1337 (941)
<Sharkey> Bah. Searching for 'harlequin hentai' on google turns up my own page at the top of the list.
<Sharkey> This is happening me increasingly often when I go looking for stuff.
#1338 (750)
<Frodo1234> Although it turns out that "non-toxic" isn't synonomous with "great for snacking" when it comes to toys
<Frodo1234> Even though they say that bubble blowing fluid is non toxic, apparently you're still not supposed to chug it
#1341 (317)
<SPD-DMN> i wanna get a 6.5L turbo-diesel and like.. put it into a honda accord
<SPD-DMN> or is that.. put a honda accord into a 6.5L turbo-diesel?
#1343 (746)
(nexxai) Five seconds later, I'm getting the upside of 15Kv across the nipples. (These ambulance guys sure know how to party).
#1344 (931)
<Brentai> Do you ever wonder if Japanese people all laugh at the zany translations they get of American games? "Did you know that in America, 'Super Flamey Skull Man' is named 'Scorpion'?" "Ha ha! Scorpion!"
<gaspump> "Can you believe they wouldn't even LIKE commuter train simulators in America!?!"
#1345 (1570)
<Orm-Riva> I knew a man who had sex with a helicopter once.
<Illandir> ...
<Orm-Riva> Alright, I didn't, I lied to try to impress you.
#1346 (640)
* Sakura02 rips Brentai in half and stabs one half with the other half. >:(
#1348 (1067)
<Sharkey> Why is it whenever I hear the phrase 'Battered Women' I think of fried food?
#1350 (457)
<Sharkey> Man, I'm getting flashbacks from Renegade. Apparently when I was a kid I was so bored I made up little songs to go with the damned music and now it's all coming back to me.
<Sharkey> Nothing remarkable, though. Mostly just little ditties about killing myself.
#1351 (479)
<slyfox> lol
<slyfox> dude! I typed "lol" with my head!!!
#1352 (1036)
* Silkenray throws a blanket over Thor
* CyberThor is soothed by the calming, womb-like combination of warm and dark
#1353 (314)
<Gayo> I went with purple even though two characters wear purple and the first city is made entirely of purple buildings.
<Gayo> Which means that so far the only green is in the little "occupied" lights above the bedroom doors.
<Sharkey> ... that sounds really familiar for some reason. Probably reminding me of some retarded childrens program.
<Sharkey> Something where all the people are purple and live in purple houses and have purple lawns, until mysterious green men come from the moon and everybody learns the wonders of ethnic diversity.
<Sharkey> Well slap ma fro! Where da purple woman at? Where da purple woman at? "Kill the greenie!"
#1354 (988)
<Brentai> I have Q3, but I like playing it about as much as I like trying to suck my own wang.
<Brentai> i.e. it's painful and futile, but once and a while I try to do it just to prove that I can. And I can't.
#1355 (1153)
<McGrue> The truth, like a penis, sometimes slips out at inopportune times.
#1356 (588)
<McGrue> You need messageboards?
<Sharkey> Certainly not 'need'. Probably not even want. I just occasionally have this nagging implacable emptiness that I think a message board might fill.
<Sharkey> Maybe I just need cock.
#1359 (599)
<Starchild> Someone say something clever/interesting/homoerotic, I'm bored.
*** Starchild was kicked by Defcon (All your base are belong to gay men. Sex.)
#1361 (193)
<immi> i want madonnas pussy
<dr\gonzo> besides you putting your penis inside madonna would be like you putting your penis out the window
<dr\gonzo> that shit has to be sooooo loose
#1366 (254)
<MadHatter> kids are out of school for now...
<MadHatter> that means 2x the takeovers
#1367 (290)
(_dev) you go get what you want for supper
(_dev) and i will cook it
(Ashley) wings!
(TwinWorkn) Ashley: with dry weave?
(TwinWorkn) for added panty protection?
#1370 (435)
<diz> i remember sticking lightbright pegs in places they shouldn't go on a girl
#1375 (864)
[Fustard] I just walked out into the living room today
[Fustard] and my mom just randomly went
[Fustard] 'the dog has been masturbating too much, ive never seen it that big'
#1377 (464)
<TheFlux2k> i just teleport everywhere
<TheFlux2k> walking is for faggots
#1379 (1477)
<studmuffn> ive been to one star trek convention, and i was 14
<studmuffn> it was cool. patrick stewart was there
<studmuffn> they told us not to ask why they cant fix baldness in the 24th century
#1380 (565)
[orion] man i had a fucked up dream last night
[orion] i think my maid was fondeling me
[orion] i was being spooned by this chick when she started to finger my asshole, and i was like "wtf is this shit, get that outta me, but i couldn't move"
[orion] so then i finally got all grossed out and woke up
[orion] and my asshole felt funny.
(|Chris) you probably fingered your own ass in your sleep
[orion] nah mang, i smelled my fingahs
#1381 (305)
<Durtro> an army of swedish surgeons couldn't make him a girl.