#451 (110)
<McMoo> my computer doesn't even have a ps/2 port
<RYan-> how do you connect your mouse?
#452 (462)
<ck3k> blaze has a job, it's called "leech off parents"
#453 (383)
<Cennt-> "how did your grandma die"
<Cennt-> "she saw me masturbating"
#459 (205)
<panacea_> im going to the doctor tomorrow morning regarding my thumb
<Lordaerom> panacea_, so much fucking wanking
#461 (424)
<Theseus> get the free like 10 CDs they give you
<Theseus> then write a letter to them signed under your parents name saying you burned all those satan music CDs, and to never send mail to that address again
#462 (820)
<achan> DigDug: 'ascetic' is maybe the word you're looking for
<DigDug> ascetic?
<DigDug> I don't know such a word. :/
<achan> someone who lives a monastic life outside of a monestary
<DigDug> Ahh.
<DigDug> Is there a term for someone who lives a monastic life on the Internet?
<Medieval> yes, e-scetic.
#463 (932)
"The cheek of every American must tingle with shame as he reads the silly,
flat, and dishwatery utterances of the man who has to be pointed out to
intelligent foreigners as the President of the United States."
The Chicago Times review of After Lincoln's Gettysburg Address.
#477 (-887)
"When you sit with a nice girl for two hours, it seems like two minutes.
When you sit on a hot stove for two minutes, it seems like two hours.
That's relativity."
- Albert Einstein
#484 (1022)
"A lot of people wonder how you know you're in love. Just ask yourself this
one question: "Would I mind being financially destroyed by this person?"
- Ronnie Shakes
#513 (673)
<goh`> in my system.ini i'll change 'Shell=Explorer.exe' to 'Shell=quake2.exe'
#514 (304)
<Lathari> jack your ethernet into my ass and we'll have ourselves a REAL Lan party.
#518 (114)
<CrazyDe> did I tell u what I got this girl for christmas?
<CrazyDe> I got her lingerie in 1 box
<CrazyDe> and I put before
<CrazyDe> and in another box
<CrazyDe> I put pajamas in there
<CrazyDe> and put after
#519 (1827)
<smcn> one of these days
<smcn> i'm going to hunt down and kill whoever invented emoticons
<smcn> then i'm going to look at him and go >=D
#522 (133)
<J3anyus> my bellybutton smells worse than my ass
<DigDug> heh
<DigDug> how do you smell your bellybutton?
<J3anyus> digdug: pick all the lint out of it and then smell your finger :
#523 (592)
jaylane0910: oh gross
e l i t e  m r p: ?
jaylane0910: my cmoputer science teacher corrupted the word g-string for me
e l i t e  m r p: heh
jaylane0910: she said she was writing her own string lib
jaylane0910: her name is Gioviana or something
jaylane0910: and she caled it GString
jaylane0910: and shes ugly
jaylane0910: and damn
#524 (570)
<|WizZard|-Sleeping] I'm going to bed now, and you cant stop me from thinking dirty stuff.
#526 (906)
<matt`> <goh`> guilty you spelt speed wrong
<goh`> spelled*
<goh`> you're*
<goh`> you guys are assholes
#530 (414)
* CM[rebirth] annihilates SumDumGoy with a high energy carbon plasma sphere. (Think DragonballZ "fireballs").
* !SumDumGoy pokes CM.
<SumDumGoy> I win.
<CM[rebirth]> Damn! :O
#531 (950)
<Fustard> i should take a picture of my penis like orion, and give it away as a present
<w3nis> maybe you shouldnt
<DigDug> yeah, maybe you shouldn't
<Fustard> yeah maybe i shouldnt
#532 (392)
<kisama> i've spent my last 5 new year's on either irc or aol
#533 (430)
<smcn> it's like richard simmons getting laid
<CodeMason> "ok girl, pump it, oh yes, left, right, left, right, in, out, that's the way!"
#537 (188)
<enex> You have invited Vic Viper to start using Microsoft Windows. Please wait for a response or Cancel (Alt+Q) the pending invitation.
<enex> Vic Viper does not have Microsoft Windows installed and is not able to accept your invitation.
<enex> Look how clever I am! ^_^
#538 (777)
<MadHatter> what you know about people and the way things work I could comfortably pass through the hole in my penis
#539 (1044)
<BobDole> i'm not the real bob dole
<BobDole> but.. i'm just on this nick
<T`karthon> ohh
<Nija_work> had me fooled
<T`karthon> thanks for clearing that up for us
#540 (163)
<hypr> i need jewcases or like paper or plastic things to put cds in :.