#337 (381)
<Ash> Thank God we got it all out before DigDug could quote us. :|
#338 (111)
<starrrr> muhaha i did steal head server of Internet. If push "power" button the hole net will be shutdown. i hate all you Quake Playas!! !! !! uu!! And If i push reset button the whole internet going to DIE!!
#339 (741)
<locust> Hey phil how do I get rid of my ip number
#341 (2098)
<Felon> What is a leet? Is that a type of ferret?
#342 (350)
<OYES> no...like i guess there is a program..unix or something
#343 (497)
(odd42) hey guys: i'm d/l-ing a huge file on a 56k modem but i have an Athlon and GeForce, so do you think i could play q3 at the same time?
#344 (1219)
#345 (1850)
(@X2-down) this is mark eg, he hugged me and creamed in my ear
(@X2-down) er screamed
#346 (3308)
<ethiopia> i'm starving
#347 (379)
(@bart`) bwhahhahahahahah. i think they should send that little girl from the pepsi commercials to cuba too
#348 (162)
(@Bargeld) i went up to this hot norgy chick, and i said "hey, whats up baby?" and she says "ONOuuoIee!"
#349 (1404)
<ping> oh, im ready for the upcoming school year
<End[gone]> i dont think it will be any different
<zxaxox> thats why you have to take a shotgun and MAKE it different.
#350 (772)
<chisoxiest> is it just me... or does eveyone think that quadrapelegics are greedy?
<chisoxiest> "i can't reach that"
<chisoxiest> "i'm not tall enough"
<chisoxiest> i mean c'mon now
#351 (600)
<Twofish> Someone is mounting me every minute
#354 (1613)
*** Penfold has quit IRC (Excess Flood)
*** Penfold (abullard@missing.linc.ox.ac.uk) has joined #keble
<Penfold> Excess flood my arse
<Ganesh> no thanks
#355 (1103)
<Rapture> I wasn't naked! I had a sock on!
#356 (913)
<Rapture> Tsk, it's [new processors] as bad as penis comparisons, really.
<rejs> but penises don't double in performance every 18 months...
#357 (358)
<Chris> nah. I did it twice at the weekend and still have both arms.
#359 (115)
<nou> See, I can give women orgasms just by talking to them.
<Art> Hmm. It generally helps if you plug in *both* ends of an ethernet cable.
#360 (1125)
<sphynx> crushes suck
<sphynx> i hate em
<sphynx> the dilemma, the desperation
<sphynx> the hopes dashed etc
<shirazz> the masturbation
<shirazz> hehehe
<bark> the masturbation is ok.
<Kyoto> hey.. the masturbation is good..
#361 (1840)
<Erik_N> Everyone has a dark secrets... some ppl are killers, some ppl are homo.. I use mac
#362 (719)
<inof> God used fork() to create Eve.
#363 (568)
* inof has reached EOF (End Of Fruhstuck [breakfast]).
<yu-> don't forget to close open descriptors now [wash the dishes] :)
<inof> :-]
<inof> *sigh*... Why isn't it as easy as in Unix?  You just do exit(), and all descriptors are closed automatically.  ;)
#364 (496)
<Santa> anybody know what solaris calls its kernel?
<SfabN> Santa: look into the root dir and look for the biggest file, or look into /stand
<token> biggest file?
<token> "Huh, my kernel is called ``core''" :-)
#365 (162)
<Bamdad> who know how may I turn off my colck on IRCN?
<token> turn off your cock? just use a sharp knife.